Bonus Checks

PAR North wanted to extend another (Mandatory) month to the operators down in Alabama. The want to suck all the units they can from that sight before it closes. If i were down there I would revolt and walk the hell out

Kevin Pelin is the only person in leadership that gives a damn. I feel sorry for him since they use him as the face of Endo or PAR. I hope he eventually tells them to fuck off

Someone that works that needs to call a lawyer. Hours and expectations for you to receive severance have became fluid, so they can do what they want. You had an original date under fair labor laws with a predifined work goal. If that is completed, you are owed severance. Everything in there is excess bulk that they need to find some other person to fill. Call labor lawyer tomorrow! Can’t list here, but it has Huntsville, Alabama, law, and legal in the name. We’d love to hear!