Can someone please make an effing decision?


This week was a mess. Wasted so much time. You want us to be productive, but you continually waste our time. POA, no POA, maybe POA... Do this, no, do this, no wait, do that. You missed the boat on BTS. How is that even possible? You had a year to prepare. Marketing is the hold up? No surprise. They screw up everything and then blame sales for execution. We already heard them yap for 90 minutes this month. We don't need them for a POA.

Can't even wait to see the mess of Q3 strategy and IC. This will be the straw that breaks the camel's back. Do the reps know that the company is over 100% of goal, yet they are not getting paid?

What happened to the transparency and communication we were promised? We also lost a top-notch, dedicated leader this week—and it won't be the last. Who will be the new CEO in a few months? One of the investors?

If you leave us alone and let us do what's best for patients, you will see a totally different outcome.

I have never seen anything like this.
Zero planning on anything!

Not to mention Q2 is just about over and not a single sales score card issued for the quarter.
How is that motivational?

Do we even have anyone in sales operations?

I have never seen anything like this.
Zero planning on anything!

Not to mention Q2 is just about over and not a single sales score card issued for the quarter.
How is that motivational?

Do we even have anyone in sales operations?
Sales ops is not the problem. They can only do what they are told. It’s not them holding up anything

This week was a mess. Wasted so much time. You want us to be productive, but you continually waste our time. POA, no POA, maybe POA... Do this, no, do this, no wait, do that. You missed the boat on BTS. How is that even possible? You had a year to prepare. Marketing is the hold up? No surprise. They screw up everything and then blame sales for execution. We already heard them yap for 90 minutes this month. We don't need them for a POA.

Can't even wait to see the mess of Q3 strategy and IC. This will be the straw that breaks the camel's back. Do the reps know that the company is over 100% of goal, yet they are not getting paid?

What happened to the transparency and communication we were promised? We also lost a top-notch, dedicated leader this week—and it won't be the last. Who will be the new CEO in a few months? One of the investors?

If you leave us alone and let us do what's best for patients, you will see a totally different outcome.
It was actually more like 2 calls of 90 minutes. You know, marketing loves to hear themselves talk about how great they are and how reps with literally 20+ years experience in adhd alone don’t know how to message. It’s pretty comical at this point.

anyone else feel held hostage by marketing? and a nonexistent ELT? Az potential being ruined. hoping for major leadership change across the board before its too late.

POAconsider your self lucky ,I've heard some are having two POA's . Why? Simply because said manager has to just spend money due to a different cancelled meeting. Sounds very productive and Absolutely par for the course.

POAconsider your self lucky ,I've heard some are having two POA's . Why? Simply because said manager has to just spend money due to a different cancelled meeting. Sounds very productive and Absolutely par for the course.
Just in time to pull sales reps out of their territories for the critical momentum we have going into such a high volume quarter - aka BTS. They are so clueless!

This week was a mess. Wasted so much time. You want us to be productive, but you continually waste our time. POA, no POA, maybe POA... Do this, no, do this, no wait, do that. You missed the boat on BTS. How is that even possible? You had a year to prepare. Marketing is the hold up? No surprise. They screw up everything and then blame sales for execution. We already heard them yap for 90 minutes this month. We don't need them for a POA.

Can't even wait to see the mess of Q3 strategy and IC. This will be the straw that breaks the camel's back. Do the reps know that the company is over 100% of goal, yet they are not getting paid?

What happened to the transparency and communication we were promised? We also lost a top-notch, dedicated leader this week—and it won't be the last. Who will be the new CEO in a few months? One of the investors?

If you leave us alone and let us do what's best for patients, you will see a totally different outcome.
Who was the leader that left? Kinda surprised more leaders and reps aren’t leaving in droves!

