Bunch of typical pharma double speak on this topic. I’ve been at this awhile and one thing I’ve noticed about most pharma people, not a creative thought in those minds.
I worked for everyone’s favorite Wells Fargo in a previous life. A financial advisor makes money from your portfolio. The fatter it is, the more I could make. I wanted you to have 10 million.
Here are the facts, NOBODY can tell YOU how much YOU need to retire. That is a YOU issue.
Do you want to live in a “tax me please state” (NY, NJ, CA etc) or are you cool living elsewhere.
Is you house paid for?
Have long term care insurance?
Vehicles paid for—debt free?
If you can answer yes, you are way ahead of the game.
We will not lose social security, they will simply raise the income rate applied to social security taxation.
You do realize most people (more than 90% of population) retires with less than 50,000 in net worth.
Next, do you want to travel the world, live on a yacht or own multiple properties? If yes, you made need 5 million.
If your debt free, home is paid off, have LTC insurance then let’s look at a couple scenarios
You have a 1 million portfolio. Let’s say you earn average 6% return on that. Withdraw just the 6%, that’s 60,000 a year and u have not touched your principal. Now add social security, for fun lets just say 24,000. That’s 84,000 per year. If your debt free in a non high tax state you can live very well and never touch your principal savings.
If you have 2 million, double that 60 to 120 + 24 that’s 124K
You will outlive your 1 or 2 million at this pace and leave that lump sum to your heirs.
Now you do have to account for inflation, however even that is misleading. Depends on what you are purchasing.
How much you need is an individual thing. People on this board sharing what their “financial advisors “ told them are a perfect example of non thinking pharmaceutical reps, they just do what they are told.
The idiot constantly posting 4-5 million is a little turd who lacks the ability to rationally explain their position beyond the sky is falling layoffs.