
We've heard the spin before. Driving future growth and increase shareholder value.

  • improved profitability - you mean lower losses!
  • return to revenue growth
  • cost containment
  • increased demand for products
  • multi-pronged channel to market approached - what does that even mean?
  • manufacturing improvements
  • realignment of product portfolio
Why not state Q1 revenue? Why not schedule a call? Answer questions? Discuss strategy?

So Hamid gets 2.5
Closed sale for 113
Borrowed about 7mil in 10% convertibles
Revenue not mentioned in press release.
No unwinding of lab operation
And only have 68 in cash


Did the gnomes hide the cash at Gringotts

Or is board and interim club hiding it up their arses

Investors should demand

The Q1 revenue precovid was the same.

Again an amazing result, of unlocking the value of secret potions
Blowing 40 million on mashed potatos, Yum

Spin masters have trouble being timely now we know why.
Pull me a fast one, clown show

Continue to be amazed by these incompetent fools

New addituons to the BOD will have no effect when you have a legacy management team (Elazar's Puppets) who were directly responsible for creating the disaster that exists.