blood bath

Galderma used to be a good company. For the field people please contact former Galderma people that received the same treatment in the previous two years. Also, don't believe the BS spin from the leadership or HR some of these guys got the same unfair treatment many of you received this week. The good news they are all at companies that are growing and expanding and if they do not have a immediate position open they may know someone who does. If you talk to some of the former employees in the home office many of them saw this coming for years. However, Albert had vision but he over built the internal infrastructure in Marketing, Finance and support and then put the company in a position that it had to keep making good acquisitions or it would be sold off or die. HA, stupidly replaces Albert with an incompetent French guy that was too busy getting his picture in the paper and playing the role as opposed to understanding what needed to be done. Then he gets with a creepy HR person and she plays him like a puppet to place people she wanted in roles along with a willing and incompetent Head of marketing that spent money on programs and head count like we were a 3 billion dollar company on basically branded generics. Question - I don't recall KG, BJ or FF laying out any real growth plans or vision during last years or earlier this years feel good quarterly updates. Just remember for the remaining groups inside and outside of the home office and the field reps there will be probably another round when the business unit dream does not pay off either I would guess around trend 2. Then the fun will really begin for the remaining employees. This week was simply a start the business unit concept does not change the fact we have branded generic that MCO companies only want to pay for generics. No pipeline and still too many field and home office employees. Now with the shrinking US sales and profits no funding for and R & D. This will impact the company world wide.

Unless you are completely hard up for a away from Valeant. Terrible company to work for. Most of the DMs are clowns that were mediocre reps at best. RBDs sole focus is kissing up to mgmt. to keep jobs. Stock has been stagnant for weeks. No ability to acquire other companies as they are drowning in debt. They lay off about every six months. Company will implode or go bankrupt in a year or so. Pharma is dieing...worth looking for something else.

Anyone know about layoffs in the global group, curious about TZ - coming to Texas or being let go. If he comes, we have another additional to the "leaderless" organization - things will continue to spriral downward!

Was curious as to what DM's at Valeant you think were mediocre reps ? I believe most are puppets that is true, debt oh yeah lots of debt, but to say the stock has not moved recently is off base stock went from like 50 to 115 in a year, no matter how shitty the fundamentals are that is big movement. The place is wacky but there is opportunity - I know that for a fact. If you don't know shit don't talk shit

The answer to your question...... How can they keep one and lay off another....No true leadership at any level of the organization, just a bunch of losers in DFW trying to re-invent themselves and creating the frat boy " cool guy" atmosphere. Hey guys, since you didn't get to obviously do that in HS and college, corporate America really isn't the place. Look what you've done to this once great company????? It's pathetic. A real joke.
The other reason, is an incompetent HR department, that has no regard for federal law or any sort of code of ethics. There is no integrity, trust, or respect, they just do whatever they want, with no regard for people or the law. And KG is the biggest fraud. I will applaud the day this place gets bought or completely goes under..

THERE ARE NO OPPORTUNITIES AT VALEANT...the company has no credibility with docs, they cut corners for everything from manufacturing to R&D - there is no pipeline. Everything they do is temporary - they are out to make a quick buck - not in it long-term. I wouldn't want their name on my resume.

Here is my take (I am a former Galderma employee - left about 6 years ago). The problem with this company is that they continually promoted people based on their success of a silly territory or district without vetting if these people had any practical business experience or ideas. Great example is FH. Nice guy did a great job as a rep and manager in Atlanta. I know because I worked with him when he was a rep. Trust me; his skill set is no different than any other successful rep. Kissed ass with the right people (JH, TF, CP) etc. He was clean cut, played a nice round of golf etc. Of course anyone could sell Derm Rx products in the mid/late 90s. Everything was covered; Dermatology flew under the radar of managed care. The worst we had to deal with was a $30 copay. And here he is running sales for your entire organization. Does he know what it takes to bundle contract in order to gain favorable coverage? Can you imagine that in today's environment?

The reason why Galderma did so well for so many years was the products were really good (Differin - novel retinoid much less irritating, MetroLotion - basically invented topical treatment for Rosacea etc, Cetaphil etc.) Promotions based on meaningless territory sales success is Galderma's downfall. Girl/Guy does well as a rep in Florida, sure let’s make her/him a marketer. Because we all know that executing a few lunches and asking the right "closing question" enables you to develop cutting edge marketing concepts to outwit the marketplace in today's environment.

