Bone Growth Stimulator - your advice?

After reading all of this nonsense do you really believe any of these guys will tell you how to reset it?

But guess what, I can. This 13 page epic crap fest of agent X for company Y and Agent A for company B going at each other like rabid dogs is as disgusting as watching political debates.

This isn't rocket science, it is an extremely simple circuit you could build yourself out of some copper windings and a power source. People's lack of rudimentary electromagnetic science astounds me but their greed is even worse! None of these idiots could tell you how it really works and they don't care! It's Magic! Don't mind the man behind the curtain.

To answer the question, you have a 10pin port right above the battery. This port allows for internal configuration of xxx/270 days, run for xx minutes and 12H/24H session lock-outs.

Lets say your "doctor" says you'll need 70 days of 30 minute sessions once a day. You plug in the connector, interface it with the manufacturer programmer, set the 70 day limit, sessoin length 30 minutes and 24H lockout, save, then reset.

Now you are on 1/270, running 30 minutes and locking out 24 hours before the next session can be run.

The protocol is simple and anyone with a soldering got, some wire, pin outs and a $5 rasberry pi zero with GPIO ports can read the data in and program the eeprom. Or just ground out the internal CMOS battery.

The stim has a 180 day period of use. Meaning if a patient uses the device for two months the unit can be shelved let’s say for maybe 3 or 4 months and still have 4 months of usage on the machine. Reps re-use their own inventory to do early applications for Medicare patients, No pay Medicaid, etc., and Distributors re-use and bill full pricing to third party payers and rotate used stims as rentals. The unit does not have to be recalibrated until it has been used for 180 days.

This is actually not correct, I did not use my device for several weeks while away on vacation. The unit continued to count the days even without batteries installed, so I lost a few weeks of use. My unit tells the amount of days passed since activation and the number of days used. When the days since activation reached 180 days, the unit no longer works, even though I only used it for a total of 130 days

After reading all of this nonsense do you really believe any of these guys will tell you how to reset it?

But guess what, I can. This 13 page epic crap fest of agent X for company Y and Agent A for company B going at each other like rabid dogs is as disgusting as watching political debates.

This isn't rocket science, it is an extremely simple circuit you could build yourself out of some copper windings and a power source. People's lack of rudimentary electromagnetic science astounds me but their greed is even worse! None of these idiots could tell you how it really works and they don't care! It's Magic! Don't mind the man behind the curtain.

To answer the question, you have a 10pin port right above the battery. This port allows for internal configuration of xxx/270 days, run for xx minutes and 12H/24H session lock-outs.

Lets say your "doctor" says you'll need 70 days of 30 minute sessions once a day. You plug in the connector, interface it with the manufacturer programmer, set the 70 day limit, sessoin length 30 minutes and 24H lockout, save, then reset.

Now you are on 1/270, running 30 minutes and locking out 24 hours before the next session can be run.

The protocol is simple and anyone with a soldering got, some wire, pin outs and a $5 rasberry pi zero with GPIO ports can read the data in and program the eeprom. Or just ground out the internal CMOS battery.

Hi there. Can I resurrect this? I'm not a sales rep or anything and I do say, this thread is quite entertaining...

I have had two surgeries trying to heal a non-union in my foot over the last 2 years. I've been on crutches for so long and really want to get walking on two feet again! My doctor really feels that a bone stimulator would help, but my insurance has denied it twice from two different reps, and then denied all my appeals. I just don't have the $5,000 to buy it out of pocket. I've found a used one for $50, but I'm not sure exactly what I'd do to reset it... haha has anyone had success with this method? I see a good list of supplies, but I have no clue what I do with them.

unfortunately no, not unless you can figure out a software reset. As other have stated, it's not just the amount of uses, but overall time since activated. Best bet: find a used Exogen stim on ebay, craigslist etc. Get the one with the orange button, as that model can have the battery replaced.