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Cardionet Vs LifeWatch

Biomedical- out of St Louis- . All indications are the device is similiar to yours, no facts yet. Mednet will have a device which was done in conjunction with Philips Medical. No need to worry about Medicomp, by the way their current device does not look at PWave Morphology. ECardio is getting some looks, the Biotronix pacer reps are talking about it some. Believe it or not, Biotronix does have some good relationships. Not worried about them either.

Does anyone know any Biomedical reps? Mednet reps?

Thanks for the info! Biotronik is working with eCardio? Have you heard any info regarding a company called Biowatch out of SC?

Also, I researched Medicomp's website and it states they do have p-wave morphology and AF Burden?? Does anyone else have AF burden or p-wave technology?

Ecardio is a joke, reps will starve and need to move on very soon, on top of that the device sucks. What is Biomedical coming out with, I am not familiar with them accept the fact they only use the King of Hearts. What type of device are they coming out with?

Wow, you are so clueless. Do your research prior to opening that pie hole of yours. eCardio uses Braemar, and it so happens they have a new device just launched that's going to bury Cardionet. Here you go: http://biz.yahoo.com/prnews/080612/aqth077.html?.v=46

Unlike Cardionets device, it's not some suitcase that arrives to patients doorstep, it's a single unit TTM with no base required...it's called "better patient compliance."
You boneheads can go run your mouths off all you want but your going down, it's just a matter of time.
And BTW, you guys have some pretty shady reps that go about trash mouthing everyone, but that tells me your not so confident in your product after all. In addition, because of your cell phone technology doesn't allow for self activation it places the patient at risk when out of cell phone range and that's why third parties want nothing to do with reimbursing you for the service and that's why your having all the reimbursement issues. Just call it like it is.

Wow, you are so clueless. Do your research prior to opening that pie hole of yours. eCardio uses Braemar, and it so happens they have a new device just launched that's going to bury Cardionet. Here you go: http://biz.yahoo.com/prnews/080612/aqth077.html?.v=46

Unlike Cardionets device, it's not some suitcase that arrives to patients doorstep, it's a single unit TTM with no base required...it's called "better patient compliance."
You boneheads can go run your mouths off all you want but your going down, it's just a matter of time.
And BTW, you guys have some pretty shady reps that go about trash mouthing everyone, but that tells me your not so confident in your product after all. In addition, because of your cell phone technology doesn't allow for self activation it places the patient at risk when out of cell phone range and that's why third parties want nothing to do with reimbursing you for the service and that's why your having all the reimbursement issues. Just call it like it is.

I love posts like yours, I truly get a nice laugh out of it. What you do not realize is we have a relationship with your so called "God" of monitors Braemar. We buy the exact same device minus the "phone" part from them and have for 5 years now. They approached us about this device and we do not see a need for it, but do not kid yourself they let us know the status of what you are doing with it and how it is doing in hopes that we do buy it someday, which may happen if Hell freezes over! But in 6 months your exclusivity will run up with Braemar and anyone can have it if they want to, doubt there will be any takers. We nut up and build our own MCOT devices. The algorithm in your "phone" device is the same we have in our Event monitors we still use sometimes. So congrats, you have the same event monitor as us with more overhead on your end, enjoy that.
Lets talk about cell coverage? What do you do when you have a patient that lives in the sticks?? What was that? SOL? We are able to still handle those patients through the land line base, which is the only time the "base" is used. How can you handle those tricky patients? Oh yea you can not HAHA.
Also tell me, how is your Base Salary? Oh wait you do not have one of those? Sorry, better start selling. To bad you are always going to be reimbursed as a Event monitor, you could make more commissions if you guys could bill like a MCOT, but you can't.
Patient can self activate the device per symptoms, which tells me you must be very new to this industry. Dumb Ass who told you they could not, it is a touch screen LCD monitor on the phone, pretty slick, we can also fetch all 21 days of arrhythmias if we needed to, what is your memory?
Congrats on your little article about the new monitor, very CUTE, have you checked out our Stock ticker? You can check us out daily. Stay posted. I could run circles around your idiotic stupidity and just flat cluelessness, lets be honest which team would you rather be on if given a straight up choice?

