BSX reps talking about reliability

Seems to me none of the companies are reliable. I would try
every alternative to a device possible first. That is the problem
you all face. Lots of people not getting referred for that very reason.
Sounds like everyone in this industry is slightly less then honorable
after seeing some of these posts.

It is what we have become. It is why I had my first interview in 4 years, two weeks ago. It is why my perception of St Jude has changed. I believe there is a parity in the SCS marketplace and that the real winner is and should be, the chronic pain pts that so desperatley need our therapy. The unfortunate side story to this is the greed and power grabbing that the three companies practice as they fight for more, more more. The losers are the field Reps and CS's who work harder than anyone in trying to build the company's reputation and success. And this then is how they are rewarded. Off to greener pastures soon

Has there ever been anything more ironic. What the fuck is up with these people?
World class Assholes....

Dear stj shithead,
Go to the ppr of BSC and look up all the failures associated with each recall. The failures in the communication population are broken down so stj reps can easily understand. Add all the failures up. You will quickly realize that the communications were done early and often with only a handful of failures. Then go read the letter you never gave your physician. You pseudo communicated after over 1000 failures and 9 years. Are you serious??? And now you refuse to deal with a very real problem that in reality has cause death and you stand here and all you can say is look at Guidant 2005??? Get a grip.

Dear stj shithead,
Go to the ppr of BSC and look up all the failures associated with each recall. The failures in the communication population are broken down so stj reps can easily understand. Add all the failures up. You will quickly realize that the communications were done early and often with only a handful of failures. Then go read the letter you never gave your physician. You pseudo communicated after over 1000 failures and 9 years. Are you serious??? And now you refuse to deal with a very real problem that in reality has cause death and you stand here and all you can say is look at Guidant 2005??? Get a grip.

Patience can't sell what you don't have in your bag...STJ will soon be out of the HP business. Patience + Durata = Patients for us. At this point, the word on the street and amongst doc's is so powerful that a recall is almost irrelevant. Seeing dramatic swings in rep loyalty and device business in all accounts. Why was STJ so stupid? What are we missing? There has to be more to this story than just failing to report the obvious. Will we ever find out? Barry M please help.

Patience can't sell what you don't have in your bag...STJ will soon be out of the HP business. Patience + Durata = Patients for us. At this point, the word on the street and amongst doc's is so powerful that a recall is almost irrelevant. Seeing dramatic swings in rep loyalty and device business in all accounts. Why was STJ so stupid? What are we missing? There has to be more to this story than just failing to report the obvious. Will we ever find out? Barry M please help.[/

Michael Moore - Dan and Me.

Congress, while allowing Medicare to spend billions of tax dollars on medical devices, effectively bars it from collecting data showing how well competing products work.

Even as the use of expensive devices like artificial knees and defibrillators expands rapidly, patients and doctors get less information about products that are implanted in bodies than consumers get on the safety and performance of cars.

A doctor's decision to use a particular manufacturer's artificial hip or pacemaker is often based on subjective factors. Often, physicians will choose the devices on which they were trained or ones they are used to using.
"We are flying blind," said Dr. Robert Hauser, a cardiologist who voluntarily maintains a database where several hospitals report problems with pacemakers and defibrillators.

Because patient records do not include the make or model of implanted devices, it's all but impossible to learn how long a product lasts or what flaws show up repeatedly. As a result, doctors often rely on reports issued by manufacturers called product performance reviews to assess devices. Such reports, experts said, suffer from numerous problems. Frequently, doctors do not send failed devices back to a manufacturer unless a patient death or injury is involved, and even then they may not do so. In addition, heart devices are typically not examined after a patient dies to see if its possible failure might have contributed to the death.

Under little-known F.D.A. requirements, however, makers of pacemakers and defibrillators must report highly detailed product performance data to the agency once a year. But most physicians do not know that the agency collects the data because the F.D.A. has chosen not to make it public.
An F.D.A. spokeswoman said she believed that the reports were probably available under the Freedom of Information Act, but did not say why the agency did not make the data public automatically.

Dear stj shithead,
Go to the ppr of BSC and look up all the failures associated with each recall. The failures in the communication population are broken down so stj reps can easily understand. Add all the failures up. You will quickly realize that the communications were done early and often with only a handful of failures. Then go read the letter you never gave your physician. You pseudo communicated after over 1000 failures and 9 years. Are you serious??? And now you refuse to deal with a very real problem that in reality has cause death and you stand here and all you can say is look at Guidant 2005??? Get a grip.

Exactly "all the failures with each recall"....... As for Guidant 2005 don't you pricks realise that you've had a recall every year since 2005 and every product you sell is on an advisory.
You're trying to airbrush history. Fact is BSX/GDT is the most unreliable device maker ever. Think about that dickhead.

Exactly "all the failures with each recall"....... As for Guidant 2005 don't you pricks realise that you've had a recall every year since 2005 and every product you sell is on an advisory.
You're trying to airbrush history. Fact is BSX/GDT is the most unreliable device maker ever. Think about that dickhead.

