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Bye Novartis! Hello Genentech!


I am finally out of that shit hole of a corporate culture named Novartis!! I wish I could have taken my friends with me from Novartis.. Unfortunately now that I am selling the same product at a much better company and realized how much they have screwed me and the rest of the salesforce!!

What I"m not gonna to miss about working at Novartis:

1. No bonuses

2. Step Change

3. V & B

4. CP &T

5. Ride alongs every month.

6. Recording calls

7. Compliance

8. Extra Care Expense auditing

9. Novartis always selecting shitty venues for meetings etc.

10. Company car Ford Fushion- I now have the option for Mercedes at Gen.

11. Getting out hours later at national sales meetings while Gen reps get to leave hours earlier every day.

12. Novartis manipulating numbers, not tracking numbers or raising our goals after we hit our numbers and recalculating bonus payouts which are always late!

13. Taking mandatory PI exams for new indication, exams on PI every year when no label change while Gen just "certifies" verbally with their dm " we are good to go."

14. CIA ride alongs.

15. Audits of emails.

16. Being treated like primary care reps versus specialists.

17. Respiratory Rockers

18. bottom shelf liquor at meetings.

Seriously though, no wonder none of the reps leave Genentech bc they are valued. The company puts on "employee appreciation" concert every year for employees.. This year they hired Justin Timberlake and Pink.

The two companies are night and day!! Thank God I got out and now work for an amazing company! Very blessed indeed!!


Sweet man I got out last year and I am so happy. You forget what's it like to live a normal life. I had 3 BPO's in my first year. My new company is great everyone cares about each other. My manager comes out for a lunch then goes home. Best of luck and destroy Gilenya take all their business.

"10. Company car Ford Fushion- I now have the option for Mercedes at Gen."

I think you meant "Fusion". Good thing you didn't have to be fleet certified, dummy.

And, I'd hardly call an A-Class a Mercedes. Sounds like you really had to justify the move in your head. Good luck! Never even knew you left.

"10. Company car Ford Fushion- I now have the option for Mercedes at Gen."

I think you meant "Fusion". Good thing you didn't have to be fleet certified, dummy.

And, I'd hardly call an A-Class a Mercedes. Sounds like you really had to justify the move in your head. Good luck! Never even knew you left.

You sound like a loser who applied to Genentech and was rejected. Moron there is no bad Mercedes.

"10. Company car Ford Fushion- I now have the option for Mercedes at Gen."

I think you meant "Fusion". Good thing you didn't have to be fleet certified, dummy.

And, I'd hardly call an A-Class a Mercedes. Sounds like you really had to justify the move in your head. Good luck! Never even knew you left.
You are a f..ing tool! You put this guy down for a spelling error and the type of car his getting! He was clearly frustrated with novartis. I too left after 15 yrs in Corp because this co is no longer what it used to be when I joined. The fact that Epstein left speaks volumes. Dot be a hater!
Good luck at Genentech !!

I reminded of the old fable where the fox sees some grapes high up on a branch.
He jumps and jumps to reach them, unsuccessfully, and as he walks away defeated, He says, "Probably sour grapes anyway!"

Anyone who goes through the Novartian Process, and then goes on to ANYTHING ELSE, soon discovers that the environment they were in was so toxic, that it will take months before they feel "normal" agaain.

I was at Nvs for years, and it took me about a year to decompress.
I'm not even in pharma anymore, but I am here on cp for other reasons.
;) Hi Basel!

Just thought I would pass that bit of wisdom/experience along.
The grass may not be greener on the other side, but I can tell you its better than standing in Shi*!

I would not recommend a career at this company, in fact, I would advise against it, unless you like smelling like shi*, then by all means, Stay Put! Lol

"10. Company car Ford Fushion- I now have the option for Mercedes at Gen."

I think you meant "Fusion". Good thing you didn't have to be fleet certified, dummy.

And, I'd hardly call an A-Class a Mercedes. Sounds like you really had to justify the move in your head. Good luck! Never even knew you left.
Spoken like a certain ABL that kisses Conrads ass and knows a lot about foreign cars.

I am finally out of that shit hole of a corporate culture named Novartis!! I wish I could have taken my friends with me from Novartis.. Unfortunately now that I am selling the same product at a much better company and realized how much they have screwed me and the rest of the salesforce!!

What I"m not gonna to miss about working at Novartis:

1. No bonuses

2. Step Change

3. V & B

4. CP &T

5. Ride alongs every month.

6. Recording calls

7. Compliance

8. Extra Care Expense auditing

9. Novartis always selecting shitty venues for meetings etc.

10. Company car Ford Fushion- I now have the option for Mercedes at Gen.

11. Getting out hours later at national sales meetings while Gen reps get to leave hours earlier every day.

12. Novartis manipulating numbers, not tracking numbers or raising our goals after we hit our numbers and recalculating bonus payouts which are always late!

13. Taking mandatory PI exams for new indication, exams on PI every year when no label change while Gen just "certifies" verbally with their dm " we are good to go."

14. CIA ride alongs.

15. Audits of emails.

16. Being treated like primary care reps versus specialists.

17. Respiratory Rockers

18. bottom shelf liquor at meetings.

Seriously though, no wonder none of the reps leave Genentech bc they are valued. The company puts on "employee appreciation" concert every year for employees.. This year they hired Justin Timberlake and Pink.

The two companies are night and day!! Thank God I got out and now work for an amazing company! Very blessed indeed!!