I love posts like yours, I truly get a nice laugh out of it. What you do not realize is we have a relationship with your so called "God" of monitors Braemar. We buy the exact same device minus the "phone" part from them and have for 5 years now. They approached us about this device and we do not see a need for it, but do not kid yourself they let us know the status of what you are doing with it and how it is doing in hopes that we do buy it someday, which may happen if Hell freezes over! But in 6 months your exclusivity will run up with Braemar and anyone can have it if they want to, doubt there will be any takers. We nut up and build our own MCOT devices. The algorithm in your "phone" device is the same we have in our Event monitors we still use sometimes. So congrats, you have the same event monitor as us with more overhead on your end, enjoy that.
Lets talk about cell coverage? What do you do when you have a patient that lives in the sticks?? What was that? SOL? We are able to still handle those patients through the land line base, which is the only time the "base" is used. How can you handle those tricky patients? Oh yea you can not HAHA.
Also tell me, how is your Base Salary? Oh wait you do not have one of those? Sorry, better start selling. To bad you are always going to be reimbursed as a Event monitor, you could make more commissions if you guys could bill like a MCOT, but you can't.
Patient can self activate the device per symptoms, which tells me you must be very new to this industry. Dumb Ass who told you they could not, it is a touch screen LCD monitor on the phone, pretty slick, we can also fetch all 21 days of arrhythmias if we needed to, what is your memory?
Congrats on your little article about the new monitor, very CUTE, have you checked out our Stock ticker? You can check us out daily. Stay posted. I could run circles around your idiotic stupidity and just flat cluelessness, lets be honest which team would you rather be on if given a straight up choice?

Blah, blah, blah, I stopped reading your post at "I love reading post like yours," because honestly to go on would be a waste of my time. I will throw you a bone and encourage you to finish out riding your little wave because it will soon come to an end. Take your hot air back in to pharma and let the professionals handle it from here.

I love posts like yours, I truly get a nice laugh out of it. What you do not realize is we have a relationship with your so called "God" of monitors Braemar. We buy the exact same device minus the "phone" part from them and have for 5 years now. They approached us about this device and we do not see a need for it, but do not kid yourself they let us know the status of what you are doing with it and how it is doing in hopes that we do buy it someday, which may happen if Hell freezes over! But in 6 months your exclusivity will run up with Braemar and anyone can have it if they want to, doubt there will be any takers. We nut up and build our own MCOT devices. The algorithm in your "phone" device is the same we have in our Event monitors we still use sometimes. So congrats, you have the same event monitor as us with more overhead on your end, enjoy that.
Lets talk about cell coverage? What do you do when you have a patient that lives in the sticks?? What was that? SOL? We are able to still handle those patients through the land line base, which is the only time the "base" is used. How can you handle those tricky patients? Oh yea you can not HAHA.
Also tell me, how is your Base Salary? Oh wait you do not have one of those? Sorry, better start selling. To bad you are always going to be reimbursed as a Event monitor, you could make more commissions if you guys could bill like a MCOT, but you can't.
Patient can self activate the device per symptoms, which tells me you must be very new to this industry. Dumb Ass who told you they could not, it is a touch screen LCD monitor on the phone, pretty slick, we can also fetch all 21 days of arrhythmias if we needed to, what is your memory?
Congrats on your little article about the new monitor, very CUTE, have you checked out our Stock ticker? You can check us out daily. Stay posted. I could run circles around your idiotic stupidity and just flat cluelessness, lets be honest which team would you rather be on if given a straight up choice?

This is the best post ever! Thank you! Ecardio and all the other event monitoring companies are so far behind the technology curve. They all offer the same thing only with a different logo on it! Are they seriously comparing a wireless event monitor to MCOT! That cracks me up and makes for some good comedy!

Blah, blah, blah, I stopped reading your post at "I love reading post like yours," because honestly to go on would be a waste of my time. I will throw you a bone and encourage you to finish out riding your little wave because it will soon come to an end. Take your hot air back in to pharma and let the professionals handle it from here.

Excuse me SIR, but never been in Pharma and there is a reason for it. I Am the professional handling it and handling it well, and would Sale circles around your sorry little ass.
Little wave, does that little wave include a CMS CPT code that comes out next year? Does that little wave include lots and lots of money being poured into RSD with the cash flow we have from our stock? That little wave looks more promising then your calm seas.

