Blacks Not Welcome at Linvatec

This thread is truly an embarassment to us at Linvatec.

The initial post is garbage. At the time it was posted, one of the key "coaches" was an African American. A truly impressive professional.

I have been with Linvatec in Largo more than 10 years and no one named Mark Basist has been a VP of Marketing here.

Petty bickering doesn't belong here.

Hey, it isn't just Linvatec that favors white males. I work at Smith & Nephew and I can assure you that females and minorities are rarely seen at high level meetings. I cannot recall the last time I saw a promotional annoucement for someone who was not a white male. Medtronic is the same way. I am not suggesting that we hire people due to their gender or skin coler, but there is definitely an opportunity to consider people who do not look like us. It is human nature to trust people who are like you and to not understand people who are not like you. It takes conscious effort to see beyond skin and gender. As long as you deny this fact, you are most likely discriminating. It is not true in all cases, but YOU should consider it a real possibility for yourself.

Once again our omnipotent so called coaching staff at Linvatec has denied yet another qualified (african american) candidate to work at our facility. The very qualified candidate was working for only $9.00 an hour as a temp and has a child at home to care for. Unfortunately for her she was interviewed by CB also known as Bigchop who for some reason shot her down. If you saw Bigchop and spoke with her you could see where this is going. Mirco management will be the downfall of this company if this is not nipped in the bud asap. The well qualified candidate is not only qualified but cute and also young and a size 3. Can you see what I'm getting at???? So much for Linvatec/Conmed being an equal opprotunity employer as African Americans are less than 1% at our company. It seems that we are more keen to hire refugees who do not speak english although we get a huge federal kickback for doing so. I work with refugees all day and I can tell you that the quality of product produced suffers due to lack of understanding from there american trainers........Johnson &!!!!!!!

This post is laughable. It is obvious the author is the person who interviewed with Linvatec. Why in the heck would you give your dress size??? List your cup size in there too and you might have gotten a second interview.....
Get a clue. It had nothing to do with race or your dress size. You were a bad candidate and sucked in the interview. Get over it and move on. There were probably 100 other white candidates who didn't get the job and you don't see them crying about not getting it because they were white. You also don't see them describing their physical looks. Gee, if you're not racist, then you sure are a jerk for even suggesting someone hire someone else just because they're anorexic. Shame on you for attempting to use the race card!

The U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission


Only Black Sales Rep in Midwest Office Fired Because of Race, Despite Outstanding Performance, and Replaced by White Employee, Federal Agency Says

CHICAGO – The U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) today filed a race discrimination lawsuit against ConMed Corp on behalf of Paul Hickman, an African American former employee who was terminated from his position as sales representative for the ConMed Midwest Office division because of his race. ConMed is an international medical device corporation specializing in orthopedics and general surgery.

An EEOC administrative investigation, conducted under the supervision of Chicago District Director John Rowe, preceded the lawsuit and revealed that Hickman was the only black sales representative in the Midwest Office, and was the only sales representative terminated from that office.

“By the end of our investigation, our view was that the employer’s performance-based justification would not withstand scrutiny,” Rowe said. “Now a jury will assess whether what was really going on was race discrimination.”

Hickman was fired for allegedly poor performance, only two months after receiving an award for outstanding sales, when a new white sales manager took over the Midwest Office. The new sales manager hired three white sales representatives and then terminated Hickman despite his superior performance, according to the EEOC.

Chicago Regional Attorney John Hendrickson said, “In any case, the combination of new white employees being brought on board while well-performing black employees are being let go at least raises the issue of bias. Our task in this case — as it is in every case — is to put the jury in the best possible position to fairly resolve that issue consistent with the evidence.”

The EEOC filed the suit under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act in the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Illinois, Eastern Division (EEOC v. ConMed Corp., Civil Action No. 09 C 2158, filed 4/8/09) after first attempting to reach a voluntary settlement. The case was assigned to District Judge John Darrah.

