Camille Farhat - Group President AMS

Anyone heard what severance's will be? Knew it was a possibility but was hoping it would not happen. Great communication strategy to prepare us you Dbags!

There shouldnt be any severance for the field everyone knew this ship was sinking we had 2 years to find a new job. Those inside that stuck around should get something.

There shouldnt be any severance for the field everyone knew this ship was sinking we had 2 years to find a new job. Those inside that stuck around should get something.

This shit ship sunk months ago. All you that are left deserve nothing! You should have seen it coming. Blame your inept management for lack of disclosure!!!!

How is that "reincorporation to Ireland' working out? Are you on the list of the newly released moguls from the "Panama Papers'? What are your CEO's doing in the background in the "deep" banking systems that is detrimental to your country? The Panama Papers are about to reveal it all.

Endo Pharma is the classic example of companies of reincorporating outside the USA to avoid US tax rates. If any of you actually have any concept of economics, you would know that the USA is driving these companies outside their borders with their flawed economic policies. Obama's solution is to close the loop hole to allow this activity. That is a naive approach as the real solution is to remove the incentive for companies to move away from the USA in the first place. The only solution is to reduce the tax rates that drive away private sector companies to move their resources off shore. In other words, reduce tax rates in the USA and you remove any reason for businesses to relocate in the first place. It's called the "Arthur Laffer Curve", lower tax rates lead to higher total tax revenue read about it :).

On AMS, when I worked for them for a short time as an engineer, the management were complete idiots that were railroaded by so called "Quality Control" experts that had no idea what they were doing in the real world but completely distracted the company from making any significant progress with the product.

Endo Pharma is the classic example of companies of reincorporating outside the USA to avoid US tax rates. If any of you actually have any concept of economics, you would know that the USA is driving these companies outside their borders with their flawed economic policies. Obama's solution is to close the loop hole to allow this activity. That is a naive approach as the real solution is to remove the incentive for companies to move away from the USA in the first place. The only solution is to reduce the tax rates that drive away private sector companies to move their resources off shore. In other words, reduce tax rates in the USA and you remove any reason for businesses to relocate in the first place. It's called the "Arthur Laffer Curve", lower tax rates lead to higher total tax revenue read about it :).

People at AMS dont know the difference between Bea Arthur and Art Laffer. Watch Valeant and then watch Endo. Birds of a feather.

Endo Pharma is the classic example of companies of reincorporating outside the USA to avoid US tax rates. If any of you actually have any concept of economics, you would know that the USA is driving these companies outside their borders with their flawed economic policies. Obama's solution is to close the loop hole to allow this activity. That is a naive approach as the real solution is to remove the incentive for companies to move away from the USA in the first place. The only solution is to reduce the tax rates that drive away private sector companies to move their resources off shore. In other words, reduce tax rates in the USA and you remove any reason for businesses to relocate in the first place. It's called the "Arthur Laffer Curve", lower tax rates lead to higher total tax revenue read about it :).