Calls today- restructure

That the truth!! If they would ask for volunteers all the old timers would jump at it and there would be no one that can sell! Only parrots that can chime the marketing tune! But that's what they want!!

If you are over 50 and qualify for the legacy pension, just go to them and volunteer and watch how fast they jump on it.
They would love for the dinos in managed care to volunteer so they don't have to force them out the door.

if your over 50 jumping on some buyout is not much of an option.. 60 years old maybe...

First at 50 yrs old as a rep..that means you've been doing this job way tooo long, you are paid way too much compared to a new hire or contract and given the reality of the real world
of access and managed care those great relationships aren't so great for the company in terms of mo' this point your hanging in there after seeing that the job market out there isn't knocking down your door with better job offers.

if your over 50 jumping on some buyout is not much of an option.. 60 years old maybe...

First at 50 yrs old as a rep..that means you've been doing this job way tooo long, you are paid way too much compared to a new hire or contract and given the reality of the real world
of access and managed care those great relationships aren't so great for the company in terms of mo' this point your hanging in there after seeing that the job market out there isn't knocking down your door with better job offers.

Or it means I'm here because I'm better than you and have been for 27 years.

Or it means I'm here because I'm better than you and have been for 27 years.

Finally a good example.

I'll bet when you show up the doctors want to have a fully interactive sales presentation, eight or nine times a day, they answer your sales questions and watch the computer, like the little robots that the marketing people think those idiot doctors are.

Finally a good example.

I'll bet when you show up the doctors want to have a fully interactive sales presentation, eight or nine times a day, they answer your sales questions and watch the computer, like the little robots that the marketing people think those idiot doctors are.

Shhhhhh....don't tell the brand team we don't go thru a full CVA presentation every time once a week with their high prescribing targets!!!!!!!!!!!!! (I have never seen a bigger bunch of idiots in my life. They can shove their SPT right up their AZZZZs)

Shhhhhh....don't tell the brand team we don't go thru a full CVA presentation every time once a week with their high prescribing targets!!!!!!!!!!!!! (I have never seen a bigger bunch of idiots in my life. They can shove their SPT right up their AZZZZs)

Prime example of why these MBA assholes don't have a clue on the "real world",and why our access and professionalism is diminishing in the eyes of the docs and staff.Maybe if you nutbacks would come down from your ivory towers and venture into the real world,we could again be seen as a valuable asset!Plugging in apps all day is NOT REAL WORLD!

Prime example of why these MBA assholes don't have a clue on the "real world",and why our access and professionalism is diminishing in the eyes of the docs and staff.Maybe if you nutbacks would come down from your ivory towers and venture into the real world,we could again be seen as a valuable asset!Plugging in apps all day is NOT REAL WORLD!

MBAs? Really? That's quite a big assumption. You'd be very surprised to learn of those high up in the ivory tower with nothing more than a bachelors degree.

Got my call at 8:33 AM. Retained. My manager told me he was glad I was still in the team. Not all managers are bad people.

Got my call, my manager said he was very angry that I was retained but that I still had a job. He said he wanted a full sales presentation on 8 calls and he is riding with me two weeks per month from now on.

MBAs? Really? That's quite a big assumption. You'd be very surprised to learn of those high up in the ivory tower with nothing more than a bachelors degree.

You are correct. I am surprised that many in the ivory tower have a bachelors degree. Some of them cannot find the restroom or their car in the parking garage without help.

I agree with you that there will be more cuts. But, I don't agree that they will go after tenured reps unless they are ranked low. Do they really want to pay the severance to reps that have been around 25-30 years? Especially managers who get 3 weeks pay per year? NO..they will wait it out until they retire. That's why there is no raising your hand this time. Unless you are ranked low in your are staying.