The EEOC litigation effort will be led by Supervisory Trial Attorney Gregory Gochanour and Trial Attorney Laurie Elkin. “For any employer to terminate a qualified and well-performing employee because of his race doesn’t make sense,” Elkin said. “It’s counterproductive for the employer — who already has an investment in the employee — and unjust for the employee — who wouldn’t have had a problem but for the color of his skin.”

In FY 2008, the EEOC received 33,937 race discrimination charge filings, an 11% increase from the prior year and one of the highest levels ever. Race discrimination continues to be the most frequent type of charge filing with the EEOC.

The EEOC enforces federal laws prohibiting employment discrimination. Further information about the EEOC is available on its web site at

This page was last modified on April 9, 2009.

The posting has nothing what so ever to do with the manufacturing facility in Largo. If you read it, it was one person at a remote sales office who made a claim.
Search the EEOC for any company of size and you will find claims. It is not a perfect world.

The posting has nothing what so ever to do with the manufacturing facility in Largo. If you read it, it was one person at a remote sales office who made a claim.
Search the EEOC for any company of size and you will find claims. It is not a perfect world.

"Hickman was fired for allegedly poor performance, only two months after receiving an award for outstanding sales"

But did it have Largo's approval?

How ridiculous.
Just because one person had an issue does not make a generalization like "blacks are not welcome" true. What about all the other 3000+ diverse employees that work at the company? And it was so bad, that the claimant in the case wanted to return to Linvatec to work...interesting.

And for the last post - so are we to read that just because someone posts good sales numbers then all other performance related behaviors (the means to the end) should be void or ignored? I guess working for you, I could do a million unethical things, get kicked out of OR's or treat everyone like dirt, but as long as I got good sales numbers those things should be ignored?

People need to quit blaming other people for thier issues, take personal responsibility and move on.

Only the weak and simple minded have to resort to the "race card".
What about the fact that all professional sports teams use exclusively blacks to play on the teams???? How many whites are suing over that????

OH BROTHER! I cannot believe this thread! Linvatec is more "integrated" than the "United Nations," management included! People, please consider what you are saying, some of the statements above are just hateful, and do not reflect the feelings of all. Hiding behind the pseudonym "Anonymous," doesn't help you will be held accountable, someday, for these actions of your heart/mouth. Venting is one thing, but... wow. Personally, I would rather not get a job, based on the condition of race/gender or whatever. I have worked hard for my education, which I had to work hard to pay for myself (guess I'm just not "perfect" like mrs obama), but I do have something to contribute! Being color blind is far better than any "equal opportunity" program I can think of! God would say He created one race, the HUMAN RACE!

So integrated that white Americans are the unwelcome at this hell hole

This thread is truly an embarassment to us at Linvatec.

The initial post is garbage. At the time it was posted, one of the key "coaches" was an African American. A truly impressive professional.

I have been with Linvatec in Largo more than 10 years and no one named Mark Basist has been a VP of Marketing here.

Petty bickering doesn't belong here.

While this posting was true at the time in 2009, the African American coach who is referenced was "reorganized" out the door in 2010 alnong with 30 or 40 others. Strange this was a universally. A real surprize to see him go.

BTW, the hiring manager mentioned in the original post (Bigchops) remains. Peers have quietly voiced concerns regarding her management style and apparent bias against petite females, but nothing has resulted.

Things change over time. We lost a lot of good people last year, and we still wonder why those workers were chosen. Maybe they spoke out against the move to ship electronic production to Mexico. That was not exactly the best move this company has made recently!

Some of these posts degrade to embarassingly low levels. Who do we have posting here, redneck juveniles? Naaah, most rednecks that I know wouldn't want to be assiciated with these posters.

this is true a black person has an illness and the cosches keep moving her to different departments to get her to quit. the coaches say its company policy. she asked one coach if they were gonna fire her and he said it is what it is

Re: Blacks Not Welcome at Linvatec (or women)

I don't know if it is specifically a race issue, but definitely a gender bias. Outside of a fewcoaches who are butch, females are few and far between when in power.