Excuse me SIR, but never been in Pharma and there is a reason for it. I Am the professional handling it and handling it well, and would Sale circles around your sorry little ass.
Little wave, does that little wave include a CMS CPT code that comes out next year? Does that little wave include lots and lots of money being poured into RSD with the cash flow we have from our stock? That little wave looks more promising then your calm seas.

MCOT is a flawed Study!
Note: The company appears to weigh heavily on their study published in the Jouranl of Cardiovascualr electrophysiology in the year 2007 to promote themselves. Dr Prystowsky has served as an advisor or consultant for CardioNet and Medtronic. Dr Prystowsky has indicated that he has received grants for clinical research from Boston Scientific and Medtronic. He has received grants for educational activities from Boston Scientific, Medtronic and St Jude. He has given lectures for Boston Scientific and also declares owning stock, stock options, or bonds in CardioNet. In my opinion, cardionet has the responsibility to offer an explanation to the public about this what appears to be a conflict of interest. Investors may be better off to wait before more earnings and data free of conflict of interest evolves before putting their money here.
Funny how this disclosure is not made in the MCOT study that Cardionet likes to distribute.

MCOT is a flawed Study!
Note: The company appears to weigh heavily on their study published in the Jouranl of Cardiovascualr electrophysiology in the year 2007 to promote themselves. Dr Prystowsky has served as an advisor or consultant for CardioNet and Medtronic. Dr Prystowsky has indicated that he has received grants for clinical research from Boston Scientific and Medtronic. He has received grants for educational activities from Boston Scientific, Medtronic and St Jude. He has given lectures for Boston Scientific and also declares owning stock, stock options, or bonds in CardioNet. In my opinion, cardionet has the responsibility to offer an explanation to the public about this what appears to be a conflict of interest. Investors may be better off to wait before more earnings and data free of conflict of interest evolves before putting their money here.
Funny how this disclosure is not made in the MCOT study that Cardionet likes to distribute.

If you have ever had the pleasure of reading the MCOT study that is the main one you speak of you will find Dr. Prystowsky is no where in it, DIP SHIT! Has he done case studies and other things to demonstrate the value of MCOT, yes, is his name on other things yes. Was he involved in the MCOT study NO. All you have to do is take a look at the study itself before you open your fat mouth. Most people respect Dr. Prystowsky weather they care for him or not they respect his work and insight. You name the 3 biggest companies in CRM that he has been a part of or still is. What the HELL does that tell you? They are both BILLION dollar companies. Tells any person with common sense how they feel about his work or they all would not be begging for it. Trust me he is not going to them begging for it, he is being approached for a reason. I like the line that has CardioNet and Medtronic in the same sentence, what does that tell you, BIG PLAYER< WATCH THE @^$#@ OUT!
Now go find your largest Internest doctor that likes your device and get him to speak for you at a lunch with a group of EP's, I am sure they would listen.

I don't have a dog in this race. However, this is a story I heard... MD ordered a Cardionet device, five days later no device ever came or no body came to hook up patient. Patient ends up going back to MD's, they gave the pt an event recorder. Two days later patient has a run of SVT and gets a device implanted.

No matter how great the "technology" or how "far ahead of the curve you are", this kind of service will most likely be the downfall of all.

I work for a major device company and was lead to this site because it is creating quite the stir... the rants and posts are drawing attention. You all have good products... Now, shut up, quit bashing everyone else and focus on taking care of the patients. There is plenty of business to go around. I like the technology because it helps my implants. However, in this case my implant came from an "event recorder" this outdated technology you all bash.

You are 100% correct, and I could not agree more. If Medtronic fails, the MD can go to St Jude etc.. If we continue to fail, the MD can use anyone else and get some results. We would argue not the same results, but in this case the results were useful and what the MD needed. Some results are better than no results. 5 days is completely unacceptable, but this happens everyday for a number of reasons eg. no insurance coverage, missing info on forms, patient not calling back. Not always our fault, but if it happens too many times, offices will go somewhere else.

Back to the original question: BEWARE of CardioNet and LifeWatch....they both suck and there is little $$$ to be made. Don't waste your time, Dr's have bad things to say about both companies....very little difference and most patients don't want to wear the damn thing anyway. Put your efforts into getting with a company that can give you some true experience that matters. GOOD LUCK!

