Car choices are horrible here!

People screaming entitlement either:

1.Are ok with some of the worst benefits in the industry.

2. Have never worked anywhere else so they don't know they have some of the worst benefits of the industry.

3. Don't understand the VALUE of benefits.

4. Are the perfect example of the people at Lilly and are the reason for the lack of benefits.

Whatever the reason, I agree with the posters that understand the reality of this company and the lack of choices.

And for people saying go be a teacher then - no. You are also part of the problem. With your thinking, are you saying that you donate your salary? Do you give away your bonus? Based off your logic, it is not right for you to make more than minimum wage. Do you understand how uneducated you sound?

No one is asking for a Rover, we just want options. The car here is not free. We pay for it. Other companies understand the NEED for field to have decent and SAFE cars. Other companies give multiple choices of cars to select from. Multiple companies give the option to upgrade certain features like a sunroof, or bigger vehicles like a full size SUV. Multiple companies even give the option of a car allowance and mile reimbursement.

Other companies VALUE and RESPECT their field reps, and understand we keep the lights on. Look around the parking lots and see the differences between us and other reps. Talk to them about their benefits. Ask about their car choices and how much they pay each month for it. Ask about their health insurance and how much they pay for it. Ask how many plan options they have for their health insurance. ( I guarantee they have more than our 2 with the same carrier) Ask about their overall benefit package.

It also is a HUGE liability to Lilly. The message to us in the field is we don't care about you and your safety. The message is we are going to punish you if you are over 6 feet tall and put you in a commercial vehicle with no vents. The message is exactly what some of the people on the post are saying - that field should be thankful that reps even have a car! Do you understand how that sounds? We are field sales people! We need a car to get from one office to the next. The car isn't a benefit that we should be thankful for, is a job requirement!

We pay for the use of our vehicle, but we don't have any options for our vehicle choices. We pay for the use of our vehicles, but I am paying for a car that barely has power locks. We pay for the use of our vehicle, but it isn't safe to have kids in the backseat because there are no vents.

These are facts. This is not entitlement. That is industry standard. This is a huge safety concern. This is a company liability issue.

Please do your homework on the definition of benefits. Please speak with other reps at other companies. Please educate yourself. You clearly have never worked at any other companies. Wanting industry standard benefits is not being entitled. Wanting to feel valued and respected is not entitlement. Expectations of my SAFETY in a vehicle that I am in ALL DAY is not entitlement.

The person in charge of fleet needs to understand the value of us in the field. They need to understand industry standards. They need to understand that it is a huge safety problem. They need to understand that we reps will gladly give up our free Sirius for car options.

Moral of my post:

It is NOT entitlement to feel safe. It is NOT entitlement to feel respected. It is NOT entitlement to want to be treated like an adult.

Then please leave if it’s that bad. And get to work. Constant bitching isn’t selling anything.
I hope you respect your customers and peers better than you seem here. Enough
Not worth arguing with someone who keeps whining about his car and everything else.

"value of us in the field"

Oh, please. It's an entry-level position that is scripted out for you. The position adds more overhead than value and will continue to shrink in importance. The Trump administration is increasing the pressure for us to drastically reduce prices. As a result, compensation and benefits will continue to decline. Lilly is not behind the industry when it comes to compensation; they are ahead of the curve. All of the pharma industry is heading in this direction. If your temperament can't handle it, you need to go elsewhere.

You have obviously drank the Lilly kool-aid and I guarantee you are one of those 10-15 years + Lilly employees. This post is exactly why the compensation and benefits will decline in our industry, people like you thinking we should all be so grateful! We work our asses off and should be compensated accordingly.

You have obviously drank the Lilly kool-aid and I guarantee you are one of those 10-15 years + Lilly employees. This post is exactly why the compensation and benefits will decline in our industry, people like you thinking we should all be so grateful! We work our asses off and should be compensated accordingly.
Andy Pierce is a solid dude, brotha.

To the people saying suck it up! Get a new job!

This is part of the job. Our car is part of our job. Our health insurance is part of our job. Our 401K is part of our job. Our pension is part of the job.

These are benefits. Most of you posting clearly do not understand the value of benefits. It isn't always about how much you bring home, but the total package.