The leadership of Galderma today is full of those individuals that were at the right place at the right time, did a good job when it was easy to do so and never left thus giving them the seniority and all the upper management positions.
Fast forward to today. We all know this is a much different landscape in terms of managed care, generic intrusion in every category and the general healthcare landscape. Unfortunately for those left at Galderma, your senior leadership do not have the necessary skills to win in today’s marketplace which is why your company will be sold in the next year or so. The HQ is based in Texas so the talent pool of those individuals from other larger more experienced pharma companies is few and far between which further exacerbates the situation regarding qualified executive leadership.

So true.

Another example, is the "awesome" marshmallow. No brain, no balls. Been an OK trade NAM, kissed the right asses (BS, AD, KG, FF) then ended-up VP of Trade Sales. Not even able to do the math but a great "yes-man" with a "will do" attitude

From a Valeant employee that is out to make a buck , would not want that name on your resume how about name on a W2. Galderma is the company running from the Derm Space not Valeant my friend. How many Derm Products does Galderma Have ? How many aesthetic products do they have.? Valeant has bought Derm and will probably buy you too. Because you are for sale. By the way a shit load of your former colleagues have contacted us for jobs but you know what - we are not all that excited about your skill set, you sound like a bunch of complainers. Good luck with that resume in April

From a Valeant employee that is out to make a buck , would not want that name on your resume how about name on a W2. Galderma is the company running from the Derm Space not Valeant my friend. How many Derm Products does Galderma Have ? How many aesthetic products do they have.? Valeant has bought Derm and will probably buy you too. Because you are for sale. By the way a shit load of your former colleagues have contacted us for jobs but you know what - we are not all that excited about your skill set, you sound like a bunch of complainers. Good luck with that resume in April

Love this!
ha ha ha

From a Valeant employee that is out to make a buck , would not want that name on your resume how about name on a W2. Galderma is the company running from the Derm Space not Valeant my friend. How many Derm Products does Galderma Have ? How many aesthetic products do they have.? Valeant has bought Derm and will probably buy you too. Because you are for sale. By the way a shit load of your former colleagues have contacted us for jobs but you know what - we are not all that excited about your skill set, you sound like a bunch of complainers. Good luck with that resume in April

Good Afternoon Sales Team!

I hope this message finds you well! I wanted to update everyone on some of the planning going on for Medicis Dermatology in 2014. While some of the final details will be worked out over the next 2 weeks, I can now share some details on what our organization is going to look like following the 2014 NSM in Dallas.

This process has been a long time in the making and we are excited to finally enter into a year in which we will be optimized to drive sales and in position to minimize disruption. The goal of this process is to ensure we are targeting the right customers with the right products. This means that not every customer will be targeted with the same products in the same order; rather each customer will be uniquely targeted with the products they are most likely to prescribe. This should make your efforts more effective and efficient.

There will be 2 main selling divisions in 2014. This does not mean we will be making significant changes in the total number of sales reps on our team, but rather that the teams will be structured differently. The work that has been conducted by the team showed that prescribers of some of our key products do not overlap with prescribers of others. This will continue to be the case as we launch new products in 2014. That was one of the driving factors for our decision to pursue a targeting system that will be customized to each customer we call on. Additionally, we will be removing doctors from our target lists if they prescribe greater than 80% or more generics in each class or if they are significant Medicaid prescribers.

In 2014, 61 of our 63 geographical alignments will remain untouched! The Connecticut will pick up a few zip codes from and the Western Mass territory. As a result, our customers across the country will be minimally impacted by these changes and the majority of sales force relationships will remain intact. There may be changes in the number of sales reps in a given alignment, but the alignments will see minimal change.

With these changes there will be a need to start training a large portion of the field sales force prior to the NSM. Below are all the drugs we will be selling by February 1st. Over the next week you will start to receive emails from the training department on which drugs will be in your bag after the NSM.