LifeWatch has no leadership or sales strategy. The device is a glorified autosend event monitor with horrible reports. I will be surprised if this company can make it another year considering the poor leadership. However, CardioNet is no better and has nothing more to offer. Most cardiologists bitch about their CardioNet experience from poor sales reps, lack of customer service and reimbursement issues. Patients get stuck with hefty bills. Let's face it the patient experience dictates everything.

Wow, you are so clueless. Do your research prior to opening that pie hole of yours. eCardio uses Braemar, and it so happens they have a new device just launched that's going to bury Cardionet. Here you go: http://biz.yahoo.com/prnews/080612/aqth077.html?.v=46

Unlike Cardionets device, it's not some suitcase that arrives to patients doorstep, it's a single unit TTM with no base required...it's called "better patient compliance."
You boneheads can go run your mouths off all you want but your going down, it's just a matter of time.
And BTW, you guys have some pretty shady reps that go about trash mouthing everyone, but that tells me your not so confident in your product after all. In addition, because of your cell phone technology doesn't allow for self activation it places the patient at risk when out of cell phone range and that's why third parties want nothing to do with reimbursing you for the service and that's why your having all the reimbursement issues. Just call it like it is.

Braemar has never made anything that works yet. There AF device is complete shit and ecardio claims to be able to interface with several different EMR's which they can't. Ecardio is a flash in the pan. Cardionet is the culmination of two companies that were on the brink of bankruptcy. There only hope is an IPO. As for Lifewatch what an abortion. They ship their AF device now with the AF trigger off. I am sure that this is confidence builder for your devices. Lifewatch made the grand mistake of paying 30M for IMX which was worth about 5M, 17M for QDS which was worth about 10M and 18M for Lifewatch which was teetering into insolvency. They have never made more than 3 percent of net profit and this is their last stand with ACT. The one thing they are forgetting is that Medicare and Private Insurances will limit MCOT technology to patients with specific morphology i.e. unexplained syncope. They will also require a previous Holter and event monitor. This should limit your total MCOT population to about 15 percent of the total market. This is a no growth market and a very low revenue market. I predict that Lifewatch or Cardionet will fail within 18 months. It will probably be Cardionet because Lifewatch does have deep pockets back in Tel Aviv. Lesson to be learned this still a mom and pop business.

So would the overall advice be to run in the opposite direction should either company offer me a position? Sounds like i should keep looking for a better more stable opportunity

All companies have the good and the bad. They all have something to offer.
MCOT vs event monitor? Same situation. Appropriate patient use. Medicare will mandate several things and will cut the reimbursement. My question is this... Why have some of the top Cardionet people left? Was it choice or force? Why did the top people at PDS leave, same question, I heard the PDS leadership was sharp. Why not stay around?

From where I sit, again not a dog in the race, it comes down to service. Every monitoring company seems to have real issues with service. I am seeing an increase in the number of implantable event recorders being ordered. I think doctors are becoming frustrated with the cost and sometimes inconveince in service. They are telling me that the MCOT reps are starting to act stuck on themselves. I know it can be easy to do, trust me I know. Also FYI-- if you are a monitoring rep- ditch the scrubs.

Find a core business philosophy ( service, price, etc. ) and focus on that. Those companies that do will survive. Those just in it to create stock prices will fall by the way side. Happens everyday.

SERIOUS GOLF CLAP regarding the "ditch the scrubs"..... that is funny!! (YOU ARE NOT A DEVICE REP.!)

This industry is low rent. Go get a real device job. This industry is maybe, just maybe one step up above pharm reps.

Medicare reimbursement will continue to be lowered and is on the radar for cutbacks.

Lifewatch is a decent company when it just focused on AF monitors.

As one poster pointed out the companies they bought are laughing all the way to the bank.

The mgt. is a total joke. Think about all the imposters they have had over the years running this company. They are poorly ran from a financial aspect and they continue to run off good people. Now, some might argue that the reps. they have let go - got lazy and just rested on their base and didn't go out and get new accounts. From what I hear, they are not even paying comm. on events and only paying on ACT. Sales reps. are upset regarding moral, commission payouts, and mgt., etc.