Most of the other pharma companies value the benefit package. Many of the other pharma companies have pensions. Many have great vacation packages. Many have better healthcare. Many of the other companies have better cars. Many of the other companies understand our company car is our main vehicle. Lilly does not.

Our healthcare is one of the most expensive in the industry, and isn't that great. Our car choices suck. Some field people do not even get a company car if their area is large and they have to fly a lot. ( I know many managers that do not have cars) Our 401 and pension is the only standard benefits of the industry.

So again, the poster is correct. This company is far behind others in their benefits.

Then leave. Other companies are hiring and I guarantee someone will appreciate your job which you clearly do not.

Sweet Jesus, you are either 60+ years old, a “millenial” (making all of us other “millenials” look bad), or a working mom who wants three work-from-home days a week. Actually, now that I think about it, you are a 40+ white guy who has resisted his manager’s advice to learn new skills to ensure job security, or you’re a 22-year-old intern whose parents work here and is expecting a P3 job before the ink on the diploma is dry. Actually, I don’t even know anymore. You sound like every other sad shmuck at this company who grew up in Indy and saw a Lilly job as a ticket into the “big fish in the little pond” aristrocracy that is Indy and Carmel. Anyways, welcome, you’ll fit in perfectly here, we’re all miserable!

Sweet Jesus, you are either 60+ years old, a “millenial” (making all of us other “millenials” look bad), or a working mom who wants three work-from-home days a week. Actually, now that I think about it, you are a 40+ white guy who has resisted his manager’s advice to learn new skills to ensure job security, or you’re a 22-year-old intern whose parents work here and is expecting a P3 job before the ink on the diploma is dry. Actually, I don’t even know anymore. You sound like every other sad shmuck at this company who grew up in Indy and saw a Lilly job as a ticket into the “big fish in the little pond” aristrocracy that is Indy and Carmel. Anyways, welcome, you’ll fit in perfectly here, we’re all miserable!

Did you really just ask if someone was a "40 plus white guy" that just demonstrates the reverse discrimination that is occurring at this company.... They deliberately go out of the way to hire young, "diverse " candidates whether they are qualified or not and expect the "40-year-old white guy" who is the expert to babysit them.

Lilly should allow reps to pay extra for better cars whether they are white or "diverse", 40 or barely old enough to legally drink.

Did you really just ask if someone was a "40 plus white guy" that just demonstrates the reverse discrimination that is occurring at this company.... They deliberately go out of the way to hire young, "diverse " candidates whether they are qualified or not and expect the "40-year-old white guy" who is the expert to babysit them.

Lilly should allow reps to pay extra for better cars whether they are white or "diverse", 40 or barely old enough to legally drink.

You missed the point. It doesn’t matter what “group” you fall into. Everybody here is an entitled whiner. From the folks just milking it until they get VERPED, to the frustrated middle-aged folks whom management has stopped investing, to the new “millenial” hires who LITERALLY only want the career security that they thought Lilly would provide, within the context of this no-man’s-land that is Indy. We all wanted the same thing... to work for a good company that would take care of us, and Lilly literally promised Indy folks that for decades. It has been part of their “promise” to Indy.

Instead, we’re all miserable. Management is 15 years behind current trends and is desperately trying to appear relevant to keep their jobs. Not middle-management necessarily. Upper management is invoking concepts like “Team of Teams” to “shake things up.” It’s the worst of all possible worlds. Creating a generation divide is a great way to distract everyone from collectively agreeing that this is a C-level problem that has a low probability of ever getting resolved.

We have low P-level folks training high P-level folks on “new” ways of doing stuff. The high-P’s hate it because it tells them that their experience has no value. The low-P’s hate it because the criteria to get a job here are exponentially higher than they used to be... low-P’s literally invest their own outside time and money to learn innovative skills. Then they are forced by management to degrade their value by sharing it with resentful high-P’s who feel undervalued as well. The chain of undervaluation continues, and high- and low-P’s just blame each other for the situation.

Really frustrating to have worked diligently and put in many outside hours to “earn” a low-P position, only to realize that the company is too cheap to just plop down the proper $$ to introduce new training and skills to the experienced high-P’s here. The company is cheaping out on everyone.

