Bloodbath comming


Im not trying to freak everyone out. You can look at what GSK, Novartis, Sepracor, the list is long. they decived many and cuts were deep. The 200-300 job cuts they mention nationwide is not acurate for DSI. I have heard the reports from alignments, cost, acces, managed care is elimnating many jobs. get ready for about 800-900 postions.

no warnings just a heads up.

that's seems a little extreme...I thought they were only eliminating people in territories that don't need 3 reps or have horrible managed care access...300 per PC across the board is getting rid of over half of each sales does that make sense? Are they planning to realign the remaining reps instead essentially creating one big sales force instead of having a PC1, PC2 and PC3?

c'mon people. Don't fall for this drivel. Shit is being posted by peckerheads who are getting a big kick out of creating a lot of havoc and worry. I don't know much about what's coming with the changes, but I do know that, although our revenue is falling a bit short this year, we still need reps for the new products coming soon. Re-alignment? Yes. Layoffs. No. Major improvements to our effectiveness? Absolutely. Ignore the peckerheads and just calm down.

c'mon people. Don't fall for this drivel. Shit is being posted by peckerheads who are getting a big kick out of creating a lot of havoc and worry. I don't know much about what's coming with the changes, but I do know that, although our revenue is falling a bit short this year, we still need reps for the new products coming soon. Re-alignment? Yes. Layoffs. No. Major improvements to our effectiveness? Absolutely. Ignore the peckerheads and just calm down.

It sounds like a DM trying to make you look at one hand, but stabs you with the other. Didnt they tell you effient was coming soon and that really helped the company, right. We are all gone!!

60 days and counting. Dms reps. the usual outside company has come in and closing up the details on what about to happen.

sorry guys. countodown begins. and they have to keep shareholders happy.

Listen you idiot posting 800-900 job cuts- go play in traffic. the cuts are not going to be anywhere near that. We don't have enough employees to let that many people go and still be effective. We now have a footprint with 500 reps in 3 sales forces. Some territories don't need 3 reps, others could use more. That is it... they want to optimize each territory and stop wasting resources. Will some people get cut yes, but more like 10%. Not 800-900. DUH!

To any that read this. The source has vailidity. Ask any Wyeth rep, GSK, Pfizer, Sepracor, Novartis, ect rep. They say a small number to appease the stock price, shareholders and more. Just good luck to you all still fulfilling you lunch and learns and having high hopes. Here at HO are worried sick. Its part of business.

Listen you idiot posting 800-900 job cuts- go play in traffic. the cuts are not going to be anywhere near that. We don't have enough employees to let that many people go and still be effective. We now have a footprint with 500 reps in 3 sales forces. Some territories don't need 3 reps, others could use more. That is it... they want to optimize each territory and stop wasting resources. Will some people get cut yes, but more like 10%. Not 800-900. DUH!

You sound like a Kool Aid drinker it is going to be a blood bath and some of you jerks deserve it. Especially management

I'm a temp at home office and I just overheard some of the execs whispering to eachother as they were coming our of a secret meeting. I heard that there's actually going to be 30 reps layed off. Since we only have about 1800, their plan is to immediately hire 1200 reps, get them through training before April, then, at the Vegas meeting, they're going to announce a total lay off of the entire sales force. They will then choose 10 reps at random as human sacrifices!

Listen up: Don't listen to the trolls posting all this garbage. Most are from Novartis, or just loser DSI reps who have nothing to offer anyone...except misery.

Listen you idiot posting 800-900 job cuts- go play in traffic. the cuts are not going to be anywhere near that. We don't have enough employees to let that many people go and still be effective. We now have a footprint with 500 reps in 3 sales forces. Some territories don't need 3 reps, others could use more. That is it... they want to optimize each territory and stop wasting resources. Will some people get cut yes, but more like 10%. Not 800-900. DUH!

BINGO! Look at the low volume territories. Do they need 3 reps? NO WAY! Some may not even need 2. Now, look at territories that have 12-15% of a district's volume. Guess who will now have 4 reps or even 5 - MAYBE???

Notice how there are over 100 spots not being filled? If you are in a territory with a vacancy - good news for you! You probably won't be getting laid off. Why do you think DMs with empty territories are NO LONGER HAVE THOSE VACANCIES COUNT AGAINST THEIR IC NUMBER (regardless if the territory is doing well or not)!!! Here is a thought: Maybe in the near future a PC3 DM won't have a rep in a territory where there is a PC1 and PC2. So, how are they supposed to be responsible for that empty territory.

DSI DOES NOT WANT to have their first lay off - EVER! They want to keep that trend going in an industry that is notorious for it. We'll see what happens in 2012. This is a first big step to hopefully minimize damage down the road.

I'm a temp at home office and I just overheard some of the execs whispering to eachother as they were coming our of a secret meeting. I heard that there's actually going to be 30 reps layed off. Since we only have about 1800, their plan is to immediately hire 1200 reps, get them through training before April, then, at the Vegas meeting, they're going to announce a total lay off of the entire sales force. They will then choose 10 reps at random as human sacrifices!

Listen up: Don't listen to the trolls posting all this garbage. Most are from Novartis, or just loser DSI reps who have nothing to offer anyone...except misery.

that is the stupidest thing i've ever heard!! That would be the worst waste of money and time and would have completed defeated the purpose of hiring a third party company to handle the realignment. Have you ever heard of a company having a nat'l meeting just to piss everyone off? No! Realignment will occus before managers meeting in February.