Bush Boys killed this industry 1st

Good English, moron!

Let me clarify....Obama has a war on prosperity. He is a socialist. He wants redistribute the wealth. He wants socialized medicine. Do you get it. Bush didnt do this. Obama is ruining this country. He makes it where he will reward the lazy and penalize the hard working with taxes. He is a disgrace. Wait until November People will speak. This is the worst depression and the highest unemployment in history. Cant balme Bush. Obama took office at 8% unemployment and now it is well over 13%. He is a disgrace. I hope all of you that voted for him really think about that hope and change is working for our country.

You're republican, conservative, ignorant, prejudiced, impotent,uneducated, and obviously never breast fed by your mom. So why you taking it out on a man that is ten times the man you are, assuming you are a man. Or maybe you're just a weiner looking for his bun. A snot, looking for his rag, or maybe just a worm looking for his hole. We all hope you find it, and soon !

Write back anytime, your stupidity is entertaining!!!!!

You're republican, conservative, ignorant, prejudiced, impotent,uneducated, and obviously never breast fed by your mom. So why you taking it out on a man that is ten times the man you are, assuming you are a man. Or maybe you're just a weiner looking for his bun. A snot, looking for his rag, or maybe just a worm looking for his hole. We all hope you find it, and soon !

Write back anytime, your stupidity is entertaining!!!!!

I am someone else who fully agrees with the other writer. I too was not nurtured by my mom's titty because it wasn't in vogue at the time. As it turned out, I have a pretty solid sense of how this country is starting to slide down the rim of the toilet bowl toward the drain of socialist and communist doctrine as warranted by Obama, Pelosi and Reid. I will not participate in wealth redistribution - I was raised in a lower middle classed family and had to pay my way through college and improve my life through merit. I do not have my hand out waiting for "stuff" from Obama because guess what, I and you and everyone else are paying for that stuff. As a member of the liberal left, I encourage you to look occasionally at the real truth, not the "truth according to the media".
Make it a good day!

Poster # 5 is your quinessential crybaby , poor loser and obvious cross-dresser. After eight years of a presidency run by pathetic, unintelligent baffoon unable to put one intelligent sentence together, dispised universally by the world's leader they can't stand the fact that their ass was beaten badle by an intelligent, steady, honest, compassionate black man. Can you ? Republicans are this world's biggest losers and they have earned every ounce of vile contempt tossed their way. By the way, how's things going for you in South Carolina putz?

Obama is ruining our country..... If you all read the facts on this man you would of known what he was going to do. He is breeding entitlement. What a shame. What a sad thing for our coutry. I honestly pray that he is out in 2012. His newest : tax you on the sell of your house by 3.8%. What an idiot.

Poster # 5 is your quinessential crybaby , poor loser and obvious cross-dresser. After eight years of a presidency run by pathetic, unintelligent baffoon unable to put one intelligent sentence together, dispised universally by the world's leader they can't stand the fact that their ass was beaten badle by an intelligent, steady, honest, compassionate black man. Can you ? Republicans are this world's biggest losers and they have earned every ounce of vile contempt tossed their way. By the way, how's things going for you in South Carolina putz?

You need to go back to the Obama school and learn how to SPELL, it's not BADLE, but BADLY!!! Dumbass

republicans are the asshole of this universe and flying out of the anal orifice are the likes of you two big turds. Did I spell turd correctly mr. monkieman?

hahahahahahahahahahah! and Ha!

Since Obama took office things have really gotten a lot better, huh. Transparency? We are not divided anymore. He is bringing us all together. Taxes aren't being raised. Unemployment is decreasing. Companies are hiring. The debt is going down. On and on and on.....

Mr. needledick we're knee deep into two wars with how many men and women killed or wounded?
An economy in the toilet, with wall street fraud permeating all levels of the Bush unregulated banking industry. An Auto industry that had to be bailed out, and a healthcare system in shambles. And you queer little conservatives want to place the blame on a man and party that had nothing to do with these incredible and awful errors of judgement. Put your face infront of parents, spouses, family and friends of those lost in war or totally disabled and deliver you assanine diatribe of pathetic lies and cowardly excuses. Don't bother writing back, just go stick your head in the oven and turn the broil nob up to high.

Better yet join glenn beck and rush limbaugh in a circle jerk with battery acid as the lubricant.

Mr. needledick we're knee deep into two wars with how many men and women killed or wounded?
An economy in the toilet, with wall street fraud permeating all levels of the Bush unregulated banking industry. An Auto industry that had to be bailed out, and a healthcare system in shambles. And you queer little conservatives want to place the blame on a man and party that had nothing to do with these incredible and awful errors of judgement. Put your face infront of parents, spouses, family and friends of those lost in war or totally disabled and deliver you assanine diatribe of pathetic lies and cowardly excuses. Don't bother writing back, just go stick your head in the oven and turn the broil nob up to high.

Better yet join glenn beck and rush limbaugh in a circle jerk with battery acid as the lubricant.

Hey funny boy, I was a liberal that voted for this crazy man, Obama. I am sorry I did now. What a mess.

Hi ! Funnyboy her.

Great news about your intent to undergo a brain transplant. As a friend, what can I do to get you moved up on the waiting list.

Sincerley yours,


If any of you conservative twits grew a thrid eye in the middle of your forehead, you would blame Obama. While he deals with the BP crisis, republicans, the party of malcontents, offer no solutions only criticisms. And they have the stupid gall to complain about the slow fix to the wars abroad and the economy at home . Problems that you bitches got us into and now you whinning for a quick fix. You lost to a black democratic , intellect and you just can't get over it, can you Bonner and your lot?

remember , a bird in your hand is better than two in the bush. So while you are playing with your little bird in your hand are you whacking off to bush photos of george and pappa george you conservation Obama hater?

If any of you conservative twits grew a thrid eye in the middle of your forehead, you would blame Obama. While he deals with the BP crisis, republicans, the party of malcontents, offer no solutions only criticisms. And they have the stupid gall to complain about the slow fix to the wars abroad and the economy at home . Problems that you bitches got us into and now you whinning for a quick fix. You lost to a black democratic , intellect and you just can't get over it, can you Bonner and your lot?

I went to my liberal congressional representative's open house, he kept repeating how awful things are "because of the legacy George Bush left behind." Yet my rep was elected 6 years before Bush, both my democrat senators and the majority of my state's democrat reps were elected before Bush and are still in office. Obama has no resistance in the legislature and still nothing is getting done. And the biggest problem, the whole war in the Middle East thing, paste that on a democrat president who had no foreign policy for 8 years while our country was being attacked, yeah, I'm a bitch who created problems and I want a quick fix. Hope Obama enjoyed baseball while the gulf was filling with oil this weekend, guess he found "who's ass to kick" at a stadium with a beer.

If any of you conservative twits grew a thrid eye in the middle of your forehead, you would blame Obama. While he deals with the BP crisis, republicans, the party of malcontents, offer no solutions only criticisms. And they have the stupid gall to complain about the slow fix to the wars abroad and the economy at home . Problems that you bitches got us into and now you whinning for a quick fix. You lost to a black democratic , intellect and you just can't get over it, can you Bonner and your lot?

Dealing with BP from the golf course can be an intellectual challenge. Remember comrade, the house and senate is democrat and has been since 06. Obama is not mentally able to run a country that has a free market system; remember comrade, he was not raised in this country and has always surrounded himself with communists/socialists. Check out his "panel" to deal with the gulf problem;not one deep well drilling expert nor is there one engineer in that group. Also, you racist, its not that hes semi black, hes just incompent and way over his head. I don't like the Veep either and hes WHITE.