Biotech paying reps 200k for 10yrs+ exp

This is pretty accurate with the top established Biotechs. The top 3 might be slightly higher while smaller newer startups are little less but you are basically going for stock options with those companies.

The Top Pipelines in Biotech according to Fortune.
- Gilead
- Biogen
- Incyte
- Celgene
- Advance Sciences
- Novo Nordisk

Ironically 5 of these Biotechs are also listed under Top Paying Companies.

With Big Pharma breaks up, spins off, and generating single digit returns, Biotechs are now the future.
Show me the money !
This cracks me up! I work at Gilead and have been there for over 10 years and other than our me-too inflammation drug due out this summer our pipeline is shit lol. Those of us at Gilead make our big bucks years ago off of HepC blocksbusters. No money to be made now lol.

This cracks me up! I work at Gilead and have been there for over 10 years and other than our me-too inflammation drug due out this summer our pipeline is shit lol. Those of us at Gilead make our big bucks years ago off of HepC blocksbusters. No money to be made now lol.

Hahahahahaha! The truth vs. pie in the sky. Giles did is no different than any other biotech. They all sit and wait for Big Pharma to buy them.
So many ignorant, naive, and stupid people easily duped by the “ shiny objects”.

Regeneron, Genetech, Gilead ect have been up since the crisis. You must not be financially inclined or you would know that.

Any smart and ethical financial person will tell you to keep no more than 10-15 % of your company’s stock in your portfolio.
All Biotech stocks are risky. Stock options aren’t as lucrative as you think. I have 10k shares in PFE and their worth shit.
You’re a nitwit.

Any smart and ethical financial person will tell you to keep no more than 10-15 % of your company’s stock in your portfolio.
All Biotech stocks are risky. Stock options aren’t as lucrative as you think. I have 10k shares in PFE and their worth shit.
You’re a nitwit.
That is why you go to Biotech vs big pharma.
Big Pharma gives stock options like 5-10k that most of the time end up worthless like you said. But Biotech gives actual STOCK that is always worth something.
That is why a 15-20yr Biotech rep is worth millions w co stock and 20yr big pharma rep might have few thousands in stock options.

Most of you working here wouldn’t have a prayer getting on with one of the Biotechs anyway. No reason to sit on here and argue. Stay at Pfizer, make your lower base, don’t get stock and better benefits. I made the jump years back, and it was literally the best and most lucrative decision I ever made. I was also one of the best at Pfizer, and recognized as such. Most of you are robots and have no shot. Be happy you have this gig.

This cracks me up! I work at Gilead and have been there for over 10 years and other than our me-too inflammation drug due out this summer our pipeline is shit lol. Those of us at Gilead make our big bucks years ago off of HepC blocksbusters. No money to be made now lol.
You do not work for Gilead and if you do then you are a bad rep as last year top 20% got 50-60k of RSU stock and ALL Sr reps 15yrs exp got 35k in RSU stock.
Nice try Mr Pfizer RD trying to keep your reps from bailing to a better company!
Comical acting like you work at Gilead.
Even low end Sr TS at 35k yr RSU that's 500k in 15yrs. High end pushing million.
Go back to Pfizer blue & try to salvage a sinking ship

Most of you working here wouldn’t have a prayer getting on with one of the Biotechs anyway. No reason to sit on here and argue. Stay at Pfizer, make your lower base, don’t get stock and better benefits. I made the jump years back, and it was literally the best and most lucrative decision I ever made. I was also one of the best at Pfizer, and recognized as such. Most of you are robots and have no shot. Be happy you have this gig.
Biotech reps make Big Pharma RD compensation.
Biotech RDs make Big Pharma VP compensation. Once you throw in stock & bonus & benefits

This cracks me up! I work at Gilead and have been there for over 10 years and other than our me-too inflammation drug due out this summer our pipeline is shit lol. Those of us at Gilead make our big bucks years ago off of HepC blocksbusters. No money to be made now lol.
Fake Pfizer RD post. You are a fool exposed !
Here is the pipeline that is Top 3 in Biotech.
Pipeline | Gilead

The Top Pipelines in Biotech according to Fortune.
- Gilead
- Biogen
- Incyte
- Celgene
- Advance Sciences
- Novo Nordisk

Ironically 5 of these Biotechs are also listed under Top Paying Companies.

With Big Pharma breaks up, spins off, and generating single digit returns, Biotechs are now the future.
Show me the money !

CELG acquired by BMY so that one is dead. Here’s the other side of that coin. There are more biotechs that fail than make it. They offer a load of rsus that may or may not go up in value. Take a look at Verastem for recent example of a one trick pony that is going bust.
you have to be very selective.

once you have a couple of one - trick ponies shot out from under you, you’ll find yourself lucky get on at syneos.

signed former Genentech RSD

That is why unless your going for homerun lotto ticket, go with estsblished Biotech with strong multi products & deep pipeline vs a 1 trick pony start up or small co.
I too was at Genetech in 2nd line management before moving on. When i did, just my RSU stock was 900k so lot more than big pharma who do not pay RSU if very little, rather give options w high strike prices that often worthless on 5yrs vesting .

Go with an establish Biotech with a good track record is my advise. You can always land a big pharma job if needed and if you are good then you will always have a job somewhere.

That is why unless your going for homerun lotto ticket, go with estsblished Biotech with strong multi products & deep pipeline vs a 1 trick pony start up or small co.
I too was at Genetech in 2nd line management before moving on. When i did, just my RSU stock was 900k so lot more than big pharma who do not pay RSU if very little, rather give options w high strike prices that often worthless on 5yrs vesting .

Go with an establish Biotech with a good track record is my advise. You can always land a big pharma job if needed and if you are good then you will always have a job somewhere.

not true. If a female you’ll always land a job over a good male.

I ve been with both. Hands down Biotech better financially all the way around. Just the company stock RSU along worth it.

I have been with start up small biotech w 1 product & it is truly a lotto ticket. However solid establish biotechs are the best of both.

Big Pharma you dont even have security anymore with the layoffs. Pfizer has had a layoff of some kind every 2-3 yrs the last 18 yrs.
At least if a biotech mergers they usually keep the reps because small salesforce with 1 rep per large territory.

Once you leave Big Pharma & go Biotech, you will not want to go back!

I ve been with both. Hands down Biotech better financially all the way around. Just the company stock RSU along worth it.

I have been with start up small biotech w 1 product & it is truly a lotto ticket. However solid establish biotechs are the best of both.

Big Pharma you dont even have security anymore with the layoffs. Pfizer has had a layoff of some kind every 2-3 yrs the last 18 yrs.
At least if a biotech mergers they usually keep the reps because small salesforce with 1 rep per large territory.

Once you leave Big Pharma & go Biotech, you will not want to go back!
I am in same boat and agree completely- not even close financially as biotech is exponentially better. My experience is with most big biotech instead of just laying of a bunch of people, they usually try to find other opportunities for you as well. Much more humane.