can we just have layoffs already?

Merry Christmas everybody. In order to make the numbers work next year with this Buffalo Filter deal, Curt is going to have to lay off a quarter of the company. Have a Happy New Year!

After the Buffalo Filter deal gets done, our debt will be over $750 million with $900 million in sales. That's unsustainable. Are they announcing major restructuring at the meeting? Major headcount reductions?

I didn't hear anything about this. You must be making up numbers. Our company is hiring more people, and there's constant overtime everywhere. Who would they lay off? Managers? Team leaders? Area owners? We need production people bad.

I didn't hear anything about this. You must be making up numbers. Our company is hiring more people, and there's constant overtime everywhere. Who would they lay off? Managers? Team leaders? Area owners? We need production people bad.
WE,Conmed, currently have a debt of $460.94 million due to the Airseal deal. The press release on the Buffalo filter deal says we are taking on an additional $300 million in debt. By my math that's $760.94 million in debt.

Area owners are the eyes and ears for managers/team leaders. They give biased feedback on production performance. Evaluations will not be accurate. This job position can be replaced by the lazy fat team leaders that socialize and walk around a lot.

It has been a long time since i've visited this thread a couple years ago. Still no layoffs yet. A few people were fired for being sloppy, and got caught. Forging documents, walking around way too much and being flamboyant about it. I can't believe how we still have the area owner position, and team leader position at this company. Does everyone not know there wasn't an A.O. position many years ago? Is it hard to believe that we production/adults can do what that 1 person is doing? And team leaders/coaches are very very expensive baby sitters. They love to walk around and eat food. From the fatties, to the ones that act like they run the company by repeatedly shoving it in everyone's face that "they're in charge".

I fantasize what my life would have been like if I had never moved to Florida, but stayed up north where i'm from. The extreme cold is the only thing I don't miss, but the company where I was from had more structural integrity. We actually cared about each other. And were more productive, and made more money.

I have seen so many lazy people daydreaming, and nodding off because their run rates are so tiny. I have seen authority figures flirting with girls half their age. I have seen people sabotage others "work in process" to try and get them in trouble, but there's no traceability. I have seen people use tools that are not included in the documents, and skip using tools that are required, but they're outdated, obsolete, and putting the job on hold won't solve it. Because nobody wants to fix anything here.


The same problems for years, and new people saying they will fix it, and it's still the same. AND THAT IS ALSO THE SAME!!! We get new people saying they will finally make it better (every couple of years), but they don't change anything that needs to be changed. Some small layoffs, and move things around in a few cells, and that's it.

good get rid of all the losers

They never do. They get rid of the expensive/happy people. The losers stay behind dragging others down with them. Can't wait for corporate restructuring. Then we will see fireworks. Big wigs gone. New people making major changes. Major changes affecting the little worker bees. The little worker bees come to this site and cry about it. I read it and think "I told you so".

Layoffs will not be necessary anymore. They will enforce stricter rules going forward. People will quit. They will steal, they will cuss out others, they might even fight. Never the less, we will see fresh young faces eager to work and will obey all the new strict rules.

Upper management's message to you:
If you don't like it, quit.

Layoffs will not be necessary anymore. They will enforce stricter rules going forward. People will quit. They will steal, they will cuss out others, they might even fight. Never the less, we will see fresh young faces eager to work and will obey all the new strict rules.

Upper management's message to you:
If you don't like it, quit.
Too late for warning! They already laid off half of us at Buffalo Filter. Made lots of promises before the deal, then K-Boom!

your all stupid Asses! they don’t give a flying f_______ about any of you losers. They just want to hire kids right out of college so they don’t have to pay them anything. Your a total loser if you stay with this company!

your all stupid Asses! they don’t give a flying f_______ about any of you losers. They just want to hire kids right out of college so they don’t have to pay them anything. Your a total loser if you stay with this company!

They don't last long. They walk around smiling and happy for a month. Then they are poker face for the rest of their short career there. Then, they're gone.

Like mentioned in previous posts, the point system has eliminated quite a number of people. Some piled up 9 points within 3 months and figured they were so close to retirement it really doesn't matter. They can go deliver pizzas for pizzahut for a few more years as a part-time job until they can receive their retirement money. What a nasty curse retirement is. I don't want to retire. I want to be financially free. I want to be my own boss. :eek: dreams dreams :eek

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