BREAKING NEWS: AZ to restructure global R&D!

You just don't seem to get it. Let me know as soon as any one of these research sites produces anything of note. The AZ R&D organization is now entirely run by: constantly on holiday Europeans, incompetent Medimmuners and the dregs of what remains in Cambridge, who hadn't already left to join a more productive organization after the woeful Medimmune acquisition. R&D at AZ essentially ended today, if it hadn't already. The prospects of a large merger are even higher now. The pipeline is completely dead now. This is essentially a run off business now as it currently stands.

How did all that tapping into the academic excellence they are now claiming to be able to do so well when they will access it at Cambridge, work out for them when the same claims were made about the then new Waltham site and the new access to all the academic excellence at Harvard and MIT?

10 years of intense investment later, and nothing but high expenses to show for it.

It is exactly these kinds of terrible decisions and misguided investments that have kept the more productive parts of R&D from being properly funded and continuing to deliver to the pipeline. It is now just a pipe dream for AZ.

They have learned nothing from their past mistakes. In fact, they are repeating them all over again.

AZ has had crap R for years. Setting up near Cambridge allows them to get a few Interns, and drink beer in the local pub, with a chance to sit near someone in a cap and gown.

Anyone in Cambridge with any ability started their own stuff. They won't join a carcass like AZ.

Weird - Boehringer Ingelheim is located in friggin' Ingelheim, which is a little hellhole of 15,000 miserable, pathetic, germans with no hub or future whatsoever. How does that company make their profits?

Can someone please explain the logic behind the humongous investment in buildings at AP, which incidentally must have been a factor in previous reductions in overheads (read redundancies, but of course we don't use that word) ....and now those buildings are themselves going to be redundant, leaving a ghost town that no other business will be interested in?

Oh hold on, I recall a shitload of money being thrown at (the admittedly unproductive) CW site, not long before that was put on the scrap heap too...

The lesson? If AZ starts to invest in your site, get out before they shut it's a makeover for a non existent buyer....

Field sales here. This is what happens when you have overpaid idiots running the show! We have reps running into each in the field trying to call on the same doc for the same drug on the same day! We have DM's that stay in the field 2 hours then leave for a make believe conference call. DM's that can't even present a good product discussion with a doc! We need one rep per territory!

Field sales here. This is what happens when you have overpaid idiots running the show! We have reps running into each in the field trying to call on the same doc for the same drug on the same day! We have DM's that stay in the field 2 hours then leave for a make believe conference call. DM's that can't even present a good product discussion with a doc! We need one rep per territory!

and less DM's for one singular reason: listen to your customer AZ. Providers see ZERO value from a manager. Just show trust to the people you hire, and let them do their jobs. They will deliver the goods. They will be inspired to want to perform, and be accountable. Instead, everyone checks boxes, and then has to endure an insulting ridealong every few weeks. Look around in ANY industry. Surely there is a better model than to insult your reps with babysitting ridealongs so that DMs will have something to do. Do you have senior managers sit on, yes, ON, the desk of a brand manager every few weeks to watch what THEY do for a full day ? No. You let them do their jobs. Let reps do theirs...RHAT will make this a better place to work.

You just don't seem to get it. Let me know as soon as any one of these research sites produces anything of note. The AZ R&D organization is now entirely run by: constantly on holiday Europeans, incompetent Medimmuners and the dregs of what remains in Cambridge, who hadn't already left to join a more productive organization after the woeful Medimmune acquisition. R&D at AZ essentially ended today, if it hadn't already. The prospects of a large merger are even higher now. The pipeline is completely dead now. This is essentially a run off business now as it currently stands.

Dittos except for this:

The prospects of a large merger are even higher now.

What's to buy? Expiring patents? Crack sales team? Good It for sales? Pipeline? Seroquel lawsuits? Come on! The ship is headed for a gigantic waterfall, and the Poo Bahs have their golden parachutes strapped on.... This dog won't hunt!

Great News! Global Strategic R&D Centres will be Cambridge, UK, Gaithersburg, US, and Mölndal, Sweden... Goodbye Wilmington and Alderley Park... Say hello to major scientific hubs like Cambridge, Gaithersburg, and Gothenburg![/QUOT

Hello? Does anyone remember why the R&D was disbanded a few years back? First of all they could not complete the trials and get a drug to market. Why? Because all those supposedly brainiacs were too busy imbibing toot, prescription drugs and having morning, afternoon and whatever delights! Inmates running the asylum! All the new talking heads trying to make a name for themselves. Again patients waiting for all these new drugs are screwed, and not in the fun way the brainiacs were. There you go, more wasted money, AZ. Or should you rename yourself "Titanic Pharmaceuticuls"? Pathetic.

Why rock the boat asshole!???

I'm a level VII in R & D, we can't find shit, we're not incented to find shit, but there's about seven layers of management pushing paper around and giving powerpoint meetings talking shit, and they're paying us BIG coin. So, what would you do, huh? Wife and kids, mortgage -- I know -- tell them it's a bunch of BS. Right. I remember a guy that tried that, a few years ago. I wonder where he is today.

