BSX reps talking about reliability

I read the entire thread, couldn't find one answer from you. You are a hypocrite. You carried on selling shit products from a shit company because you are a shit rep. You say you never took an EA, we all know you did. DB.

U r hopeless. I eat what I kill. No EA. don't need it. I'm through w u liars. Have fun w Riata and Durata.

Thought so, good at asking questions but too ashamed of you're history to answer any. No wonder you've had an ass whoopin since 2005!

Are u a r*****? I gave lengthy responses with context and specific details. U have nothing but emotional arguments and have yet to address Riata, Durata, perfs, premature depletions both Brady and tachy. All this w no communication. Too funny. U can't be proud. For pound sand moron and don't post here again. I'm killing u n my territory for the above issues and no communication. I'm certain u never communicated last year and were forced to once a class 1 recall was announced. U know some of my docs still haven't see 1 document from st junk! That's wreck less and criminal. Get lost freak.

Are u a r*****? I gave lengthy responses with context and specific details. U have nothing but emotional arguments and have yet to address Riata, Durata, perfs, premature depletions both Brady and tachy. All this w no communication. Too funny. U can't be proud. For pound sand moron and don't post here again. I'm killing u n my territory for the above issues and no communication. I'm certain u never communicated last year and were forced to once a class 1 recall was announced. U know some of my docs still haven't see 1 document from st junk! That's wreck less and criminal. Get lost freak.

You stated lots of dates etc but didn't once say how you felt working for a company selling shit products ,esp Prism, you are a typical BSX douche who carried on taking the salary when you knew the products were/are crap. As was said earlier World Class Asshole.

Get real. BSX lost so much business in Q4. Why? Because Dr's are still choosing STJ over BSX.
Should have signed the EA loser.

You aren't very bright. St j lost as well. Share wasn't lost. Entire market was down. St j tachy lead biz was down considerably. How long before the can biz follows? Once the veil is removed from the st j "quality" system it will happen. Tip of the iceberg. Durata is dying daily.

You aren't very bright. St j lost as well. Share wasn't lost. Entire market was down. St j tachy lead biz was down considerably. How long before the can biz follows? Once the veil is removed from the st j "quality" system it will happen. Tip of the iceberg. Durata is dying daily.

Wrong. BSX is losing more than the Market.... Sign that EA quick Douche. HRS webinar saved STJ.!

Maybe you need to look at the Riata Summit data: data on over 10x the number of leads that SJM is reporting on showing failure rates of up to 200x what SJM is saying. Put the real data in front of anyone and they immediately show concern because most likely it is the first time they have heard it despite the 1st "dear Dr." letter being released 14 months ago.

Wrong. BSX is losing more than the Market.... Sign that EA quick Douche. HRS webinar saved STJ.!

Is your IQ 70 or 75? This has just started. Durata now following same path a Riata. Big dif now is that everyone is actively looking for Durata. Guess what - we have docs bringing in Durata pts for fluoro as well. Tick tock.......

Riata's and Durata's Failing all over the place. Reputable academic centers calling patients in daily to flouro their leads for possible externalizations. Spectranetics pulling them out left and right. Durata failure this week in one local hospital (4th on the Maude Data base)

I'd try and sweep it under the rug if I didn't have a Tachy lead alternative. Snowball picking up speed....