2014 Drug List
Solodyn, Acanya, Atralin, Ziana, Noritate, Cerave, Zyclara, Carac, Elidel, Bensal, Ertaczo, Luzu, & Xerese,

Here is my take (I am a former Galderma employee - left about 6 years ago). The problem with this company is that they continually promoted people based on their success of a silly territory or district without vetting if these people had any practical business experience or ideas. Great example is FH. Nice guy did a great job as a rep and manager in Atlanta. I know because I worked with him when he was a rep. Trust me; his skill set is no different than any other successful rep. Kissed ass with the right people (JH, TF, CP) etc. He was clean cut, played a nice round of golf etc. Of course anyone could sell Derm Rx products in the mid/late 90s. Everything was covered; Dermatology flew under the radar of managed care. The worst we had to deal with was a $30 copay. And here he is running sales for your entire organization. Does he know what it takes to bundle contract in order to gain favorable coverage? Can you imagine that in today's environment?

The reason why Galderma did so well for so many years was the products were really good (Differin - novel retinoid much less irritating, MetroLotion - basically invented topical treatment for Rosacea etc, Cetaphil etc.) Promotions based on meaningless territory sales success is Galderma's downfall. Girl/Guy does well as a rep in Florida, sure let’s make her/him a marketer. Because we all know that executing a few lunches and asking the right "closing question" enables you to develop cutting edge marketing concepts to outwit the marketplace in today's environment.

The leadership of Galderma today is full of those individuals that were at the right place at the right time, did a good job when it was easy to do so and never left thus giving them the seniority and all the upper management positions.
Fast forward to today. We all know this is a much different landscape in terms of managed care, generic intrusion in every category and the general healthcare landscape. Unfortunately for those left at Galderma, your senior leadership do not have the necessary skills to win in today’s marketplace which is why your company will be sold in the next year or so. The HQ is based in Texas so the talent pool of those individuals from other larger more experienced pharma companies is few and far between which further exacerbates the situation regarding qualified executive leadership.

Actually, I disagree with you, FH was a very average rep even with the fantastic growth of the company in the early and mid 90's. Average DM never won any awards really, as a rep or DM no Inner Circles etc. He had some success later because certain people took him under their wing and he finally had some success at CS as a Regional at CutiScience. Went on from there and his personality fooled a lot of people. But he had little to do with that early success of the Clobex products and the launches of those products. What he is a very astute and calculating "company guy" . When it was convenient or opportunistic for him he would have thrown his own mother under the bus if it was to his advantage to him from a career standpoint. I agree FH and BJ and others do not have the skill set to navigate through the changing environment the company is now in. In fact the current leadership actually accelerated us into the current mess. In addition, the product portfolio does not hold up and our products are now viewed as expensive branded generics with little or no clinical value over the generic offerings. At the end of the day that is why the company and its leadership - HA, FF, BJ and others along with AD had been foolish to build up the infrastructure and head count while this change was clearly coming down on Galderma. Then FF was just a figure head marking time and playing the role even if people tried to tell him the company had to change he was too incompetent, too arrogant and without any real vision of the future to sustain this thing at the size it was. Instead he simply surrounded himself with scapegoats and fired several of those people to protect himself, but the truth and his incompetence finally was too apparent for even HA to ignore and now he is gone and we are left for a while to try to re- grow this thing. Not really possible with the product offerings, Not possible with the still bloated headcount and not possible due to Managed care and what they are willing to pay for branded generics in this current market place. It was a good ride for many of us but it will be ending within the next 12-24 months. We either merge or sell off the assets (products) or we die. I don's see Nestle backing this thing for a multi- billion dollar acquisition. Makes more sense to sell off the product lines if you are a major share holder.

I agree - leadership and talent pool is one thing. but the real issue is having the right products that will effectively compete and are covered by MCO companies. Our products are simply branded generics and that is not a long term business model that will support a fully staffed Medical department fully staffed Marketing etc. We need to drastically innovate and improve the product offerings to regrow this thing and based on what we have and based on what is in the pipeline this place is not a long term play. You do not need MSLS and a ton of people on a Marketing team for branded generics. The next cut should be getting back to one or two Marketing guys bag the Medical MSL group and drive what you can with a sales team. The products that we have are sold as much on the relationship and skill of the rep as opposed to some kind of real clinical benefit. The home office needs to stop fooling themselves. AD and FF are gone now lets get real about what we are really doing and what we are really offering Dermatology.

You people really need to get a grip on reality, pompous assholes! Dermatology will be fine without you losers. Great products, promoted by lazy ass, over-payed pretentious pricks. All of you are glorified customer service representatives....welcome to the terrordome!

Over payed or overpaid? Either way you're insane. The value our relationships leverage this company in the firm of more business and compared to what other companies are offering right now... We are extremely under-paid, or "under-payed"