You missed the point. It doesn’t matter what “group” you fall into. Everybody here is an entitled whiner. From the folks just milking it until they get VERPED, to the frustrated middle-aged folks whom management has stopped investing, to the new “millenial” hires who LITERALLY only want the career security that they thought Lilly would provide, within the context of this no-man’s-land that is Indy. We all wanted the same thing... to work for a good company that would take care of us, and Lilly literally promised Indy folks that for decades. It has been part of their “promise” to Indy.

Instead, we’re all miserable. Management is 15 years behind current trends and is desperately trying to appear relevant to keep their jobs. Not middle-management necessarily. Upper management is invoking concepts like “Team of Teams” to “shake things up.” It’s the worst of all possible worlds. Creating a generation divide is a great way to distract everyone from collectively agreeing that this is a C-level problem that has a low probability of ever getting resolved.

We have low P-level folks training high P-level folks on “new” ways of doing stuff. The high-P’s hate it because it tells them that their experience has no value. The low-P’s hate it because the criteria to get a job here are exponentially higher than they used to be... low-P’s literally invest their own outside time and money to learn innovative skills. Then they are forced by management to degrade their value by sharing it with resentful high-P’s who feel undervalued as well. The chain of undervaluation continues, and high- and low-P’s just blame each other for the situation.

Really frustrating to have worked diligently and put in many outside hours to “earn” a low-P position, only to realize that the company is too cheap to just plop down the proper $$ to introduce new training and skills to the experienced high-P’s here. The company is cheaping out on everyone.

This person nailed it!

to the grown man..
if it’s so bad.. leave
Find a job where it’s so much better for you. Talk to your kids’ teachers.. ask about their cars.. insurance etc. maybe that Perspective will get you to shut your mouth
I am sick of the whining
Some people don’t have half of what you do

you leave bitch. if he wants to complain about the car choices, so be it.
act all high and mighty. go f*ck yourself.
these are benefits that they sell us when they hire us.
here's some perspective for you... go f*ck yourself.
you go talk to his kid's teachers jerk off.

Most of you do not understand what benefits mean.

Your car is a benefit. YOU PAY FOR THE USE OF THIS CAR! You pay the same amount that you would on a car payment FOR A CAR THAT YOU DID NOT CHOOSE. The car is NOT a free car.

Why is it so hard for everyone to understand. The benefits here are not that good. Our insurance is expensive and not up to industry standards. Our cars are UNSAFE and not up to industry standards.

It is not about entitlement. It is about looking at the total benefits package that a company gives you. Keep calling everyone entitled because the few of us on this post understand that we are paying for low industry standards.

Most of you do not understand what benefits mean.

Your car is a benefit. YOU PAY FOR THE USE OF THIS CAR! You pay the same amount that you would on a car payment FOR A CAR THAT YOU DID NOT CHOOSE. The car is NOT a free car.

Why is it so hard for everyone to understand. The benefits here are not that good. Our insurance is expensive and not up to industry standards. Our cars are UNSAFE and not up to industry standards.

It is not about entitlement. It is about looking at the total benefits package that a company gives you. Keep calling everyone entitled because the few of us on this post understand that we are paying for low industry standards.

This quote is the plain and simple is not about being spoiled, a whiner or ungrateful!! We pay for the car and all Lilly needs to do is offer more choices with upgrade options to their employees. I would gladly pay an extra $2-250 per month for a decent car with leather seats and A/C in the back seat of my car!

This quote is the plain and simple is not about being spoiled, a whiner or ungrateful!! We pay for the car and all Lilly needs to do is offer more choices with upgrade options to their employees. I would gladly pay an extra $2-250 per month for a decent car with leather seats and A/C in the back seat of my car!

Go buy a car you like! STFU and quit whining.

Totally agree. Quit whining and just leave if it's that bad

AGAIN - I PAY FOR THE PERSONAL USE OF MY CAR! Lilly tries to make it seem (you and most of the people on this post clearly have bought into this horrible message) like we should be grateful for the company car. We are field base employees. Just like ANY sales job, the car is a necessary. The car is listed as a benefit. The car is sold to us as a benefit. How is something a benefit when it is costing me more money than not? Every other pharma company give different options for field employees. They do not give a basic car that is unsafe for people. We work for a major pharma company, and I have a small SUV that does not have vents in the back seats.

