Guest're right. In an instant you killed all my hopes and dreams. Damn you!!
You will ger what you wished for. Enjoy. .I'm in the quality organization and am excited about all the changes and re-org(even though I don't know exactly what it's going to look like). The current B+L QA structure is so stupid and there needs to be more cuts. We need at least 50% more cuts. There are too many stupid policies and procedures that were created just to please one or two managers and individuals. There are so many stupid procedures that are so convoluted that were created by these people to try to ensure they still may have jobs. Hopefully, the re-org will get rid of these people and throw an A-bomb on this stupid system they created. Time to get rid of this crap and have a system that actually adds value instead having stacks of paper to create and review just to justify someones job.
Quality team, boom is coming down, most of your leaders are engaged in job hunting and many are flying around for interviews. If they are doing if then you are stupid not to do it. Do what is best for you.
Quality team, boom is coming down, most of your leaders are engaged in job hunting and many are flying around for interviews. If they are doing if then you are stupid not to do it. Do what is best for you.
Part of the problem is, the new organizational structures left Quality outside the realm of the regional hierarchy and reporting lines. With Quality still following its own line of authority set apart from the control and power of the manufacturing and operations management structures, Quality will have no incentive to do its job better or more efficiently. Quality (much like Regulatory) has to get on board with basic concepts like effectivity and speed to market - while still remaining compliant of course. This group needs to be busted apart and aligned with product lines and regions - not have a direct course to headquarters - either old or new.
Part of the problem is, the new organizational structures left Quality outside the realm of the regional hierarchy and reporting lines. With Quality still following its own line of authority set apart from the control and power of the manufacturing and operations management structures, Quality will have no incentive to do its job better or more efficiently. Quality (much like Regulatory) has to get on board with basic concepts like effectivity and speed to market - while still remaining compliant of course. This group needs to be busted apart and aligned with product lines and regions - not have a direct course to headquarters - either old or new.
I'm in the quality organization and am excited about all the changes and re-org(even though I don't know exactly what it's going to look like). The current B+L QA structure is so stupid and there needs to be more cuts. We need at least 50% more cuts. There are too many stupid policies and procedures that were created just to please one or two managers and individuals. There are so many stupid procedures that are so convoluted that were created by these people to try to ensure they still may have jobs. Hopefully, the re-org will get rid of these people and throw an A-bomb on this stupid system they created. Time to get rid of this crap and have a system that actually adds value instead having stacks of paper to create and review just to justify someones job.
You must be the only person in the quality organization that feels this way. I know at my manufacturing facility, the quality folks complain daily about being understaffed, need better and new procedures and policies, and they really feel the strain of inspections and audits making it difficult to perform their normal jobs. Maybe we don't need 50% cuts in quality people, maybe just that group reorganized and people reassigned so that all the work can get done.
You should come to my manufacturing plant then, as there are so many QA staff that they nearly outnumber the operators at this stage. By far the biggest department I know. Room for pruning....