$2 to 10 is great except that it went public at $18. It was $15 when Joe started. The past year has been great, but lets not forget where it started.
Don't forget what the going rate for MCOT was at that time too - if we were still getting that kind of money the stock would be over $20.
Come on man - where is your faith in our leadership team? Don't you know that NOVUS is coming? CardioKey and the huge holter reimbursement that comes with it is going to save the day! INR is going to make us all rich - you just need to stay focused and work those ED's and Neuros in the meantime. Go work on some PPM deals while you are at it.
Who cares - they are not the problem. Newer, better smaller is the problem. Not having a forecast mid month is also a problem but nobody wants to hear about that.
Agreed. Long term. Short term however, there are some opportunities to take advantage of LWs issues and increase market share for like products. LW moral low, future unknown.
don't forget the red bull chaser - bull being the appropriate word - we won't have them in our hands until next Friday - I guarantee it.
Your guarantee won’t hold water. Don’t know as much as you think you do.