Biomet managing Zimmer ?

Why wouldn't DD place Biomet leaders in charge of newco? Zimmer US hasn't delivered recon market growth, compared to Biomet, in years. Trauma can't meet market growth, no matter what structure those knuckleheads or independent. As a result, DD wants Z field and corporate sales leaders gone...he has his new love child...Biomet in jeans. We feel sorry for SK, though. He's a nice guy but that poor bastard doesn't realize he's not going to be given autonomy to run sales. DD will have him micro managing headcount, MT&E spend, strategic alignment, gallup results, product returns, etc.
At least the Z sales leaders won't have to worry about that S#@t anymore. They've been great to work with and many are friends who've made significant contributions in building this company. Sorry you have to go out like this. You'll rebound and hopefully have more fun in your next ventures.

I don't think anyone has all the answers. I do know that the Biomet culture has been largely responsible for their growth and success. It has fostered empowered managers, an entrepreneurial atmosphere and accountability.

I am excited about the will be challenging to put together two companies that have each, in their own ways, had incredible success over the years.

Interesting to hear that Zimmer people think Biomet has all the careful what you wish for......

I can tell you this, everyone I've talked to who work or have worked at Zimmer absolutely hate the culture. What kind of loyalty do employees have who hate where they work? Who are just doing their jobs to get a paycheck? How productive is that? I don't know a single person who works at Biomet who hates it. It's an environment like the other person said that encourages ownership. People aren't afraid to speak up. It's ok to disagree. It's productive. What a concept!

Say what you will but there's no other Orthopaedic company with a culture as good as Biomet. I sure hope the Zimmer attitudes don't change things for the worst. I hope those people find a better opportunity.

I can tell you this, everyone I've talked to who work or have worked at Zimmer absolutely hate the culture. What kind of loyalty do employees have who hate where they work? Who are just doing their jobs to get a paycheck? How productive is that? I don't know a single person who works at Biomet who hates it. It's an environment like the other person said that encourages ownership. People aren't afraid to speak up. It's ok to disagree. It's productive. What a concept!

Say what you will but there's no other Orthopaedic company with a culture as good as Biomet. I sure hope the Zimmer attitudes don't change things for the worst. I hope those people find a better opportunity.

Hate the Zimmer culture? What are you, nuts? What is not to love? People walking the halls with their heads down and not even bothering to look up when you say 'hello' or 'good morning". I have even had people give me a dirty look when I dared to say hi. Leadership that makes pie in the sky commitments to surgeons and the FDA then does nothing to help the teams get there but harass them about the schedule and give pep talks about mood elevators. Save your pep talk, give us more resources, give us reasonable deadlines, stop changing things like scope and processes. Talk about work life balance and it is all blah blah blah. What kind of balance is there when you work late and then go home all frustrated about work and cannot enjoy your time off because you know you will have to go back into that nightmare. Leadership places great big, BS deadlines right at the end of the year then keeps the effort all churned up and off balance so that people approach the holidays knowing they have no chance in hell of getting to take vacation time (they never got a chance to take) to spend any time off with their families. We have already told our families not to expect us home for Thanksgiving since there is no way I will be able to take that whole week off. We also told them not to get too excited about Christmas since Christmas Eve is NOT A HOLIDAY at Zimmer this year and there is no way we will have hit leadership's precious deadline by the end of the year, so I will likely be working every hour possible until the end of the year - which means Christmas eve and maybe even the days in between Christmas and New Years. Yes, they are talking about having people work in between Christmas and New Years. I wonder how many of the commitment-setting big shots are going to be working Thanksgiving week or Christmas eve? The holidays have always been my favorite time of the year, but this year I couldn't care less. My only priority is a deadline at work, I will be working overtime and worried sick about it, and my family is getting the short end of the stick.

Keep your speeches about work-life balance. No one is listening anymore. Stop talking about my mood elevator if all you are going to do is push the button to the basement. I don't even know what that means...

Hate the Zimmer culture? What are you, nuts? What is not to love? People walking the halls with their heads down and not even bothering to look up when you say 'hello' or 'good morning". I have even had people give me a dirty look when I dared to say hi. Leadership that makes pie in the sky commitments to surgeons and the FDA then does nothing to help the teams get there but harass them about the schedule and give pep talks about mood elevators. Save your pep talk, give us more resources, give us reasonable deadlines, stop changing things like scope and processes. Talk about work life balance and it is all blah blah blah. What kind of balance is there when you work late and then go home all frustrated about work and cannot enjoy your time off because you know you will have to go back into that nightmare. Leadership places great big, BS deadlines right at the end of the year then keeps the effort all churned up and off balance so that people approach the holidays knowing they have no chance in hell of getting to take vacation time (they never got a chance to take) to spend any time off with their families. We have already told our families not to expect us home for Thanksgiving since there is no way I will be able to take that whole week off. We also told them not to get too excited about Christmas since Christmas Eve is NOT A HOLIDAY at Zimmer this year and there is no way we will have hit leadership's precious deadline by the end of the year, so I will likely be working every hour possible until the end of the year - which means Christmas eve and maybe even the days in between Christmas and New Years. Yes, they are talking about having people work in between Christmas and New Years. I wonder how many of the commitment-setting big shots are going to be working Thanksgiving week or Christmas eve? The holidays have always been my favorite time of the year, but this year I couldn't care less. My only priority is a deadline at work, I will be working overtime and worried sick about it, and my family is getting the short end of the stick.

Keep your speeches about work-life balance. No one is listening anymore. Stop talking about my mood elevator if all you are going to do is push the button to the basement. I don't even know what that means...

How boring, none of this is new or interesting. It's a corporation not a family business. What do you expect?

