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BMS a lousy place to work now

By far the worst place to work recently. For sure everyone has to be demotivated from this nonsense. A lot more leadership levels created in favor of individual contributor roles being eliminated. Congratulations to the Exec Leadership team. Bunch of pin heads

By far the worst place to work recently. For sure everyone has to be demotivated from this nonsense. A lot more leadership levels created in favor of individual contributor roles being eliminated. Congratulations to the Exec Leadership team. Bunch of pin heads

when people who have succeeded at nothing but currying favor with other so-called anointed do nothing leaders it is exceptionally demoralizing

when people who have succeeded at nothing but currying favor with other so-called anointed do nothing leaders it is exceptionally demoralizing

So many of these “executive” middle managers do nothing. 1 or 2 people do the work and 5 vultures are ready to flap in to steal the credit. Worse than rats on a sinking ship!!!

So many of these “executive” middle managers do nothing. 1 or 2 people do the work and 5 vultures are ready to flap in to steal the credit. Worse than rats on a sinking ship!!!

Welcome to Pharma sales in the US! Every Pharma company is a mess! Too many chiefs, too much middle management, and the sales people are the ones who always pay. That is every company out there. Sad state of affairs!

Absolute chaos in this place. It’s a complete mess. 2-weeks later no one really knows what they are doing. This place is nuts.

And still no word from the top. I got two Abecma training invites TODAY for tomorrow & Thursday. My DM had no idea all the account managers are gone. How is Reblozyl going to have a smooth launch when the teams responsible for managed care were laid off?

I applied for a role outside the company today, I can't see things getting better anytime soon and I doubt this is the last reduction. It won't happen tomorrow but, I could easily see it within the next year or so.

And still no word from the top. I got two Abecma training invites TODAY for tomorrow & Thursday. My DM had no idea all the account managers are gone. How is Reblozyl going to have a smooth launch when the teams responsible for managed care were laid off?

I applied for a role outside the company today, I can't see things getting better anytime soon and I doubt this is the last reduction. It won't happen tomorrow but, I could easily see it within the next year or so.

what do you mean by the managed care team is gone? Is it the Account Executives from VAP? They are still here aren’t they. Just spoke with one on Monday.

Absolute chaos in this place. It’s a complete mess. 2-weeks later no one really knows what they are doing. This place is nuts.

we have the wrong people in charge of the company’s decisions, and frankly, not qualified to make them. Our Wall Street blunder was 100% leader miss. Messed up plan A, and had no plan B so they needed to quickly layoff thousands of people to recruit the money.

Absolute chaos in this place. It’s a complete mess. 2-weeks later no one really knows what they are doing. This place is nuts.

Directors and above pretend they know what they are doing. They pretend they have a plan. They don't. They're floundering. Those that can push in a positive direction are blocked. Smart people have one foot out the door.

Absolute chaos in this place. It’s a complete mess. 2-weeks later no one really knows what they are doing. This place is nuts.
Interesting that reps who hide at home all day for years are now on the road bright and early every morning. Nothing like a bloodbath to motivate people to actually do some work for the direct deposit

By far the worst place to work recently. For sure everyone has to be demotivated from this nonsense. A lot more leadership levels created in favor of individual contributor roles being eliminated. Congratulations to the Exec Leadership team. Bunch of pin heads

The worst place to work recently?

Are you out of your effing mind? BMS is by far the worst place in Pharma (maybe Merck). I have recruiters tell me that companies specifically spell out that they do not want anyone that resided at BMS for 4 or more years since they need a toe tag at that point.

Get real, this place is awful and always has been thanks to the worst management team next to the Third Reich.

And still no word from the top. I got two Abecma training invites TODAY for tomorrow & Thursday. My DM had no idea all the account managers are gone. How is Reblozyl going to have a smooth launch when the teams responsible for managed care were laid off?

I applied for a role outside the company today, I can't see things getting better anytime soon and I doubt this is the last reduction. It won't happen tomorrow but, I could easily see it within the next year or so.

Agree things are getting worse before getting better.

But you going on about two 1-hour trainings over two days…how dare they double your work week and now you have to reschedule your Brazilian appointment.

When your leaders hire their spouses that are unqualified into managerial positions, and they in turn hire their unqualified friends, the net-net result is devastating.

Hint - I am talking about you BMS. Look around at the collateral damage over the years and failed launches.