
Yes yes yes finally some good news, the team was able to squeak out a revenue increase by delaying an order.
And the pump and dump team is working it working it working it selling into good news,
Good words... still losing revenue conservatively of course...
The team has to milk it til the cow is dead.

What no dividend on this fantastic news?

You suck

Yes yes yes finally some good news, the team was able to squeak out a revenue increase by delaying an order.
And the pump and dump team is working it working it working it selling into good news,
Good words... still losing revenue conservatively of course...
The team has to milk it til the cow is dead.

What no dividend on this fantastic news?

You suck

Big yawn. $3m loss and down to $60m in cash. Look out below.

Stock really popped this morning after that great news!!


successful quarter with double digit revenue growth and enhanced margins probably due to the product mix. Net profit still in the red but getting smaller and shrinking. The push is now for a successful 3rd and 4th quarter to close out the year strong. Actions needed. Add to the sales team to enhance organic growth. Continue to cut heads where needed. A good 10% in payroll reduction could help reduce operating expenses. Leverage opportunities to license proprietary products and/or establish partnerships through either a shared profit agreement or a merger or even an acquisitions to enhance growth numbers and reduce redundant operations. The next 2 quarters are telling and if the board is thinking short term the strategy is to load up on revenue and get a good multiple on a sale when the shop the company. If it is long term then the only way to survive is to enhance products and merge into another company. Good luck on the next 2 quarters. And wishing the surviving staff luck It’s up to you now. Also to my fellow staff members. If you are sitting around doing the minimum or not doing much work, trust me you will be next to go. Get your asses up and get some work done onsite and stop the bullshit working from home crap. It makes you look like an idiot and you know who you are. Get work done!!!

"trust me you will be next to go. Get your asses"

And we shall know them by their donkey crap.
Thank you this motivation.
Some incompetents shall be known by the size of the crap slinging or unjustified bonus.

Still losing, sucker

successful quarter with double digit revenue growth and enhanced margins probably due to the product mix. Net profit still in the red but getting smaller and shrinking. The push is now for a successful 3rd and 4th quarter to close out the year strong. Actions needed. Add to the sales team to enhance organic growth. Continue to cut heads where needed. A good 10% in payroll reduction could help reduce operating expenses. Leverage opportunities to license proprietary products and/or establish partnerships through either a shared profit agreement or a merger or even an acquisitions to enhance growth numbers and reduce redundant operations. The next 2 quarters are telling and if the board is thinking short term the strategy is to load up on revenue and get a good multiple on a sale when the shop the company. If it is long term then the only way to survive is to enhance products and merge into another company. Good luck on the next 2 quarters. And wishing the surviving staff luck It’s up to you now. Also to my fellow staff members. If you are sitting around doing the minimum or not doing much work, trust me you will be next to go. Get your asses up and get some work done onsite and stop the bullshit working from home crap. It makes you look like an idiot and you know who you are. Get work done!!!

This is a good synopsis. I know many people in many departments we either don’t need or don’t do jack shit. These people HAVE to go. They are working at 0 to 20% of their capacity when we all should be ON SITE everyday and at 100% capacity. You weak ass staff are bringing down the company. You also have bombastic idiots I’ve seen mentioned that I agree should be let go to improve the culture (VF the jelly donut) and incompetent and unprofessional HR namely DS and top heavy departments in IT. Final message. Get off your asses and so some work or leave and get another job and we will find someone that will do the job that you are suppose to do.

Carefully worded Q2, still losing 13million a quarter, buried in lab wind down.


This is a crock of mold on a turd.

Need the leadership cfo, ceo to explain this!
Anybody, anybody,

Fluff, fluffy, flabber, jabber

This is a good synopsis. I know many people in many departments we either don’t need or don’t do jack shit. These people HAVE to go. They are working at 0 to 20% of their capacity when we all should be ON SITE everyday and at 100% capacity. You weak ass staff are bringing down the company. You also have bombastic idiots I’ve seen mentioned that I agree should be let go to improve the culture (VF the jelly donut) and incompetent and unprofessional HR namely DS and top heavy departments in IT. Final message. Get off your asses and so some work or leave and get another job and we will find someone that will do the job that you are suppose to do.

LS is losing millions and not much will change. Terminating more employees won't make the company profitable. This place is too far gone and leadership has no clue how to.grow the business.

LS is losing millions and not much will change. Terminating more employees won't make the company profitable. This place is too far gone and leadership has no clue how to.grow the business.
Whether profitable or not still need to get rid of the dead wood and all of the work from home pretend staff. Any company would do that. They are lazy and driving to company down.

Whether profitable or not still need to get rid of the dead wood and all of the work from home pretend staff. Any company would do that. They are lazy and driving to company down.

Everyone is hiding either by fictitiously working from Home, or walking around Executive Blvd. Need to purge and bring in better talent. Highly paid individuals with big titles and no knowledge, no motivation, and no drive. Worthless pieces of shit. You know who you are when you read this,

Everyone is hiding either by fictitiously working from Home, or walking around Executive Blvd. Need to purge and bring in better talent. Highly paid individuals with big titles and no knowledge, no motivation, and no drive. Worthless pieces of shit. You know who you are when you read this,

TRUTH. I know who they are

Big game of hide and seek at 80 exec today trying to build up morale. Kc thinking she’s got everyone duped as a manikin in her office. Mc trying to hide behind the copy machine, Ds try to act like a coat hanger and Vf gave up and is just guarding the vending machines so nobody steals her favorite snacks.

Big game of hide and seek at 80 exec today trying to build up morale. Kc thinking she’s got everyone duped as a manikin in her office. Mc trying to hide behind the copy machine, Ds try to act like a coat hanger and Vf gave up and is just guarding the vending machines so nobody steals her favorite snacks.

must have been a solar eclipse or a rare event to see all 3 in the office at the same time. Would have been a blessing to see VF orbiting around executive Blvd as well. The perception is working hard but the reality is hardly working. I always know what day of the week it is based on who is at work. Sad.

must have been a solar eclipse or a rare event to see all 3 in the office at the same time. Would have been a blessing to see VF orbiting around executive Blvd as well. The perception is working hard but the reality is hardly working. I always know what day of the week it is based on who is at work. Sad.

No more rah rah from all the female superstars leading the charge. Only a matter of time until more cuts take place. Don't be fooled, everyone I talk with is looking for an exit.

No more rah rah from all the female superstars leading the charge. Only a matter of time until more cuts take place. Don't be fooled, everyone I talk with is looking for an exit.
Read institutional smart money is exiting,
The pump n dump team needs new vigor.
Time to bring out the superstars newest prong in the multiprong approach.
Run for it

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