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Can someone explain the stock price?

Hey! We're approaching the "$50 Billion in Lost Shareholder Value" threshold since passing on Pfizer's offer. Probably won't take more than a week or two to get there now. Well done, leadership!

R&D became complacent. Many forgot what their job was and acted more like academics than business people. R&D was full of college professor types and in fact many came from academia and thought their job was to search for cures when their real job was to generate drugs that we could sell for profit. Me too drugs that have little benefit over existing drugs but could be sold at a huge profit are better than all of the failed silver bullets that were interesting to explore but never had a chance of coming to market.

Those me too drugs just don't cut it. Too much competition gives very low margins. That doesn't work at all for a high cost and price outfit like AZ. If you don't find new cures, you won't ever find any new blockbusters. Cutting R&D is a foolish short term fix that temporarily makes the bottom line look good, but only at the expense of the company future. Short term thinkers like the former CFO just want their bonus in the current year. He is long gone when the chickens are coming home to roost. Most people in sales just don't seem to understand where the products that once filled their bag actually came from. Now those strong products are going or gone and many sales people will likely be seeing the same result.

Those me too drugs just don't cut it. Too much competition gives very low margins. That doesn't work at all for a high cost and price outfit like AZ. If you don't find new cures, you won't ever find any new blockbusters. Cutting R&D is a foolish short term fix that temporarily makes the bottom line look good, but only at the expense of the company future. Short term thinkers like the former CFO just want their bonus in the current year. He is long gone when the chickens are coming home to roost. Most people in sales just don't seem to understand where the products that once filled their bag actually came from. Now those strong products are going or gone and many sales people will likely be seeing the same result.

Redwood City CA sucks like Englewood CO Gonzo Rules !

Hey! We're approaching the "$50 Billion in Lost Shareholder Value" threshold since passing on Pfizer's offer. Probably won't take more than a week or two to get there now. Well done, leadership!

It is never a good sign when the experts are speaking openly on the business news networks that AZ missed its opportunity with Pfizer. AZ stock is now at an all time low as of today.