Camille Farhat - Group President AMS

Camille is gone in 2 years. AMS will be sold and Camille will leave just as quick as Tony did. The real camille: hates sales-thinks we are all stupid. Do you really think he knows urology? He doesn't and the prime example is his hiring of Ronald Morton a urologist who knows less about our business than Camille. Morton is prostate cancer researcher not an implanter.

Winner and 100% accurate.

the news out of the big easy was horrifyingly uneasy. do the new buyers do their homework with checking up on people and their reputations with our docs, us and the hq folks? evidently not. mass exodus underway

Complete fleecing of a once great urology device company. AMS landed this reject from MDT and Baxter. A complete joke for leadership. How this denny terrio reject gets rewarded for dismal performance is beyond Wall Street.

What goes around, comes around...

Complete fleecing of a once great urology device company. AMS landed this reject from MDT and Baxter. A complete joke for leadership. How this denny terrio reject gets rewarded for dismal performance is beyond Wall Street.

What goes around, comes around...

Astora is a shit show. Completely out in left field and struggling with who they are and what thier next steps should be to make the space credible again