Breaking: Rep retiring and not looking back

If I remember correctly, it was a “merger of equals”. that’s why we got to keep everything while coming over. Pension, benefits seniority etc.
Nope. The merger of equals was between American Home Products and Warner Lambert. Pfizer called the big funds on Wall Street and major stockholders voted in favor of the Pfizer takeover.

Nope. The merger of equals was between American Home Products and Warner Lambert. Pfizer called the big funds on Wall Street and major stockholders voted in favor of the Pfizer takeover.

All the stockholders are are greedy bastards. Pfizer is nothing but a parasite….and a boil on the roid on Pharma’s ass.
When the truth about the “vaccine” is revealed, PFE will be removed from the rectum of Pharma.

It wasn’t that hostile. “Here’s a buttload of money more than your value and I’ll happily swallow your poison pill, I’m hostilely taking you over now.”
The poison pill meant that they had to keep all employees in their current positions. I wish that I'd been severed from this corrupt cesspool.

1.) it was Warner Lambert, Parke Davis was just the drug division of Warner Lambert.

2.) Pfizer bought WL because of Lipitor. Yep, Lipitor was developed by WL.

3.) IT was 1999 and PFE stock hit a high of about $50.00 THEN PFE spent money like a drunken sailor made terrible decisions and the stock never seen $50.00 again until very recently, 21 wasted years.

4.) WL purchase saved PFE ass because w/o Lipitor PFE would have been nothing but a marketing company w: no drug development.

That sounds like me. You are 100% correct.

You can all do this with good financial health. I did and I'm done!

Career rep
3.22 Million in Bank (includes Retirement IRAs, Brokerage Accounts etc)
170,000 owed on 550-600,000 house approx in beautiful progressive state with low property taxes. Low interest rate on house. Don't pay it off cause interest negligible and more money to be earned on equity/bonds etc. Still get a small write off on taxes
-worked ass off since 15, live within my means. Take a few trips a year. Buy clothes always on sale, never in a mall

Goal: To travel the world in retirement and spend time with family

When you retire do you get dental coverage through Pfizer? I am being told they don’t offer it anymore but we always had it.