I love posts like yours, I truly get a nice laugh out of it. What you do not realize is we have a relationship with your so called "God" of monitors Braemar. We buy the exact same device minus the "phone" part from them and have for 5 years now. They approached us about this device and we do not see a need for it, but do not kid yourself they let us know the status of what you are doing with it and how it is doing in hopes that we do buy it someday, which may happen if Hell freezes over! But in 6 months your exclusivity will run up with Braemar and anyone can have it if they want to, doubt there will be any takers. We nut up and build our own MCOT devices. The algorithm in your "phone" device is the same we have in our Event monitors we still use sometimes. So congrats, you have the same event monitor as us with more overhead on your end, enjoy that.
Lets talk about cell coverage? What do you do when you have a patient that lives in the sticks?? What was that? SOL? We are able to still handle those patients through the land line base, which is the only time the "base" is used. How can you handle those tricky patients? Oh yea you can not HAHA.
Also tell me, how is your Base Salary? Oh wait you do not have one of those? Sorry, better start selling. To bad you are always going to be reimbursed as a Event monitor, you could make more commissions if you guys could bill like a MCOT, but you can't.
Patient can self activate the device per symptoms, which tells me you must be very new to this industry. Dumb Ass who told you they could not, it is a touch screen LCD monitor on the phone, pretty slick, we can also fetch all 21 days of arrhythmias if we needed to, what is your memory?
Congrats on your little article about the new monitor, very CUTE, have you checked out our Stock ticker? You can check us out daily. Stay posted. I could run circles around your idiotic stupidity and just flat cluelessness, lets be honest which team would you rather be on if given a straight up choice?