Brain Based Coaching and Mgr. false field days


This whole model is such a crap show. The mangers have to lie about field days- Like counting half days as full days so they can get double credit by working with two reps with 2 half days. The reps are going insane with the coaching that is not helpful. This model has finally put me over the edge. I am developing a new resume for a new company- How is that for growth mindset?


This whole model is such a crap show. The mangers have to lie about field days- Like counting half days as full days so they can get double credit by working with two reps with 2 half days. The reps are going insane with the coaching that is not helpful. This model has finally put me over the edge. I am developing a new resume for a new company- How is that for growth mindset?

Lead yourself or some other mind numbing initiative. Gave notice Friday. I slept like a baby for the first time in two years.

This whole model is such a crap show. The mangers have to lie about field days- Like counting half days as full days so they can get double credit by working with two reps with 2 half days. The reps are going insane with the coaching that is not helpful. This model has finally put me over the edge. I am developing a new resume for a new company- How is that for growth mindset?

All bullshit.

The model is not bullshit. It is that the people using the model do not understand how to use it. Many managers are simply using it as a new approach to tell a rep what to do. Coaching is all about helping an individual make choices to develop and improve. It is a validated tool to help people excel but it will never be effective in the hands of people who don't know how to use it and/or don't really care about the needs of the rep.

The model is not bullshit. It is that the people using the model do not understand how to use it. Many managers are simply using it as a new approach to tell a rep what to do. Coaching is all about helping an individual make choices to develop and improve. It is a validated tool to help people excel but it will never be effective in the hands of people who don't know how to use it and/or don't really care about the needs of the rep.

Isn't that your job as an RD to coach your incompetent DM?

This whole model is such a crap show. The mangers have to lie about field days- Like counting half days as full days so they can get double credit by working with two reps with 2 half days. The reps are going insane with the coaching that is not helpful. This model has finally put me over the edge. I am developing a new resume for a new company- How is that for growth mindset?

My manager and i have a great "arrangement". We were both extremely reluctant to approach the subject, but as time passed, and comments were made, we decided to hit the nail square on the head one morning. I am a very experienced rep, and this person has been around awhile as well. Basically, this person and I reached an agreement that they would never ride with me again. I would cover their back, and they would cover mine. They let me know when they have a field day "planned" so everything will go smoothly. We talked one morning along time about how stupid it was for them to ride with someone as senior as myself, and that this type of management model was completely broken. For at least one time, someone gets it!

I can't say how long this has been going on, but it works really well. My morale has improved dramatically. This person and I are actually friends. My numbers are decent, and i am actually working harder now! I do practice the ALL DAY LIE from time to time, but not near as much as I used to.

The one thing we agreed on is that the VAST majority of people in pharma will never actually be able to retire with a decent pension. Also, many have waited to long to leave the industry for say device sales, and are now considered to old and can't shake the negative label that "pharma sales" carries with it. If you have been in the industry for just a few years, NOW IS THE TIME TO LEAVE before you become branded as someone who doesn't really know how to sale.

My manager and i have a great "arrangement". We were both extremely reluctant to approach the subject, but as time passed, and comments were made, we decided to hit the nail square on the head one morning. I am a very experienced rep, and this person has been around awhile as well. Basically, this person and I reached an agreement that they would never ride with me again. I would cover their back, and they would cover mine. They let me know when they have a field day "planned" so everything will go smoothly. We talked one morning along time about how stupid it was for them to ride with someone as senior as myself, and that this type of management model was completely broken. For at least one time, someone gets it!

I can't say how long this has been going on, but it works really well. My morale has improved dramatically. This person and I are actually friends. My numbers are decent, and i am actually working harder now! I do practice the ALL DAY LIE from time to time, but not near as much as I used to.

The one thing we agreed on is that the VAST majority of people in pharma will never actually be able to retire with a decent pension. Also, many have waited to long to leave the industry for say device sales, and are now considered to old and can't shake the negative label that "pharma sales" carries with it. If you have been in the industry for just a few years, NOW IS THE TIME TO LEAVE before you become branded as someone who doesn't really know how to sale.

Great post! Reps will work if they are left alone and not babied. We will probably even work harder. Newer reps looking for a career, this is not the place..Pharma is basically a good part-time to full time job and it's not sales.

This whole model is such a crap show. The mangers have to lie about field days- Like counting half days as full days so they can get double credit by working with two reps with 2 half days. The reps are going insane with the coaching that is not helpful. This model has finally put me over the edge. I am developing a new resume for a new company- How is that for growth mindset?

