Can someone please make an effing decision?

The drug sucks. There has been shortages and supply issues and HCPs still refused to prescribe it. Azstarys is almost 4 years old. Admit it, Azstarys is just another me too ADHD medication and no one cares. I have wasted my time at Corium and honestly, I think it has damaged my resume. I am ashamed to say that I am employed here. What a big ass mistake I made.
You are wrong there I wouldnt t say it sucks.

Then maybe you should have stayed with your previous company instead of chasing a few extra salary $$$. In the end, you probably came out worse, and yes, this jump to Corium will need a lot of answers when you do decide to cut ties and interview elsewhere. The grass ain't always greener, especially in pharma.
A lot answers? If you can’t explain a jump to go launch a product then you don’t need to be in sales.

It’s a shame that the reality is this product is no more than upgraded focalin xr that costs way more money. Could’ve been a profitable drug if marketing didn’t think this was the next vyvanse and dumped way too much money into it

No one important. Just another ass kisser in the southern shire club.
I NEVER respond in these comments because of the elementary attitudes and sentiments of the imbeciles in here but this time I am going to speak up. If you think she was “not important” and an “ass kisser”, you must be an insecure and pathetic excuse for a human being because she has been NOTHING but supportive of this sales team and everything we need to be successful. I won’t make specific retorts about who you may be or where you may be from, but based on numbers across the country and you being so out of touch, I’m sure we all know where you’re from. Do us all a favor and please leave before we out your pathetic ass. We don’t need or want your kind.

I NEVER respond in these comments because of the elementary attitudes and sentiments of the imbeciles in here but this time I am going to speak up. If you think she was “not important” and an “ass kisser”, you must be an insecure and pathetic excuse for a human being because she has been NOTHING but supportive of this sales team and everything we need to be successful. I won’t make specific retorts about who you may be or where you may be from, but based on numbers across the country and you being so out of touch, I’m sure we all know where you’re from. Do us all a favor and please leave before we out your pathetic ass. We don’t need or want your kind.
The POS that wrote that is no longer an employee. Person can’t seem to let it go. Has minions that report everything back to him/her.

Thank you for speaking up. She will really be missed.

The worst job experience of my career. This is a SMOKE & MIRRORS sham of a company. Those with friends in high places are succeeding in bamboozling the private equity investors… or maybe that’s all part of some crash & burn plan, where the chosen ones walk with huge payouts and the rest of us are unemployed.

The worst job experience of my career. This is a SMOKE & MIRRORS sham of a company. Those with friends in high places are succeeding in bamboozling the private equity investors… or maybe that’s all part of some crash & burn plan, where the chosen ones walk with huge payouts and the rest of us are unemployed.
I couldn’t agree more….recruiters laugh at me regarding this company. Its funny how a tiny company has built such a pathetic reputation. Recruiters that I have spoken with think the entire sales force is looking for a job. With the exception of the Shire club (who will never leave) I think they are correct. I hope to find a new job soon.

Cronyism. It’s not about performance. Shire folks are thick as thieves. And I mean thieves. Dishonest, self serving cult members. GPC…. time to show up and clean house. Shady business makes a horrible place to work, but news outlets usually like having a story to tell.

Cronyism. It’s not about performance. Shire folks are thick as thieves. And I mean thieves. Dishonest, self serving cult members. GPC…. time to show up and clean house. Shady business makes a horrible place to work, but news outlets usually like having a story to tell.
Totally agree!! Good ol’ boys club!

The company that never has money loves to make us book last minute flights and hotel. Don’t they realize that costs more? No financial stewardship whatsoever…. And even less employee appreciation. Back to school time, so no logic to this. I’m not going either. One less person for Patrick to yammer to from stage.

The company that never has money loves to make us book last minute flights and hotel. Don’t they realize that costs more? No financial stewardship whatsoever…. And even less employee appreciation. Back to school time, so no logic to this. I’m not going either. One less person for Patrick to yammer to from stage.
Patrick is the worst

Agree PS is a dick. Smug. Self serving. Manipulator. Surrounds himself with spineless robots he calls marketers. Can’t understand why the investors believe his BS. Tired of field being his scapegoat and payouts screwed up.