Biomet managing Zimmer ?

You will surely be let go once the axe is dropped. Don't you think your peers see how angry of a person you are? How do you think cases are earned? It is done by providing quality, dependable service case after case 24/7. This type of service leads to repeat business and other opportunities present themselves. I can tell you that it is not the product . Let me guess, if and when you went into the field, your meeting was set up by guess who? The rep that you hate so much. I don't even work for Zimmer or Biomet, but have been in the field for many years. And just so you know, my gpa was a 3.2 , I had a blast in college, my house is paid in full, I have an in-ground pool, a BMW as well as a Lexus.

I love reading posts from in-house nerds.

Listen, the "24/7" guy helps you incredibly with your paycheck. Do you think you can establish and maintain relationships in this ever changing device landscape?

Do you think your products sell themselves? We would rather you just say thank you, and move on.

Clueless idiot.

We prefer to be called geeks :)

But are you happy?

Yes, I do enjoy my job. What is a challenge is the medical devise tax being put entirely on the rep. , Corporate pushes it down to us. Lower prices for implants. You need to do more and more cases just to maintain your income level. Doing more cases ,you need more reps to cover, so there goes more income out of your pocket. Look, we all are at the mercy of the c-suite. They could care less about in house or field people. They will do what they have to keep their jobs. Bottom line in this merger, they will tell you no jobs will be cut in the field, but down the road, heads will roll, they will say they had no choice.

No merger will repair the divide that's been bred into this organization, as voiced here by the "us vs. them" mentality. The "us vs. them" is "the inside vs. the outside". Sales and all of those internal commercial functions (primarily Development and Marketing) are NOT mutually exclusive. When will this company understand that?? One does not exist without the other. Sales is not the necessary evil that Corporate thinks it is, and Corporate is not (always) the clueless idiots who make decisions in a vacuum (though, I admit that reluctantly). There are many good people inside, and there are certainly a fair amount of empty suits... same thing externally too, as there are many solid Zimmer Blue sales guys as well as quite a few overpaid bloats. But that's the case at every company. Probably true of some of your neighbors and family members too - that's just life. The merger may improve the ratio a bit on both sides of the fence, but at the end of the day Sales is driven by their Corporate targets, and Corporate is driven by their Wall Street targets. But if we're not both pulling in the same direction then it becomes a cluster-f*** all the way around, and animosity fills the void, which is largely what has affected morale to date. The blame-game is a very nasty thing, and it's an easy trap to fall into. It takes a broader perspective to step back and see the bigger picture and look for ways to work together, but a problem is that there's never really been any means of truly working together - we are kept so separately silo'd that the organization never takes time to understand each side's challenges before overcommitting to a new target. There needs to be a focus on tearing down the animosity between Inside and Outside - that doesn't require a merger; that only requires good leadership that's paying attention to its most valuable asset... its people. A simple Sales and Marketing task force that's represented by each product business unit and has the mission of addressing key challenges of each would be one way to begin to build cooperation. I hate the corporate touchy-feely stuff generally, but we are too large of a company (and about to become even larger) with too many deeply rooted morale issues not to consider some approach that is more direct and outward. Just like any recovery program, the first step is admitting there's a problem - this problem needs to be openly named and addressed. The leadership shakeup provides the ideal opportunity to address this - if not, then getting rid of the GE guys will have been a wasted opportunity to clean up morale, and the only one left to blame at that point will clearly be the man at the helm. Otherwise Warsaw will always be a tough place to recruit to or a dreaded place to have to visit. The banter back and forth on this thread is clear evidence of the problem we've always known to exist.