For those saying quit or buy another car - you sound uneducated and exactly like our fleet people. I pay for the use of a car that is unsafe to drive. Lilly told me I should be happy to have a benefit of a company car, a benefit that I pay for, can not decide on, and that is unsafe to drive. A benefit is something that adds to my compensation package. A benefit is something that makes an employee want to work for Lilly instead of another company. A benefit is something that should be a reason to work for a company.

Instead, I have to buy another car, yet pay for a car that I have no say on. Please read that again for those of you that say just buy another car. Why should I have to? I am paying for the personal use of a car that I do not use for personal use!

That is like saying: You are to pay 300 a month for coverage on the Lilly health insurance, but you can not use it. Don't complain, you should be happy that Lilly gave you health insurance. Who cares that you can not use it even though you pay 300 a month for it. Instead you had to go out and get individual coverage at 1000 a month, and now pay 1300 a month for a "benefit" that Lilly is saying is part of your comp package.

Do you see how ridiculous that is?!

I want you to pay 300 a month to the worst manager you have ever had because it is a benefit to share the same air as them. At the same time, you are to move that person into your home and you and your family will go live in a 50 square foot room with no running water. You are the be grateful for the opportunity to work for that person and should be happy that you even have a room to live in! Don't like it, then go find another room to live in!

Do you now see how ridiculous most of the comments on this post sound?! We are paid WAY less than other pharma companies, and HR/leadership say it is because our benefit packages are better than other pharma companies, which is clearly not the case. Unfortunately, Lilly knows that most of the employees here are people like most of the posters commenting, and have no idea what industry standards are. The few people that understand Lilly is behind the times, thank you! Please stay vocal about what is fair. We are not entitled because we want to be on par with the industry. We are not entitled because we are in our cars everyday, and expect to be safe. We are not entitled because we want to be able to benefit from a benefit that we pay for!

I just wish they did away with company cars and give us a flat car allowance and pay for business miles. This way they don't have to tell us that we are entitled because we want to be able to have a safe vehicle of our choice. I would be more than happy to pay more money out of pocket, to drive something I actually want!

AGAIN - I PAY FOR THE PERSONAL USE OF MY CAR! Lilly tries to make it seem (you and most of the people on this post clearly have bought into this horrible message) like we should be grateful for the company car. We are field base employees. Just like ANY sales job, the car is a necessary. The car is listed as a benefit. The car is sold to us as a benefit. How is something a benefit when it is costing me more money than not? Every other pharma company give different options for field employees. They do not give a basic car that is unsafe for people. We work for a major pharma company, and I have a small SUV that does not have vents in the back seats.

For those saying quit or buy another car - you sound uneducated and exactly like our fleet people. I pay for the use of a car that is unsafe to drive. Lilly told me I should be happy to have a benefit of a company car, a benefit that I pay for, can not decide on, and that is unsafe to drive. A benefit is something that adds to my compensation package. A benefit is something that makes an employee want to work for Lilly instead of another company. A benefit is something that should be a reason to work for a company.

Instead, I have to buy another car, yet pay for a car that I have no say on. Please read that again for those of you that say just buy another car. Why should I have to? I am paying for the personal use of a car that I do not use for personal use!

That is like saying: You are to pay 300 a month for coverage on the Lilly health insurance, but you can not use it. Don't complain, you should be happy that Lilly gave you health insurance. Who cares that you can not use it even though you pay 300 a month for it. Instead you had to go out and get individual coverage at 1000 a month, and now pay 1300 a month for a "benefit" that Lilly is saying is part of your comp package.

Do you see how ridiculous that is?!

I want you to pay 300 a month to the worst manager you have ever had because it is a benefit to share the same air as them. At the same time, you are to move that person into your home and you and your family will go live in a 50 square foot room with no running water. You are the be grateful for the opportunity to work for that person and should be happy that you even have a room to live in! Don't like it, then go find another room to live in!

