BSX reps talking about reliability

Far and away, this is the most crucial point to come out of this article:

"We are only now learning the scope of the problem with Riata and Riata ST. The lead mechanical failures and externalizations of this lead may only first occur four to five years after implant. Since Durata leads are only now approaching that interval, it is not surprising that we have not seen many troubling signals with this lead. It remains to be seen what the future holds."

This should be on everyone's mind who is present at a Durata implant.

World class ASSHOLES.
Quit pretending, you Douchebags.

Hey welcome back shithead. Are you selling Durata even though every human in the free world knows its failing? So that 10 year old info should serve as a reminder that you shouldn't sell products you know are causing problems. But no your company is so ignorant that you press on in the face of article after article. You make some changes to fix existing problems (optim, curve in lead boot on tip etc..) but continue to market the defective products. Humm sounds like the article you posted dipshit. You boys may close up shop once Durata is recalled. Have you seen all the Duratas that are on the Maude?? Would be a good time to find another job - I'm dead serious.

Hey welcome back shithead. Are you selling Durata even though every human in the free world knows its failing? So that 10 year old info should serve as a reminder that you shouldn't sell products you know are causing problems. But no your company is so ignorant that you press on in the face of article after article. You make some changes to fix existing problems (optim, curve in lead boot on tip etc..) but continue to market the defective products. Humm sounds like the article you posted dipshit. You boys may close up shop once Durata is recalled. Have you seen all the Duratas that are on the Maude?? Would be a good time to find another job - I'm dead serious.

It should also serve as a reminder to you to shut the fuck up about quality and integrity, as you have been shown to have none.!

It should also serve as a reminder to you to shut the fuck up about quality and integrity, as you have been shown to have none.!

Nice comeback douche. You see I realize what happened and the price was paid. You so convienently failed to answer the questions re Durata and the fact that it's still on the market. Please remember its 2012 not 2002-2005. I realize that's painful.

Nice comeback douche. You see I realize what happened and the price was paid. You so convienently failed to answer the questions re Durata and the fact that it's still on the market. Please remember its 2012 not 2002-2005. I realize that's painful.

You should've realised at the time, instead you carry on working for a company with no morals and now feel that you have the right to judge others. World class Asshole.

Of course I'm selling Durata dipshit. All of your old customers love it. That's why you can't get a job anywhere else. Keep hating you loser, I'll keep selling.

Please enlighten all of us re why Durata is say and won't be recalled. And by the way none of my customers use it anymore. No hate here. Just don't like it that you aren't being honest and exposing pt's to a lead that is deadly. Again explain. We want details - none of this emotional bs you've been spewing. See the Maude is littered w failed Durata leads and the medical community is losing faith and patience. We are anxiously awaiting your detailed reply.

How many products do you sell, sorry try to sell, that are not on a recall Mr BSX EA.?
Durata is not on a recall. It's that simple. If it goes to a recall I'll stop selling.

On another point how many STJ reps have kicked your fat ass on this thread? It's embarrassing. Try to come up with an original thought or reposte. You're getting taken apart again and have been for months. Come on now, Man up...

How many products do you sell, sorry try to sell, that are not on a recall Mr BSX EA.?
Durata is not on a recall. It's that simple. If it goes to a recall I'll stop selling.

On another point how many STJ reps have kicked your fat ass on this thread? It's embarrassing. Try to come up with an original thought or reposte. You're getting taken apart again and have been for months. Come on now, Man up...

" If it goes to a recall I'll stop selling. "


How many products do you sell, sorry try to sell, that are not on a recall Mr BSX EA.?
Durata is not on a recall. It's that simple. If it goes to a recall I'll stop selling.

On another point how many STJ reps have kicked your fat ass on this thread? It's embarrassing. Try to come up with an original thought or reposte. You're getting taken apart again and have been for months. Come on now, Man up...

Wow. What do I say to a man with an iq of 70? Again read this entire thread. I've come to the table w facts. You come with emotion. Now dipshit we want details re why Durata is safe to implant. Answer the freaking question. I am killing stj in my territory. YoU know why? I am telling the truth and selling the most reliable lead on the market. Its simple. Either give is details or stfu. No more "I'm kicking your ass" bs. You probably have 5% share in your territory. And not a single stj rep has had a legit comeback for me. I've outlasted all of you. One by one your boys are seeing the light.

Wow. What do I say to a man with an iq of 70? Again read this entire thread. I've come to the table w facts. You come with emotion. Now dipshit we want details re why Durata is safe to implant. Answer the freaking question. I am killing stj in my territory. YoU know why? I am telling the truth and selling the most reliable lead on the market. Its simple. Either give is details or stfu. No more "I'm kicking your ass" bs. You probably have 5% share in your territory. And not a single stj rep has had a legit comeback for me. I've outlasted all of you. One by one your boys are seeing the light.

Dude you're insane. A succession of STJ reps have beat down on you on this thread, I've read it all by the way. I suggest you read it again and come up with a few lines because you have had a real kicking. You should be ashamed that at a time when STJ reps are on the retreat they still have the goods on you on this. You ask a question, they answer it , then you ask another and they answer that. Come on man smarten up. Just for you here's your answer... All the relevant on Durata says it is safe.
Here's a question for you, Mr No Emotion. How many devices do you sell that haven't been on an advisory?

Dude you're insane. A succession of STJ reps have beat down on you on this thread, I've read it all by the way. I suggest you read it again and come up with a few lines because you have had a real kicking. You should be ashamed that at a time when STJ reps are on the retreat they still have the goods on you on this. You ask a question, they answer it , then you ask another and they answer that. Come on man smarten up. Just for you here's your answer... All the relevant on Durata says it is safe.
Here's a question for you, Mr No Emotion. How many devices do you sell that haven't been on an advisory?

U have 0 credibility due to the Durata statement. And let me tell you I've had maybe one or 2 questions answered. I give lengthy satemrnts w data. Please elaborate in the safety data u idiot. And in your data please explain the differences in the construct and also comment on the multiple failures (including ext conductors) of the Durata lead on the Maude. Let me tell you it's getting tiring to hear the same weak deflections u idiots come up w. again to the recall statement - lack of communication doeasnt equal quality. My phys love the fact that we communicate after a handful of failures. U morons wait until u r forced and that's after >1000 failures. No comparison.

U have 0 credibility due to the Durata statement. And let me tell you I've had maybe one or 2 questions answered. I give lengthy satemrnts w data. Please elaborate in the safety data u idiot. And in your data please explain the differences in the construct and also comment on the multiple failures (including ext conductors) of the Durata lead on the Maude. Let me tell you it's getting tiring to hear the same weak deflections u idiots come up w. again to the recall statement - lack of communication doeasnt equal quality. My phys love the fact that we communicate after a handful of failures. U morons wait until u r forced and that's after >1000 failures. No comparison.

FYI- another failed Durata with externalized conductors on the east coast this week on a youth....will hit Maude soon.

a lot of mud slinging going on here.........definitely getting somewhere.

What I don't understand is: if there's such a problem with the lead, why hasn't it been forced into a recall. On the other hand, why is there such a bailout of top people and continual reorganization internally; from Woody to HR to some of the top CRM folks crossing lines.....

Change is in the air. Until then, I'll continue reading this entertaining banter between competitive, passionate people.