Blood Clot Gilot

Leadership has been making seriously bad decisions lately. Whatever you do, DON’T even consider bringing BOGI back!

What would make you think that’s even in the works? Oh, wait…you know it’s not. You just wanted to take a few more digs at someone who left years ago and then act like he’s the bad guy. Got it, douche.

What would make you think that’s even in the works? Oh, wait…you know it’s not. You just wanted to take a few more digs at someone who left years ago and then act like he’s the bad guy. Got it, douche.
Not wanting to extend a thread that isn’t relevant, but if we’re being honest, he didn’t leave, he was fired.

  • Mr. T   Nov 15, 2023 at 10:42: AM
Gilot was terrible here and it’s clear he didn’t improve when he went to Astra Zeneca. Our gain (Gilot getting canned from Novo) was their loss, clearly. If AZ leadership let’s this go, and by that I mean they don’t fire him, they’re tacitly agreeing with his “tactics”. Deplorable.