Do you now see how ridiculous most of the comments on this post sound?! We are paid WAY less than other pharma companies, and HR/leadership say it is because our benefit packages are better than other pharma companies, which is clearly not the case. Unfortunately, Lilly knows that most of the employees here are people like most of the posters commenting, and have no idea what industry standards are. The few people that understand Lilly is behind the times, thank you! Please stay vocal about what is fair. We are not entitled because we want to be on par with the industry. We are not entitled because we are in our cars everyday, and expect to be safe. We are not entitled because we want to be able to benefit from a benefit that we pay for!

I just wish they did away with company cars and give us a flat car allowance and pay for business miles. This way they don't have to tell us that we are entitled because we want to be able to have a safe vehicle of our choice. I would be more than happy to pay more money out of pocket, to drive something I actually want!

Fair points. However the car allowance ends up
Costing you more in the long run. The allowance is based upon an average sales and depreciation value of a basic car, let’s say a Honda CR-V. Basic everything. If you want a better car or better trim package it will cost more. Plus insurance and gas and probably a tag for tolls. Mileage will not help. I did this for years before Lilly and it isn’t worth it.

This is true. Depending on the company it may break even or cost you. The thing that I liked when I broke even was I at least picked out my own car.

If Lilly understood that us in the field are willing to pay the difference if they won't, that would solve the problem. Instead, we are told to be grateful for a car that we pay for and isn't safe.

AGAIN - I PAY FOR THE PERSONAL USE OF MY CAR! Lilly tries to make it seem (you and most of the people on this post clearly have bought into this horrible message) like we should be grateful for the company car. We are field base employees. Just like ANY sales job, the car is a necessary. The car is listed as a benefit. The car is sold to us as a benefit. How is something a benefit when it is costing me more money than not? Every other pharma company give different options for field employees. They do not give a basic car that is unsafe for people. We work for a major pharma company, and I have a small SUV that does not have vents in the back seats.

For those saying quit or buy another car - you sound uneducated and exactly like our fleet people. I pay for the use of a car that is unsafe to drive. Lilly told me I should be happy to have a benefit of a company car, a benefit that I pay for, can not decide on, and that is unsafe to drive. A benefit is something that adds to my compensation package. A benefit is something that makes an employee want to work for Lilly instead of another company. A benefit is something that should be a reason to work for a company.

Instead, I have to buy another car, yet pay for a car that I have no say on. Please read that again for those of you that say just buy another car. Why should I have to? I am paying for the personal use of a car that I do not use for personal use!

That is like saying: You are to pay 300 a month for coverage on the Lilly health insurance, but you can not use it. Don't complain, you should be happy that Lilly gave you health insurance. Who cares that you can not use it even though you pay 300 a month for it. Instead you had to go out and get individual coverage at 1000 a month, and now pay 1300 a month for a "benefit" that Lilly is saying is part of your comp package.

Do you see how ridiculous that is?!

I want you to pay 300 a month to the worst manager you have ever had because it is a benefit to share the same air as them. At the same time, you are to move that person into your home and you and your family will go live in a 50 square foot room with no running water. You are the be grateful for the opportunity to work for that person and should be happy that you even have a room to live in! Don't like it, then go find another room to live in!

Do you now see how ridiculous most of the comments on this post sound?! We are paid WAY less than other pharma companies, and HR/leadership say it is because our benefit packages are better than other pharma companies, which is clearly not the case. Unfortunately, Lilly knows that most of the employees here are people like most of the posters commenting, and have no idea what industry standards are. The few people that understand Lilly is behind the times, thank you! Please stay vocal about what is fair. We are not entitled because we want to be on par with the industry. We are not entitled because we are in our cars everyday, and expect to be safe. We are not entitled because we want to be able to benefit from a benefit that we pay for!

I just wish they did away with company cars and give us a flat car allowance and pay for business miles. This way they don't have to tell us that we are entitled because we want to be able to have a safe vehicle of our choice. I would be more than happy to pay more money out of pocket, to drive something I actually want!

STFU. Buy the car you want if you don’t like the company car you entitled, whiny baby. Wah, wah, waaaaaah.