Bonus Checks

As someone who left HSV Tablets in late 2016 prior to the train going completely off the rails, this saddens me. I saw the whole collapse coming with that useless Samba tanking quality and the Pat takeover to crush the stock prices. My stock options from years past are over here crying because of the terrible leadership at the top of Endo. If someone with business sense bought up HSV, they would make a killing on it.

Mike Randolph cares only about #1. He didn't want HSV to close because it was inconvenient to him. Period. But once the writing was on the wall, all he cared about was where he could land on both feet and could give two shits about what happened to everyone else at the site. How do I know? I reported directly to him when all this was going down.

All you dopes have no idea what you're talking about. Quantitest NC was bleeding money and was shut down and sold off to try and save Quantitest AL. You had to produce billions and billions of Opioids just to break even at the end of each year. There's no money in pain management anymore because every generic pharma makes them. The entire industry is under fire for the addiction epidemic and Endo is getting out, hopefully, before it's too late. I hope another company buys that campus in Huntsville and reopens it and brings back jobs to your community but I wouldn't count on it. They'll be looking for skilled labor not dummies that can push a button.

All you dopes have no idea what you're talking about. Quantitest NC was bleeding money and was shut down and sold off to try and save Quantitest AL. You had to produce billions and billions of Opioids just to break even at the end of each year. There's no money in pain management anymore because every generic pharma makes them. The entire industry is under fire for the addiction epidemic and Endo is getting out, hopefully, before it's too late. I hope another company buys that campus in Huntsville and reopens it and brings back jobs to your community but I wouldn't count on it. They'll be looking for skilled labor not dummies that can push a button.