Just don't speak up. If you are being told by leadership to speak up, DO NOT! They will use it against you and you will be harassed until you leave. Calling someone out for failure, no matter how tactful, calls someone out for failure. That is all they will hear. No such thing as constructive criticism at AZ. That is unless you are put on a PIP. Better known at AZ as destructive criticism.

Just don't speak up. If you are being told by leadership to speak up, DO NOT! They will use it against you and you will be harassed until you leave. Calling someone out for failure, no matter how tactful, calls someone out for failure. That is all they will hear. No such thing as constructive criticism at AZ. That is unless you are put on a PIP. Better known at AZ as destructive criticism.

They are getting ready for the next round of layoffs. Anyone on a plan or working on corrective measures will be cut. Ride it out. Only a couple months worth of harassment and ridealongs from your robotic DSM. Good Luck!

My manager and i have a great "arrangement". We were both extremely reluctant to approach the subject, but as time passed, and comments were made, we decided to hit the nail square on the head one morning. I am a very experienced rep, and this person has been around awhile as well. Basically, this person and I reached an agreement that they would never ride with me again. I would cover their back, and they would cover mine. They let me know when they have a field day "planned" so everything will go smoothly. We talked one morning along time about how stupid it was for them to ride with someone as senior as myself, and that this type of management model was completely broken. For at least one time, someone gets it!

I can't say how long this has been going on, but it works really well. My morale has improved dramatically. This person and I are actually friends. My numbers are decent, and i am actually working harder now! I do practice the ALL DAY LIE from time to time, but not near as much as I used to.

The one thing we agreed on is that the VAST majority of people in pharma will never actually be able to retire with a decent pension. Also, many have waited to long to leave the industry for say device sales, and are now considered to old and can't shake the negative label that "pharma sales" carries with it. If you have been in the industry for just a few years, NOW IS THE TIME TO LEAVE before you become branded as someone who doesn't really know how to sale.

I am almost there with my manager! It's taken about 6 months for them to feel comfortable, it you get my meaning! I have had only 2 actual field rides this year, and one next week but I think this will be the one I'll say, "don't worry about coming, I am doing fine and I have your back!"

I am almost there with my manager! It's taken about 6 months for them to feel comfortable, it you get my meaning! I have had only 2 actual field rides this year, and one next week but I think this will be the one I'll say, "don't worry about coming, I am doing fine and I have your back!"

I am with my manager today. We are going over my development plan. He is expecting me to correct things beyond my control and others that cannot possibly be measured. I am 30 days into my 90 day plan and the territory ranking is moving backward while more HCP are continuing to commit. My pod has the same performance but not a single one of them is on a corrective action plan. Two of the three treat this as a part-time job, and the third is an administrative nightmare. To boot, two of the three are in one form of leadership development or the other. I have been with the company just over three years and have noticed a pattern. Managers tend to ride those more capable of selling, while rewarding those more complient with the selling model.

I am with my manager today. We are going over my development plan. He is expecting me to correct things beyond my control and others that cannot possibly be measured. I am 30 days into my 90 day plan and the territory ranking is moving backward while more HCP are continuing to commit. My pod has the same performance but not a single one of them is on a corrective action plan. Two of the three treat this as a part-time job, and the third is an administrative nightmare. To boot, two of the three are in one form of leadership development or the other. I have been with the company just over three years and have noticed a pattern. Managers tend to ride those more capable of selling, while rewarding those more complient with the selling model.

Hang in there buttercup. Sounds like your manager has to administer a PIP for his IDP. December layoffs are around the corner. Just play the game for a few more weeks.

I wonder how much we paid for yet another model. I know we have people in the field where this is their only job - helping to coach. How exactly do we use the brain this time? As opposed to what we were doing before? Was the previous model based on the heart? Such a joke that we let people pay these vendors to create new programs that don;'t mean jackshit. Brain dead describes all of pharma anyway.

I wonder how much we paid for yet another model. I know we have people in the field where this is their only job - helping to coach. How exactly do we use the brain this time? As opposed to what we were doing before? Was the previous model based on the heart? Such a joke that we let people pay these vendors to create new programs that don;'t mean jackshit. Brain dead describes all of pharma anyway.

Spent the day with my DM. He spent theee hours on this coaching model. At the end I asked him if he believed his own bullshit. He then proceeded to tell me that maybe I should find a job that better fit the culture most aligned with my values. Manager is a complete implant.