Cardionet Vs LifeWatch

We already get much higher dumb ass

You are the dumb ass!!! His point was that you have no study to say you are better and do not deserve the higher price. I will now out sell all you MCOT folks with my Auto triggered, auto send standard event monitor. Everyone pays and the docs get more!!! enjoy the unemployment line!!!

ATs do not have the same algorithm...just look at the notification criteria. Many physicians are greedy and care more about the extra hook up fee that they get from using Holter, ATs or EMs...If CN was able to be hooked up in the office then you can bet that CNs MCOT would be preferred. You know it. AT's don't work just as well in patient care...what good is capturing the data if it sits in the monitor until the patient downloads it? Auto trigger without auto transmission is no more effective that a traditional EM. Read your own response...NOW physicians are starting to use them....this was not the case when the study was planned and conducted. In business, you go after the big fish, not the guppies. In regard to claiming that the study is misleading,...I am amazed that you would suggest that the EPs would falsify data....I don't mind you objecting that the study was not done with ATs, but it is really unprofessional to diminish the study as it compares to EMs by suggesting that it is invalid...If your company thinks ATs are "just as good" as CN's MCOT, then do a study and prove it. Are the studies you use comparing AT's to MCOT, or are they comparing them to EMs? Hmmmmmmmm. Pot calling the kettle black it seems....

There is a study beginnig comparing just that. Tell me exactly how does MCOT work? Do you really know? You have summed your whole argument up by using the fact that the auto transmission feature is the justification. In fact most patients do not let the data build up. Not one person is saying someone falsified data, you just failed to compare to the device which MCOT is more closely related. Autotriggers were being used, they are being used more now that MDs are realizing how MCOT really works. Go catch a big fish!!! You guppie!!!

You are the dumb ass!!! His point was that you have no study to say you are better and do not deserve the higher price. I will now out sell all you MCOT folks with my Auto triggered, auto send standard event monitor. Everyone pays and the docs get more!!! enjoy the unemployment line!!!
You obviously did not read his post, let me put it here for you. "why dont you do a study to justify why a MCT device should get much much higher reimbursement than an AT." You want to try speaking for him again? Please tell us what else he meant.

Not too bright are you? You won't be any competition. Have fun peddling your little event monitor while the big boys are selling MCOT.

If EMs are so useless and CN,LW, EC have the feet on the streets, then why doesn't MCOT have more market share? Why is holter and/or EM still around. Better yet, why doesn't MCOT have all the market share?

You are the dumb ass!!! His point was that you have no study to say you are better and do not deserve the higher price. I will now out sell all you MCOT folks with my Auto triggered, auto send standard event monitor. Everyone pays and the docs get more!!! enjoy the unemployment line!!!

Have any of you read the head to head with LOOPs showing 3x better??? Funny, this study was so powerful, it took MCOT off investigational status with the insurance companies like Aetna who had previuosly stopped paying for it....Guess their medical advisory boards don't know what they are doing..... Everyone pays for your auto trigger bc it is a LOOP...Again, compare your notification criteria to MCOT....Like you said, you just have a "standard event monitor". Hey...stop the name calling...graduate from preschool boys.

There is a study beginnig comparing just that. Tell me exactly how does MCOT work? Do you really know? You have summed your whole argument up by using the fact that the auto transmission feature is the justification. In fact most patients do not let the data build up. Not one person is saying someone falsified data, you just failed to compare to the device which MCOT is more closely related. Autotriggers were being used, they are being used more now that MDs are realizing how MCOT really works. Go catch a big fish!!! You guppie!!!

You have got to tell me where you went to school...Did you go even to college? Why would a company do a study to a device with the lowest market share? THe study was in the EP journals in 2007....Do you even know what your market share was at that time, or prior to that? If MOST offices were using Holters and EMs, why would they care about a head to head study MCOT vs Auto a time when neither was standard practice? Whatever business you have now, you owe to MCOT for opening the door to new technology and getting mds to try something new...WOuld love to see the study, but we wont bc it will not show anything and your company will not publish it...or if they do, it will be in The Readers DIgest...not a peer review journal. Go back to need the education

If EMs are so useless and CN,LW, EC have the feet on the streets, then why doesn't MCOT have more market share? Why is holter and/or EM still around. Better yet, why doesn't MCOT have all the market share?

Where have you been? Up until recently, there was no dedicated CPT code for the technology, so reimbursement was not straightforward....Drs like to get paid. It is irresponsible to think that any technology would have ALL of the market share due to Insurance coverage, DX, patient type, etc. What you guys don't seem to get is that there is a place for each class of monitor...know your place and go after that business. One size does not fit all in medicine. Talk to a respected physician and you will discover the truth

Where have you been? Up until recently, there was no dedicated CPT code for the technology, so reimbursement was not straightforward....Drs like to get paid. It is irresponsible to think that any technology would have ALL of the market share due to Insurance coverage, DX, patient type, etc. What you guys don't seem to get is that there is a place for each class of monitor...know your place and go after that business. One size does not fit all in medicine. Talk to a respected physician and you will discover the truth

But that is not how MCOT is being promoted. It is being promoted one size fits all. That is the pressure reps are under, not getting paid for ems, heck, LW even decided not to manufacturer them any more. All to push mds to MCOT.

First, they asked how a MD gets paid that much, so the question was answered. Secondly, are you really that fucking stupid, or do you not know what you are talking about? MOST do a fee for service and global bill.

If you bill medicare pts like that, it is fraud!!!!! Doc is profiting from a service they do not perform.

First, they asked how a MD gets paid that much, so the question was answered. Secondly, are you really that fucking stupid, or do you not know what you are talking about? MOST do a fee for service and global bill.

You really think that is the way it is done nationally? What is required from the account to do this? What can your company charge the md, are there any limitations to how low you can go in fee? You might want to check your sources, most mds bill hook up and interp only.