Bondo and DD sittin in a tree

company is sold. It’s not the price we wanted, but we’ll take it because it’s the only real offer left on the table. We’re desperate to unload this thing. Announcement before the end of the month.

It really speaks to how good the product is that the whole thing hasn’t collapsed like a house of cards. DiDi is completely unqualified and yet he’s the star of the show somehow. The worst thing about him is the people he supports. He only wants low lifes with criminal records so he can own them because they have no other options. It’s really getting hard to take.

It really speaks to how good the product is that the whole thing hasn’t collapsed like a house of cards. DiDi is completely unqualified and yet he’s the star of the show somehow. The worst thing about him is the people he supports. He only wants low lifes with criminal records so he can own them because they have no other options. It’s really getting hard to take.

I agree with the statement above 1000%

It really speaks to how good the product is that the whole thing hasn’t collapsed like a house of cards. DiDi is completely unqualified and yet he’s the star of the show somehow. The worst thing about him is the people he supports. He only wants low lifes with criminal records so he can own them because they have no other options. It’s really getting hard to take.


If we IPO, the street will quickly sniff out the lack of basic business knowledge, inexperience in med device, missing college degree, arrest record, struggles speaking basic sentences, hiring of highly questionable characters, and how he was named 30+ times in the DOJ investigation report. More than any other person at the company. What do you think that would do to the stock price? Up or down?

Hahahahaha! What a mess.

his name was mentioned 30 times in the whistleblowers report where the company had to plead guilty and he still has his job? How is this possible? He’s clearly the biggest liability at the company.

WTF! The director of sales appointed in January is the whole reason we had this DOJ investigation! Why is he in that position? We all knew he wasn’t very smart but this is much worse than just having a clueless figurehead. He was named more than 30 times in the DOJ investigation report!!!! What are we doing!? This is insane y’all.

If we IPO, the street will quickly sniff out the lack of basic business knowledge, inexperience in med device, missing college degree, arrest record, struggles speaking basic sentences, hiring of highly questionable characters, and how he was named 30+ times in the DOJ investigation report. More than any other person at the company. What do you think that would do to the stock price? Up or down?

Damn. This guy is still with your company and running the sales force? Remind me to short this stock as soon as it goes public. It’s going to fall hard once everyone discovers this guy is in charge.

his name was mentioned 30 times in the whistleblowers report where the company had to plead guilty and he still has his job? How is this possible? He’s clearly the biggest liability at the company.

DD is dumber than a box of rocks. Goofy moron who drinks too much and tells a few funny jokes at NSM. He’s more focused on helping his 5 or 6 buddies than doing what’s best for the company. We’re all embarrassed that he’s the face of sales. What a joke!

Guess who? On the ACell senior leadership website. “He attended the University of Kentucky and then University of North Florida.” “Attended” is code for “got drunk a lot and didn’t graduate”.