Sales ops is not the problem. They can only do what they are told. It’s not them holding up anything
Marketing is the only problem. Every issue at Corium started when Patrick, the VP of Marketing came on board. Despite his shady past and many warnings by outside consultants, Perry hired him to “fix” things and he has only done what he’s done in the past- erratically switch strategy every few months, hire under qualified people and work them to death, increase turnover, manipulate data and blame the sales force. Many, many amazingly talented people have left or been pushed out directly because of Patrick. This product could be a blockbuster with the team in place, however somehow this ONE person has made that impossible. Patrick will run the entire thing into the ground, and someone on the board, at GPC or at Zevra needs to realize it and do something about it. Getting rid of Perry or Kevin is a first step, but until Patrick is gone the company will never be successful.

This week was a mess. Wasted so much time. You want us to be productive, but you continually waste our time. POA, no POA, maybe POA... Do this, no, do this, no wait, do that. You missed the boat on BTS. How is that even possible? You had a year to prepare. Marketing is the hold up? No surprise. They screw up everything and then blame sales for execution. We already heard them yap for 90 minutes this month. We don't need them for a POA.

Can't even wait to see the mess of Q3 strategy and IC. This will be the straw that breaks the camel's back. Do the reps know that the company is over 100% of goal, yet they are not getting paid?

What happened to the transparency and communication we were promised? We also lost a top-notch, dedicated leader this week—and it won't be the last. Who will be the new CEO in a few months? One of the investors?

If you leave us alone and let us do what's best for patients, you will see a totally different outcome.
Oh the decision has been made alright. And no one will like it. Reps haven’t been getting paid since they started the NBRX crap.

Marketing is the only problem. Every issue at Corium started when Patrick, the VP of Marketing came on board. Despite his shady past and many warnings by outside consultants, Perry hired him to “fix” things and he has only done what he’s done in the past- erratically switch strategy every few months, hire under qualified people and work them to death, increase turnover, manipulate data and blame the sales force. Many, many amazingly talented people have left or been pushed out directly because of Patrick. This product could be a blockbuster with the team in place, however somehow this ONE person has made that impossible. Patrick will run the entire thing into the ground, and someone on the board, at GPC or at Zevra needs to realize it and do something about it. Getting rid of Perry or Kevin is a first step, but until Patrick is gone the company will never be successful.
It’s John and Patrick that need to go. John has zero commercial experience outside of Market Access. A good CCO with well-rounded commercial experience - specifically sales and marketing. At Shire, he hated reps and would skip POAs to avoid them. You nailed it with Patrick.

Remove those two and then see how it all works out. Kevin isn’t the problem, he’s just outnumbered with stupidity.

I think some hoping this place can be saved. Great people we work with and Azstarys really good product. Many looking to leave and hoping for the right opportunity. However anything marketing touches or plans turns to shit. Data is completely false and reps not making money.

I think some hoping this place can be saved. Great people we work with and Azstarys really good product. Many looking to leave and hoping for the right opportunity. However anything marketing touches or plans turns to shit. Data is completely false and reps not making money.
Hope isn’t a strategy. If they wanted to save this company it would’ve happened years ago. It’s clear their decision making is what’s killing us and it keeps getting worse.

The drug sucks. There has been shortages and supply issues and HCPs still refused to prescribe it. Azstarys is almost 4 years old. Admit it, Azstarys is just another me too ADHD medication and no one cares. I have wasted my time at Corium and honestly, I think it has damaged my resume. I am ashamed to say that I am employed here. What a big ass mistake I made.

The drug sucks. There has been shortages and supply issues and HCPs still refused to prescribe it. Azstarys is almost 4 years old. Admit it, Azstarys is just another me too ADHD medication and no one cares. I have wasted my time at Corium and honestly, I think it has damaged my resume. I am ashamed to say that I am employed here. What a big ass mistake I made.
Then maybe you should have stayed with your previous company instead of chasing a few extra salary $$$. In the end, you probably came out worse, and yes, this jump to Corium will need a lot of answers when you do decide to cut ties and interview elsewhere. The grass ain't always greener, especially in pharma.