Why rock the boat asshole!???

I'm a level VII in R & D, we can't find shit, we're not incented to find shit, but there's about seven layers of management pushing paper around and giving powerpoint meetings talking shit, and they're paying us BIG coin. So, what would you do, huh? Wife and kids, mortgage -- I know -- tell them it's a bunch of BS. Right. I remember a guy that tried that, a few years ago. I wonder where he is today.

Sounds like "Office Space".... we have a new TPS report.

You just don't seem to get it. Let me know as soon as any one of these research sites produces anything of note. The AZ R&D organization is now entirely run by: constantly on holiday Europeans, incompetent Medimmuners and the dregs of what remains in Cambridge, who hadn't already left to join a more productive organization after the woeful Medimmune acquisition. R&D at AZ essentially ended today, if it hadn't already. The prospects of a large merger are even higher now. The pipeline is completely dead now. This is essentially a run off business now as it currently stands.

Thanks Nostradamus!

You just don't seem to get it. Let me know as soon as any one of these research sites produces anything of note. The AZ R&D organization is now entirely run by: constantly on holiday Europeans, incompetent Medimmuners and the dregs of what remains in Cambridge, who hadn't already left to join a more productive organization after the woeful Medimmune acquisition. R&D at AZ essentially ended today, if it hadn't already. The prospects of a large merger are even higher now. The pipeline is completely dead now. This is essentially a run off business now as it currently stands.

Sorry to break it to you but MedI is the only competent component of AZ. The pipeline is still a few years off but at least they have viable options, unlike in the small molecule side. Get your head out of the sand.

Sorry to break it to you but MedI is the only competent component of AZ. The pipeline is still a few years off but at least they have viable options, unlike in the small molecule side. Get your head out of the sand.

Active maybe. Competent - has yet to be shown.

I was in a meeting pre the son of synagis failed launch. If that was an example of their competence, then they have none.

They developed their products when the bar to market was much lower. Like a lot of small companies, when their trials were shown under the harsh lights beamed on big pharma, they dried up.

As for pipleine - AZ and Medi have had many pipelines that were years away from market.

Biologics may be the future, but managing R is not a competency of anyone in AZ or Medi.

Sorry to break it to you but MedI is the only competent component of AZ. The pipeline is still a few years off but at least they have viable options, unlike in the small molecule side. Get your head out of the sand.

Biologics may be the best new thing, but the problem is that Medimmune doesn't have any of those. They have delivered nothing to the pipeline in six years. What makes you think that will change. How much revenue do they contribute to the total? A pittance at best, no there is not a competent group at Medimmune. If there ever were any competent people there, they seem to have already cashed out and left. Why do you think they were for sale in the first place? They had no future and they knew it. AZ was foolish enough to buy an empty shell.

I used to work in R&D at Alderley Park. They tried to turn us scientists into bullshit spewing sales arse holes, like some of you lot and that daft twat of a CEO who we eventually got rid of, and look where it got us.

Now they want us to be all scientific again and hope that hanging out with the Cambridge toffs will screw our heads back on. Fucking jokers. Scientists are highly skilled workers not dum sales fodder. Once you lost those skills they are gone. Some knob in sales goes you just recruit a used car salesmen. A Biochemist with twenty years experience who knows the unspoken flaws of every assay in the department cannot be replaced. Don't worry your little heads about what an "assay" is. Just put it in that part of your brain labelled" Too Complicated For Me".
Sales wankers. Know your place. Leave the science to the scientists.

I used to work in R&D at Alderley Park. They tried to turn us scientists into bullshit spewing sales arse holes, like some of you lot and that daft twat of a CEO who we eventually got rid of, and look where it got us.

Now they want us to be all scientific again and hope that hanging out with the Cambridge toffs will screw our heads back on. Fucking jokers. Scientists are highly skilled workers not dum sales fodder. Once you lost those skills they are gone. Some knob in sales goes you just recruit a used car salesmen. A Biochemist with twenty years experience who knows the unspoken flaws of every assay in the department cannot be replaced. Don't worry your little heads about what an "assay" is. Just put it in that part of your brain labelled" Too Complicated For Me".
Sales wankers. Know your place. Leave the science to the scientists.

...and management doesn't even seem to know that they ought to care about the lost knowledge that will be walking out the door.

I used to work in R&D at Alderley Park. They tried to turn us scientists into bullshit spewing sales arse holes, like some of you lot and that daft twat of a CEO who we eventually got rid of, and look where it got us.

Now they want us to be all scientific again and hope that hanging out with the Cambridge toffs will screw our heads back on. Fucking jokers. Scientists are highly skilled workers not dum sales fodder. Once you lost those skills they are gone. Some knob in sales goes you just recruit a used car salesmen. A Biochemist with twenty years experience who knows the unspoken flaws of every assay in the department cannot be replaced. Don't worry your little heads about what an "assay" is. Just put it in that part of your brain labelled" Too Complicated For Me".
Sales wankers. Know your place. Leave the science to the scientists.

Easy big fella. You are soon to be in the unemployment line and sales gig will be looking pretty good. Best of all, you now qualify.