List the recalls smart guy. I hope you use the same stupid excuses when you're defending the Riata and Durata recall. You'll be eaten alive

Exactly "all the failures with each recall"....... As for Guidant 2005 don't you pricks realise that you've had a recall every year since 2005 and every product you sell is on an advisory.
You're trying to airbrush history. Fact is BSX/GDT is the most unreliable device maker ever. Think about that dickhead.

Dear shithead,
Please list all the recalls then list the total failures for each communication. It's all there. I personally know of 8 Atlas devices I've seen or replaced at less than 3 years. And what of all the perfs your leads have caused. Some catastrophic. You see your company communicates NOTHING. I have many physicians refusing to work with your company now because every failed lead/device report that tey actually get ALWAYS states the product was functioning peoperly. So you have confused reliability with transparency. Do us a favor, please cease the childish "he did it first" arguing with some facts. Your emotional bantering is annoying. Good luck finding a new job.

Dear shithead,
Please list all the recalls then list the total failures for each communication. It's all there. I personally know of 8 Atlas devices I've seen or replaced at less than 3 years. And what of all the perfs your leads have caused. Some catastrophic. You see your company communicates NOTHING. I have many physicians refusing to work with your company now because every failed lead/device report that tey actually get ALWAYS states the product was functioning peoperly. So you have confused reliability with transparency. Do us a favor, please cease the childish "he did it first" arguing with some facts. Your emotional bantering is annoying. Good luck finding a new job.

I will find a job easy.. Want to know why? Because I've been kicking your fat ass all over your territory for years.
Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah all the way to the bank dipshit..!!!!!!!

I will find a job easy.. Want to know why? Because I've been kicking your fat ass all over your territory for years.
Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah all the way to the bank dipshit..!!!!!!!

Not mine :) i change out you 2 yr icd's and 4 year ppm's. Please tell me what u will sell when Durata is pulled from the market? Are u aware of the upcoming articles? U r funny.

Not mine :) i change out you 2 yr icd's and 4 year ppm's. Please tell me what u will sell when Durata is pulled from the market? Are u aware of the upcoming articles? U r funny.

Really that's why BSX $5 stock is in the toilet and Market share has dropped like a hot turd for years.
Keep dreaming

Really that's why BSX $5 stock is in the toilet and Market share has dropped like a hot turd for years.
Keep dreaming

Dear stj shithead,
In your ADD stupor you seem to relay on 3 rd grade antics. Can you address the issue? Is it all about $??? You see as I guessed all of you St junk reps believe what your company is telling you. Ignore it and it will go away. Right? Well I'm sure instead of addressing the actual content in this thread you will do some hahaha bullshit and not worry that you are implanting deadly leads. What a corrupt greedy turd. Then again you are EXACTLY what I've come to expect from St junk.

St. Junk....if the shoe fits? Just from the posts, it seems as no one at this company is taking this issue seriously? I have never came across such stupidity in all of my career. What I see coming is MDT and BSX is going to be left cleaning up this disasterous mess. STJ will still be standing in the lab while the patient is undergoing extraction claiming "this is the first I've seen, personally". While the competition has to explain to their gen changes why they have to follow up every three months. Just saying.

Dear stj shithead,
In your ADD stupor you seem to relay on 3 rd grade antics. Can you address the issue? Is it all about $??? You see as I guessed all of you St junk reps believe what your company is telling you. Ignore it and it will go away. Right? Well I'm sure instead of addressing the actual content in this thread you will do some hahaha bullshit and not worry that you are implanting deadly leads. What a corrupt greedy turd. Then again you are EXACTLY what I've come to expect from St junk.

Of course it's all about the $$$$$$.
I've got it by kicking your fat ass all over the country for years. You've got none because you have being selling unreliable, shit products for years. That's why so desperate for Riata to go bad, until then look up 'irony' in the dictionary and apply it to your posts about quality..

Of course it's all about the $$$$$$.
I've got it by kicking your fat ass all over the country for years. You've got none because you have being selling unreliable, shit products for years. That's why so desperate for Riata to go bad, until then look up 'irony' in the dictionary and apply it to your posts about quality..

That's what I thought. Typical greedy st junk asshole that refuses to address facts. All the info above has went way over your head. For the record I've had much success in this business for many years doing it the right way and I've never had less share than stj in my territories. Oh how I wish I could see you walk out of the lab when it falls apart. Hey check out aha this week. See what a prominent EP presents. I think you and your worthless counterparts might be interested :)

That's what I thought. Typical greedy st junk asshole that refuses to address facts. All the info above has went way over your head. For the record I've had much success in this business for many years doing it the right way and I've never had less share than stj in my territories. Oh how I wish I could see you walk out of the lab when it falls apart. Hey check out aha this week. See what a prominent EP presents. I think you and your worthless counterparts might be interested :)

I addressed the fact.. It's all about the MONEY.!
Listen, success for you isn't success for me. I'm sure you're happy with 15% Market share, that's why I've been kicking your lazy ass and that's why you want to talk about Riata. Go for it just know that all your Drs are laughing at you because you have no record on reliability. BTW just off to the pool in Orlando...