Bloodbath comming

that is the stupidest thing i've ever heard!! That would be the worst waste of money and time and would have completed defeated the purpose of hiring a third party company to handle the realignment. Have you ever heard of a company having a nat'l meeting just to piss everyone off? No! Realignment will occus before managers meeting in February.

You are a fucking r***** if you took that previous post seriously. Christ on a stick, no wonder DSI is going down the shitter.

It sounds like a DM trying to make you look at one hand, but stabs you with the other. Didnt they tell you effient was coming soon and that really helped the company, right. We are all gone!!

If you have poor rankings, poor competency ratings and live in a concentrated area with multiple reps...get your resume ready. DMs too...:)

The new structure will affect every level of Field DM told me this. He said that recent performance will be reviewed by HR and the outside company. No input from anyone from Sales Management to make it fair.

You can put a lot of the blame on DSI mgmt for letting Lilly price effient. If effient had been price correctly sales would be triple what they are. Bloodbath will come when diovan goes generic and plavix will already be generic by then. By mid 2012, DSI will be in BIG,BIG trouble.

keep denying it. march is the effective time frame. no whispering, no secret meetings. they want productivity high so keep working.

u should have about 3-4 month severance. the deal is done. keep yo chin up

Where did you here this? How accurate is this? Please no rumors. When is it coming?

Dear GOD this is Cafe Pharma it's all Rumor

Are you stupid or jsut scared.

This is not a rumor - No cuts infact we are buying out Novartis and we are all geting a 15% raise, a DM level car and you get to pick one Novartis rep in your territory to fire. Crazy I know but it's true, per Joe P I heard him say it on a flight from NJ to anywhere but hereville

c'mon people. Don't fall for this drivel. Shit is being posted by peckerheads who are getting a big kick out of creating a lot of havoc and worry. I don't know much about what's coming with the changes, but I do know that, although our revenue is falling a bit short this year, we still need reps for the new products coming soon. Re-alignment? Yes. Layoffs. No. Major improvements to our effectiveness? Absolutely. Ignore the peckerheads and just calm down.

What new products are coming soon that will need a huge sales force? The biggest lesson I learned from Pras is don't believe anything they say about the pipeline.

Listen you idiot posting 800-900 job cuts- go play in traffic. the cuts are not going to be anywhere near that. We don't have enough employees to let that many people go and still be effective. We now have a footprint with 500 reps in 3 sales forces. Some territories don't need 3 reps, others could use more. That is it... they want to optimize each territory and stop wasting resources. Will some people get cut yes, but more like 10%. Not 800-900. DUH!

Um, excuse me, but even with the numbers you have now, the sales force is not effective. Guess what...Daiichi needs to change the model, as do all pharma companies. The marketplace has changed, physician needs have changed. If any of upper management ever worked in an industry outside of pharma that was actually successsful, maybe they would be able to see what a joke this industry and job have become. In the meantime, keep collecting that healthy paycheck, gas up, and enjoy your 10-2 hours.

announced today....10% of sales force is going bye bye

It was said less than 10%, which I know can technically be 9.99%...about 1500 nationally.. So about 150 people out of the 50 states....150/50 = 3 rep per state displaced... That is if all regions are looked at equally...and just include PC1, PC2, PC3.....Wow! What a Bloodbath?

If you are doing even mid-way o.k (50%) you should be fine....

If you are on a notice, Plan etc..This will probably be the safest/legal way to let you go from company stand-point...

If you are in the bottom have gotten poor Mid/Yearly scores, I'd worry too

If they are using a 3rd party, this is usually where they start at after figuring out territories/targets etc.

Then it's geography, Etc.

The message is less than 10% across all primary care. People are blowing this way out of proportion and I am sure of some Novartis rep putting in their two cents. It will be less than what some people think and minor.

People need to relax and do their job. Why worry about what you cannot control.

ok DSI rep. when you let go, and you find out that many of your firend and mangers are gone too. Then..AND OLNLY THEN. will you be with many others shouting the fact that it was 30% or more.

They tell you a number to keep it quite and calm. Go llok on ther boards or talk to other reps from other companies. Get a clue. You all are screwed and are going to see big changes.

Too funny. LARGE cuts are imminent. I put my money where my mouth is and the the pod kool-aid drinker $20. Looking forward to taking her money and hearing dumb byotch cry when she is shown da door. Start looking folks.