Booster up 4th time

Most aggressive vax country in the world with half million people having 4th shot say doesnt work on new variants .
What else do you need to hear, vax co ceos now real world experience say not working on new mutations

Booster shots are clearly not going to affect infection; what it will do is markedly reduce the morbidity/mortality of the disease. At this point its a bridge to help reduce deaths/chronic illness and reduce the impact on hospitals until a more effective med/vax is available.

I wear a double mask outside and in my car. I haven’t gotten covid. It’s working great!

I’m also vaxxed and boosted along with my kids. I will get the 2nd booster in a few months.

We are all in this together and need to do are part.

I rarely wear a mask, completely unvaccinated and I have not had Covid either. I do take prophylactic dose of ivermectin weekly. No issues.

So the fact that you have not had Covid proves nothing about the efficacy of the mask or the vaccines.
But after 18 months, its proven wearing masks and smart hygiene slows the spread, doesnt stop but slows the rate of spread better than vax & not wearing masks. I think all the 3 shot vaccines which I have gotten (2 Pfe & Moderna booster) has proved to us is it limits or hides symptoms making EVER PERSON A SILENT SPREADER.
Fact & Truth for both sides that are idiot radicals far right & left

I just saw this - no way Gilead still mandates a booster when all facts, data, and scientists are saying not to.
Too late dude, Gilead 1st & only pharma co mandating booster without a weekly test option for employees.
And they are mandating deadline of March so booster will be Old Booster that does not work on current and new variants rather than wait just 1 month for both Pfizer & Moderna coming out w a broader spectrum & longer laster booster in April.
(Looks like Gilead & Biden agreed to help pull through all the original vaccines they over bought from the big 3 makers.)

I rarely wear a mask, completely unvaccinated and I have not had Covid either. I do take prophylactic dose of ivermectin weekly. No issues.

So the fact that you have not had Covid proves nothing about the efficacy of the mask or the vaccines.
You should take your antipsychotic medicines before you type. You sound like a total dumbass.

New national data , more vaccinated people in hospital than unvax.
67% of hospitalized covid patients have had 2 shot vax and 16% of those have had 3 shot boosters.
I am all for vaccination but mandating or loose jobs when vaxes now do not work well with current & upcoming variants.
For this factual reason Gilead can have a class action case

Part of being a responsible, science driven company is following the Science - even when it doesn’t fit your agenda. Johns Hopkins and the World Health Organization now say there is zero reason to mandate boosters (amongst others). Rescind the mandate or pay the price!

So if we are a "Science" Company why are we not following the science? There is an article in JAMA that states what everyone knows.....natural immunity is better than every vaccine. Also states that natural immunity last at least 21 months (as long as it has been studied). Vaccines and Boosters are not without risk. Who gives medicine/vaccines to people who do not need them?

So if we are a "Science" Company why are we not following the science? There is an article in JAMA that states what everyone knows.....natural immunity is better than every vaccine. Also states that natural immunity last at least 21 months (as long as it has been studied). Vaccines and Boosters are not without risk. Who gives medicine/vaccines to people who do not need them?
Problem is now after 2 yrs realizing there is no natural immunity with covid as many have got it 2-3 times now! Imunity for Delta doesnt mean for Omnicron & other mutations. China did a number on the world when they made this virus!
Vaccines dont work but 3-5 months and latest variant didnt work at all.
Just wait until we get a vaccine that covers all vatiants before mandating or firing for not taking a vaccine that doesnt work

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