No merger will repair the divide that's been bred into this organization, as voiced here by the "us vs. them" mentality. The "us vs. them" is "the inside vs. the outside". Sales and all of those internal commercial functions (primarily Development and Marketing) are NOT mutually exclusive. When will this company understand that?? One does not exist without the other. Sales is not the necessary evil that Corporate thinks it is, and Corporate is not (always) the clueless idiots who make decisions in a vacuum (though, I admit that reluctantly). There are many good people inside, and there are certainly a fair amount of empty suits... same thing externally too, as there are many solid Zimmer Blue sales guys as well as quite a few overpaid bloats. But that's the case at every company. Probably true of some of your neighbors and family members too - that's just life. The merger may improve the ratio a bit on both sides of the fence, but at the end of the day Sales is driven by their Corporate targets, and Corporate is driven by their Wall Street targets. But if we're not both pulling in the same direction then it becomes a cluster-f*** all the way around, and animosity fills the void, which is largely what has affected morale to date. The blame-game is a very nasty thing, and it's an easy trap to fall into. It takes a broader perspective to step back and see the bigger picture and look for ways to work together, but a problem is that there's never really been any means of truly working together - we are kept so separately silo'd that the organization never takes time to understand each side's challenges before overcommitting to a new target. There needs to be a focus on tearing down the animosity between Inside and Outside - that doesn't require a merger; that only requires good leadership that's paying attention to its most valuable asset... its people. A simple Sales and Marketing task force that's represented by each product business unit and has the mission of addressing key challenges of each would be one way to begin to build cooperation. I hate the corporate touchy-feely stuff generally, but we are too large of a company (and about to become even larger) with too many deeply rooted morale issues not to consider some approach that is more direct and outward. Just like any recovery program, the first step is admitting there's a problem - this problem needs to be openly named and addressed. The leadership shakeup provides the ideal opportunity to address this - if not, then getting rid of the GE guys will have been a wasted opportunity to clean up morale, and the only one left to blame at that point will clearly be the man at the helm. Otherwise Warsaw will always be a tough place to recruit to or a dreaded place to have to visit. The banter back and forth on this thread is clear evidence of the problem we've always known to exist.

Fair comments. If the egos are dropped and the 'correct' people are chosen in the new company, then there may be a chance. The competition will be looking for any weakness to grab people and customers. This process will take at least five years and some people may not be willing to wait this out ?

Zimmer buys Biomet and Biomet is going to 'cleanse' Zimmer.
Both companies are in the state of Indiana, but you, my friend, are in the state of denial
I do believer the state of denial is near the Euphrates river , not far from the Aswan dam and just east of Cairo.

Walk like an Egyptian..........

Fair comments. If the egos are dropped and the 'correct' people are chosen in the new company, then there may be a chance. The competition will be looking for any weakness to grab people and customers. This process will take at least five years and some people may not be willing to wait this out ?

I concur, this is going to prove very interesting. The culture will not change, they plan to make this a top level cash cow, street reps are pawns. Future contracts will be negotiated with no reps in the room at the top level.

I concur, this is going to prove very interesting. The culture will not change, they plan to make this a top level cash cow, street reps are pawns. Future contracts will be negotiated with no reps in the room at the top level.

Correct. Future contracts will be negotiated with CFO's and procurement folks and yes, no reps in the room. That's because they will be working towards rep-less implants covered by company trained service reps that are employed by the hospitals or purchasing groups. S&N has already started working this paradigm (Loma Linda, CA) and others will follow. There will be reps or specialist on-call to assist with high profile or improbus cases however the equilibrium is certainly shifting due to cost benefit factors.....

Correct. Future contracts will be negotiated with CFO's and procurement folks and yes, no reps in the room. That's because they will be working towards rep-less implants covered by company trained service reps that are employed by the hospitals or purchasing groups. S&N has already started working this paradigm (Loma Linda, CA) and others will follow. There will be reps or specialist on-call to assist with high profile or improbus cases however the equilibrium is certainly shifting due to cost benefit factors.....

We ain't there yet. Can this be the new business model? Yes. Is it going to happen tomorrow? No. When bundled payment happens this will be more likely, not before. We are all working harder for less until then.