Cadence will be hiring soon must have gotten HUGE stock options to take the risk to go to Cadence!!!

You are fooling yourself. Taking any job in this industry is now a huge risk...even outside of this industry. There is no loyalty anymore and all you cn do is try to make an intelligent decision. This seems to be a good opportunity and I am happy for anyone taht was lucky to get onboard. Here is hoping that the opportunity ends up being enormously fruitful.

what's funny is that the key selling point here in joining cadence is being able to work in a scios like culture. nobody has tauted how groundbreaking the drug is or even the data's superiority, maybe that's because it's not groundbreaking or superior. good luck with your "opportunity". what you will enjoy is a group of good ol' boys that love to whore it up.

It doesn't have to be groundbreaking to make strong sense. Your guess is anyones with any new drug, but there seems to be logical reasons on the drugs utility. Try not to hate and just move on with your sound like you are filled with unneeded hostility.

Alright assclowns, enough about the goddamn car allowance. There are unemployed people out there that would KILL to have a car allowance for any kind of job. Let's get down to brass tacks - what kind of salaries did you guys grab? Back it up with number of years in the industry. I'm automatically deducting 5000.00 from all answers due to the typical cafepharma inflation rate.

Let's hear it...

173K (former DM with biotech co.)

Just got confirmation from Mestel & Company that the finance positions at Cadence are all in the $65,000 to $80,000 range. Not too bad, but that's for an MBA/CPA with compliance certification. Also have opening for in-house attorney position at $90,000 plus better benefits. The company may be shaky but at least they're hiring!

what's funny is that the key selling point here in joining cadence is being able to work in a scios like culture. nobody has tauted how groundbreaking the drug is or even the data's superiority, maybe that's because it's not groundbreaking or superior. good luck with your "opportunity". what you will enjoy is a group of good ol' boys that love to whore it up.

My contact at Mestel & Company said that the culture will be different this time around. They wouldn't be spending this much money on the selection process without a serious approach to compliance and ethics. The in-house lawyer is going to be in charge of compliance and the marketing group, so that should help keep things on track.

lets go sell TYLENOL!!!! A whole bunch of Scios idiots are going to get shut down by the gate keepers in our pharmacies!
We didn't buy in Nesiritide so why would we trust in the same idiots selling a future US BMS drug! Should have kept your old jobs!