Well said and true- Let me Add to it- Genentech has smart people that use common sense. Novartis is full of ass kissers and manage like robots.

1. Novartis doesn't trust it's team
2. Break Away sucks
3. No communication
4. No opportunities for growth
5. Bonus is less than other BUs
6. Constant leadership changes at national level and brand
7. No leadership changes at regional/Area level
8. Data is wrong and late
9. Payouts are late and suck
10. Status quo DOES rule

Well said and true- Let me Add to it- Genentech has smart people that use common sense. Novartis is full of ass kissers and manage like robots.

1. Novartis doesn't trust it's team
2. Break Away sucks
3. No communication
4. No opportunities for growth
5. Bonus is less than other BUs
6. Constant leadership changes at national level and brand
7. No leadership changes at regional/Area level
8. Data is wrong and late
9. Payouts are late and suck
10. Status quo DOES rule

11. Worldwide corruption and fee s paid to governments

Well said and true- Let me Add to it- Genentech has smart people that use common sense. Novartis is full of ass kissers and manage like robots.

1. Novartis doesn't trust it's team
2. Break Away sucks
3. No communication
4. No opportunities for growth
5. Bonus is less than other BUs
6. Constant leadership changes at national level and brand
7. No leadership changes at regional/Area level
8. Data is wrong and late
9. Payouts are late and suck
10. Status quo DOES rule

I work for money plain and simple. When I started I was told the bonus structure and now it has changed to a much lower amount. What reason do I have to work hard or care? 3 hours working per day , 4 days a week is all you get out of me. Is it really worth it for you To underpay $10,000 a year in bonus when every patient put on the drug is worth much more then your bonus payout savings? The "I don't care" attitude is infectious and has spread far and wide. The payout game and "let's see how much we can hold back" does much more harm then good and has me working for the base salary only and that means I could care less if any patients start or remain on therapy.

your sense of entitlement sickens me. I know pilots, firefighters, college professors, engineers, etc. whose salary you trump ................appropriate pun. You're one of the many reasons why this drug has a 10% share. Sounds like you didn't get the Genentech job? No surprise.

your sense of entitlement sickens me. I know pilots, firefighters, college professors, engineers, etc. whose salary you trump ................appropriate pun. You're one of the many reasons why this drug has a 10% share. Sounds like you didn't get the Genentech job? No surprise.

Be quite clown. We are in sales to make money and perform otherwise we are put on PIP's.
The company sucks to bad because Gilenya is a great drug that underperformed. Why because leaders like Conrad and Ed in Philly. The place is toxic that's why nobody is left.

Be quite clown. We are in sales to make money and perform otherwise we are put on PIP's.
The company sucks to bad because Gilenya is a great drug that underperformed. Why because leaders like Conrad and Ed in Philly. The place is toxic that's why nobody is left.
Has Conrad ever produced good results? The only reason he has won awards is because he is good at riding the success of others and making it his. Actually, that is what most of the successful ABLs do as well. Has he ever led a team that acheived more than what was expected? I seriously doubt that. He is a master at creating a horrible work environment.

your sense of entitlement sickens me. I know pilots, firefighters, college professors, engineers, etc. whose salary you trump ................appropriate pun. You're one of the many reasons why this drug has a 10% share. Sounds like you didn't get the Genentech job? No surprise.

I am entitled to the agreed upon bonus paid on time. Novartis is entitled to have me give 100% effort. When they change the rules and I dont agree to the change I can either leave or make my own rules. For now I have made my own rules and that is to give very little effort. I don't care if you agree or not - this is reality.

Here is hilarity taken to a new level....got off with a friend of mine who works back east who found out through the grape vine that the Philadelphia/New Jersey district had a meeting with their regional and their manager basically to tell him how to run his district, why they are all pissed off and how he can be a better manger... I'm sorry...but you can't make this comedy crap up!!!!!!! This is Novartis in a nut shell......idiot managers driving the sinking ship into the iceberg. Its like the crew telling the captain..."hey, I don't think you should hit that iceberg thingy...it's not good for the boat"........ (comedy GOLD!!!!)

Here is hilarity taken to a new level....got off with a friend of mine who works back east who found out through the grape vine that the Philadelphia/New Jersey district had a meeting with their regional and their manager basically to tell him how to run his district, why they are all pissed off and how he can be a better manger... I'm sorry...but you can't make this comedy crap up!!!!!!! This is Novartis in a nut shell......idiot managers driving the sinking ship into the iceberg. Its like the crew telling the captain..."hey, I don't think you should hit that iceberg thingy...it's not good for the boat"........ (comedy GOLD!!!!)

Philly has been a mess since Ed became the manager. He needs more than a meeting to learn all he doesn't know. How many reps left that team? I can't count that high. I still can't believe the 2 long terms male reps are still there (unless they left recently)

Here is hilarity taken to a new level....got off with a friend of mine who works back east who found out through the grape vine that the Philadelphia/New Jersey district had a meeting with their regional and their manager basically to tell him how to run his district, why they are all pissed off and how he can be a better manger... I'm sorry...but you can't make this comedy crap up!!!!!!! This is Novartis in a nut shell......idiot managers driving the sinking ship into the iceberg. Its like the crew telling the captain..."hey, I don't think you should hit that iceberg thingy...it's not good for the boat"........ (comedy GOLD!!!!)
Do you get off with your friends regularly? Whats the wife say about that?

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