BREAKING NEWS: AZ to restructure global R&D!

Sure, America sucks. The USA could turn your Volvo driving, Latte drinking, yogurt eating, pinko fucking country into a parking lot in 30 seconds. The reason he is leaving you alone is because he is French and they are the only people more clueless than the Swedes. They just ran out of other people's money before you did but your time is coming. What is your tax rate?

I'd take a new Volvo S60 AWD, red, like the one in the ad that confronts a wolf.

The UK is cutting 2200 jobs and the Cambs site will employ about 1600. Are the US and Swedish sites cutting head count in R&D too?
Practically all our sales guys are agency now. Everyone else is looking for work.
They're even thinking of getting a smaller HQ because there aren't enough people in Home Office to fill the building and justify the rent.

Sweden: about 30% income tax rate, combine with the cleanest air and water, best public transportation, education, and healthcare system in the world. How is America's healthcare system doing? Enjoying your public transportation infrastructure and great public school systems?
Look Swensoninski; if it wasn't for the US of A you and your clammy white putrid skinned buddies would be speaking German and doing the goose step. But, oh wait, you work for AZ so you know what we saved your country from. And in America, when someone fucks with us we light up their ass with a missle while your country sends chocolates and hopes that they will leave you alone.

Sweden: about 30% income tax rate, combine with the cleanest air and water, best public transportation, education, and healthcare system in the world. How is America's healthcare system doing? Enjoying your public transportation infrastructure and great public school systems?

You are correct but fail to connect the dots.

Look at the population and living conditions in Sweden. Compare to the population and living conditions in Haiti. QED.

But but, we can't talk about this, right? Pull this post, how dare someone even hint at the truth here!

Look Swensoninski; if it wasn't for the US of A you and your clammy white putrid skinned buddies would be speaking German and doing the goose step. But, oh wait, you work for AZ so you know what we saved your country from. And in America, when someone fucks with us we light up their ass with a missle while your country sends chocolates and hopes that they will leave you alone.
Preach on my brother I love it. Don't you wish our pussy of a President would show just a little bit of this kind of attitude about our great country instead of apologizing to some of the worst places on the planet?

Preach on my brother I love it. Don't you wish our pussy of a President would show just a little bit of this kind of attitude about our great country instead of apologizing to some of the worst places on the planet?
That's right, let your jingoism flag fly. Apparently you're too stupid to realize the USA hasn't been no. 1 in anything for decades. We're miles behind most industrialized nations in education, healthcare, work-life balance; do you have any idea what the infant mortality rate is here? I suspect the poster who said "America sucks" was a fellow Yank making a joke about liberal European vacation policy, but it was enough to bring out the rabid xenophobes who don't even realize how inferior they are. Maybe it would help if you got out of whatever Podunk you live in or went somewhere else for vacation than to the seashore now and then. And you're probably one of the fools mocking others for "drinking the kool-aid."

Look Swensoninski; if it wasn't for the US of A you and your clammy white putrid skinned buddies would be speaking German and doing the goose step. But, oh wait, you work for AZ so you know what we saved your country from. And in America, when someone fucks with us we light up their ass with a missle while your country sends chocolates and hopes that they will leave you alone.

Wow! I didn't realize that history education was that bad in the US. May I remind you that Sweden hasn't been in a war since 1809...