Bondo and DD sittin in a tree

Yep. Check out the website. He didn’t graduate college and he was “CEO“ of a crappy golf company with an employee of 1 that sold beer koozies and personalized ball markers. It’s so obvious to all of us that he’s completely lost.


Why is a goofball like this in charge of anything where people’s livelihoods are involved? Its scary, sad, and definitely embarrassing. I would never put this guy in front of one of my surgeons.

I was told to do more with less because increased focus is proven to increase sales. Right. I already make less than I have at any other job and the solution is to take away hospitals from me? I have a feeling this isn’t going to work out as planned.

We were all told to work Saturdays for the 20th time by the director of sales but everyone laughs at him bc the average rep makes $90k at ACell. No thanks stash man. Most of us are selling other product lines during the week. Not working more than 10 hours a week for your company. My other product lines pay me much better better so I go where the money is. And your $200 car allowance is a joke. Most companies pay $600+, some pay $500, acell pays $200. That’s how acell does it. Everything is on the cheap. Hey acell, if your pay is crap then you get crap effort. Wonder why the turnover rate is so damn high? Hmmmmmm.