Bye bye Sumitomo

I don’t think so. If companies have multiple rounds, they need to report each round. Failing to report publicly opens the company up to large fines should the states review their recent unemployment fillings and check which companies filed or didn’t file a WARN report. Some large companies don’t report and they absorb the fines as a cost of keeping things out of the news specific to how many were cut in a state or specific office. Or sometimes companies don’t know about this and don’t do it and get fined.

Sunovion HR filed those reports in Nov 2022 and May 2023… but that HR team is mostly gone. Does the current group understand what WARN is? Do they care?

I don’t want to be regularly lectured to and questioned heavily if I carefully reviewed a small dollar line item on a budget, yet some person in HR won’t put in 20 mins of effort to fill out a form and it puts us at risk for large fines.
The WARN Act is not activated when workers lose their jobs and that total number is less than 33% of the employer's total, active workforce.

Must be a Sunovion rep. I guess you’re some kind of “survivor” all the cuts there were for LOE or turd products that slid into the ditch after launch…that’s your history lesson
Somebody has their balls all twisted. Sumitomo has always been your daddy son. Now wake your sorry ass up. As for me, I was there for the Gibbs debacle but living the good life now.

This is a sinking ship... If my division was being let go at any point this year I'd make zero effort to find another opening in this organization in an attempt to stay on. I don't see any obvious path to profitability; seems to me a lot of bad decisions at the top combined with FAR too many employees in management/leadership roles that create zero revenue.