So sad to hear that your holiday may not be what you dream about. Try living in the sales world on call 24/7. I have worked many Thanksgiving and Christmas days. Do what you have to do. Let's face it, corporate could care less about us.

Ok Mr. "Sales World 24/7"! If Monday's and Tuesday's are just "crazy" with all those cases, how do you have time to read and post on this site at 2:24pm on a Monday. How about using that extra time to go out and close your I WILLS. It benefits all parties, including you. Thank you!

So sad to hear that your holiday may not be what you dream about. Try living in the sales world on call 24/7. I have worked many Thanksgiving and Christmas days. Do what you have to do. Let's face it, corporate could care less about us.

Guess what - We don't have to "live in the sales world" because we didn't screw off for four years and graduate with a 'C' average in a worthless cakewalk major only to find out we were not qualified for any real job. I hear Sears is closed on Christmas, maybe you could go there and work in the department where your boss tells you which boxes to open.

How boring, none of this is new or interesting. It's a corporation not a family business. What do you expect?

Maybe they expect to work for a company that is a decent place to work. Maybe they expect decent leadership who doesn't say one thing then do the exact opposite. Maybe the thread is about the culture differences between two merging companies and the comments are spot on.

Maybe they expect to work for a company that is a decent place to work. Maybe they expect decent leadership who doesn't say one thing then do the exact opposite. Maybe the thread is about the culture differences between two merging companies and the comments are spot on.

Looks like Double D is ready for new leadership and better culture as well. Like it or not, MBA or not, Biomet is moving in. They'll be bringing the best damn leaders and talent in the industry. I realize Zimmer has talent too but it buried beneath the many layers of unnessecary middle management.

See, that's one thing that makes us different, we are busy doing our jobs instead of worrying about where someone went to school or what they majored in. This is about orthopedics and changing peoples lives.

The only way to improve Zimmer is a good cleansing.

Looks like Double D is ready for new leadership and better culture as well. Like it or not, MBA or not, Biomet is moving in. They'll be bringing the best damn leaders and talent in the industry. I realize Zimmer has talent too but it buried beneath the many layers of unnessecary middle management.

See, that's one thing that makes us different, we are busy doing our jobs instead of worrying about where someone went to school or what they majored in. This is about orthopedics and changing peoples lives.

The only way to improve Zimmer is a good cleansing.

Zimmer buys Biomet and Biomet is going to 'cleanse' Zimmer.
Both companies are in the state of Indiana, but you, my friend, are in the state of denial

Zimmer buys Biomet and Biomet is going to 'cleanse' Zimmer.
Both companies are in the state of Indiana, but you, my friend, are in the state of denial

Yup. Guess you didn't see who were given the positions that will determine the direction of the company.... Little hint, Dan W. and Stuart K. Strong Biomet history and great leaders. Oh, and believers in the Biomet way of doing business.

You don't have to believe what I say (even if I'm not in Indiana) just sit back and watch how this goes down. Keep in mind, the goal here is to be successful ok?

It seems that the ultimate goal is to form a stronger company than either was individually. To make that happen there needs to be a new mind-set. It should not be which managers or products are better, or which sales rep or distributor is the best or how many Biomet or Zimmer executives are in highest positions. We need to let go of the "it's us against them" mentality. I know that's easier said than done because everyone has their prejudices or complaints. Hopefully, the new Zimmer Biomet will be a new beginning that builds on the great things that each company has achieved. Time will tell.

It seems that the ultimate goal is to form a stronger company than either was individually. To make that happen there needs to be a new mind-set. It should not be which managers or products are better, or which sales rep or distributor is the best or how many Biomet or Zimmer executives are in highest positions. We need to let go of the "it's us against them" mentality. I know that's easier said than done because everyone has their prejudices or complaints. Hopefully, the new Zimmer Biomet will be a new beginning that builds on the great things that each company has achieved. Time will tell.

Just a little reminder, Biomets goal (as far as those that make Biomet) was never to be purchased by Zimmer. That decision was made at the top.

It will not be visions of sugar plums and that's a given. Zimmer wanted Biomet because of the success that was built by Dane Miller. Moving forward there won't be a dismantling of Biomet. If that happened it would be doing things the Z way. Which we all know isn't working. You don't have to be Einstein to see that. Look at the numbers and/or talk to any Z employee.

As the other person said, there are many talented people at Zimmer. Those people have been stifled for years because they're afraid to hold their heads up. Leaving in place the management who encouraged this culture and you have a company doomed to fail before day 1.

Don't be fooled into believing we are all going to hold hands and walk into the sunset. If you believe that you're still wet behind the ears.

Guess what - We don't have to "live in the sales world" because we didn't screw off for four years and graduate with a 'C' average in a worthless cakewalk major only to find out we were not qualified for any real job. I hear Sears is closed on Christmas, maybe you could go there and work in the department where your boss tells you which boxes to open.

I love reading posts from in-house nerds.

Listen, the "24/7" guy helps you incredibly with your paycheck. Do you think you can establish and maintain relationships in this ever changing device landscape?

Do you think your products sell themselves? We would rather you just say thank you, and move on.

Clueless idiot.

I love reading posts from in-house nerds.

Listen, the "24/7" guy helps you incredibly with your paycheck. Do you think you can establish and maintain relationships in this ever changing device landscape?

Do you think your products sell themselves? We would rather you just say thank you, and move on.

Clueless idiot.

Who are you kidding....for covering cases and opening boxes. Any coverage rep can do that. You're to be out selling, creating opportunities, closing them and contributing to the growth of this company's bottom line. That's OUR company's Big Miss, Air Ball, Whiff this year. Don't blah, blah, blah, the "crap" about your inventory constraints and product availability when your peers have demonstrated success with those same challenges. Just SELL or your Biomet "Competitor" will be doing YOUR job very soon which includes more than covering your cases and opening your boxes!

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