Cadence base salary 110K, lowly Mallinckrodt base 75 K !

Most Cadence reps will have difficulty finding new work without a significant pay cut. Most companies are not paying those kind of wages especially for selling one product that was not technical to sell. Many companies will not even interview people who have made high wages since they feel you won't work for less. Good luck, you are going to need it.
By the way, you were making those high wages and Cadence never made a profit, you need to understand basic economics before bragging about how much you make.

Listen idiot, I'm one of the Cadence reps. But I'm not one of those arrogant Cadence reps. There are jobs out there that pay equally and more. The last two Cadence reps that I know personally that quit got a very nice bump in their base. You have absolutely no idea what you are talking about, other than showing your lack of experience and immaturity.
If you are a great rep and have the awards and rankings to show it, then you will get another job. I get fairly regular calls from recruiters, but there are certain areas of medicine I refuse to sell in anymore. These companies could care less about the complexity of the drug, but they care about the complexity of the sell in the hospital environment. You clearly don't sell Ofirmev and you have absolutely no idea how many challenges we face everyday. You are a sample drop rep.

Tired of reading this pissing contest. Fuck Cadence, the product and their salaries. I have more important things to worry about, like getting credit for the Rxs that my neighboring territory is getting credited with, not pissing off surgeons, and getting my fuck head pharmacies to order and re-order XXR.

Tired of reading this pissing contest. Fuck Cadence, the product and their salaries. I have more important things to worry about, like getting credit for the Rxs that my neighboring territory is getting credited with, not pissing off surgeons, and getting my fuck head pharmacies to order and re-order XXR.

That crap drug will never take off. Start looking for a new job. It's been a disaster of a launch

Listen idiot, I'm one of the Cadence reps. But I'm not one of those arrogant Cadence reps. There are jobs out there that pay equally and more. The last two Cadence reps that I know personally that quit got a very nice bump in their base. You have absolutely no idea what you are talking about, other than showing your lack of experience and immaturity.
If you are a great rep and have the awards and rankings to show it, then you will get another job. I get fairly regular calls from recruiters, but there are certain areas of medicine I refuse to sell in anymore. These companies could care less about the complexity of the drug, but they care about the complexity of the sell in the hospital environment. You clearly don't sell Ofirmev and you have absolutely no idea how many challenges we face everyday. You are a sample drop rep.

You can call me idiot all you want, call me back when you get a job and let's talk what salary you get. I have 30 years experience, mostly in hospitals, have won top rep in company twice and have not dropped samples for years. Selling Offirmev is no where near as challenging as selling oncology, diabetes or even cardiology drugs for that matter. The only challenge you face is that your greedy company just raised the price 150% to help pay for overbloated salaries. You are living a fantasy.

can we please take this wasted energy and put into our job search.
sounding ridiculous. again, we all work for mnk and it ain't pretty and noone will be making any money in the future. please move on

You can call me idiot all you want, call me back when you get a job and let's talk what salary you get. I have 30 years experience, mostly in hospitals, have won top rep in company twice and have not dropped samples for years. Selling Offirmev is no where near as challenging as selling oncology, diabetes or even cardiology drugs for that matter. The only challenge you face is that your greedy company just raised the price 150% to help pay for overbloated salaries. You are living a fantasy.

Listen, All the Cadence reps have been in the industry for at least 15 years and have won way more awards than you listed. Tope rep two times in 30 years????? Yikes! The fact that you have 30 yrs experience with expectations of lower base pay only emphasizes you are a moron. You want us all to assume you are not a Cadence nor a. Mallinckrodt rep, yet you spend time on here trolling the threads? You are ridiculous. Your thoughts are ridiculous. You assume all the Cadence reps have no experience? Take a look at our resumes. We are senior level representatives and have sold the most complex agents and biologics over the years. No one. I know of here has ever had to take a cut in pay. So go away trash. You must be horrible and sounds like you are sour grapes. Your base pay probably sucks.

Hey this is a place to help each other out and discuss the BS leadership of our company. We are not here to bash each other. Let's keep it to that. I will refocus everyone. MALLINCKRODT SUCKS!!

it does. I know the cadence people are mad however reps trashing reps isn't going to fix this.
it's the leadership that will shit on all of us. they are slime.

Exactly. I am a Cadence rep. So please don't assume anything such as over inflated salaries or egos. The only fact about Cadence reps, as a whole, is we truly have senior level experience with a minimum of 15 years in the Hospital system and are unhappy with Mallinckrodt just like all of you. If someone reads this post and has never worked in a hospital system than you have no idea the difficulty in that climate. If you haven't already heard, Cadence managers and reps have all began quitting. Most, if not all, are eager to move on and find a better culture and working environment. The benefits here are embarrassing and well below national standards and they just don't seem to get what is necessary to retain talent.