Today is the Captain’s favorite day of the year. It’s national donut day and Dunkin’ donuts is on high alert to cover his donut consumption on his special day.
For those who don’t know, Captain Cartwheel is Mike DiFiore. Back in the Sunovion days at a managed markets meeting, for some reason he decided to do a cartwheel to try and empress everyone which backfired big time on him. Anyone who has been around him, knows why he is also Captain Donut Cartwheel for his donut consumption.

Gish saw through the Captain for what he really is and made sure he was not promoted and Portch hired. This is playing out again and the Captain will be passed over for his continuously failed leadership that is widely known in the home office. The only way the Captain gets promoted is to leave.
Well, this didn’t age well, now he is in charge of two teams? He has sure got his lines down and must think they are super motivating(

Yep Captain cartwheel has been escorted out. His arrogance caught up to him and got him axed. SMPA means business.
The king (DiFiore) and queen (Greene) of back room deals to screw people over is finally come to an end. To all the people who were screwed over by these two and, there are many, it is a great day knowing while it took a long time, karma came the full way around and smacked both of them out the door.