Biohaven Reps


Verdict is still out. There are some positives so far that I can see. But, as expected, drastic changes versus being in small Pharma (although some legacy Biohave might have said we were always “big Pharma” but I don’t agree. The regulations and compliance is right back to where I was prior to Biohaven and feels robotic again. No more autonomy to truly go out and sell. And don’t tell me we weren’t selling-I sold my butt off launching this drug and it was refreshing for once in Pharma. And made a lot of money doing it). It was nice having a little more freedom in terms of being able to run our business and that’s one reason we were so incredibly successful. Concerned about the compensation, particularly bonus. Not loving have the vaccine/COVID stuff pushed on us and having to do so with our Doctors. I’m not an anti-vaxxer, but I think we all know now it’s not the silver bullet and has some issues/concerns and I’m not necessarily comfortable with how the company is continuing to profit from it. Flip side, possibly more career opportunities and I think they can elevate our drug to a much more widely visible and available product. Only time will tell and I think most that I’ve talked to feel pretty similar and are giving it some time to see how it goes and a fair shot.

Verdict is still out. There are some positives so far that I can see. But, as expected, drastic changes versus being in small Pharma (although some legacy Biohave might have said we were always “big Pharma” but I don’t agree. The regulations and compliance is right back to where I was prior to Biohaven and feels robotic again. No more autonomy to truly go out and sell. And don’t tell me we weren’t selling-I sold my butt off launching this drug and it was refreshing for once in Pharma. And made a lot of money doing it). It was nice having a little more freedom in terms of being able to run our business and that’s one reason we were so incredibly successful. Concerned about the compensation, particularly bonus. Not loving have the vaccine/COVID stuff pushed on us and having to do so with our Doctors. I’m not an anti-vaxxer, but I think we all know now it’s not the silver bullet and has some issues/concerns and I’m not necessarily comfortable with how the company is continuing to profit from it. Flip side, possibly more career opportunities and I think they can elevate our drug to a much more widely visible and available product. Only time will tell and I think most that I’ve talked to feel pretty similar and are giving it some time to see how it goes and a fair shot.
You won't have to worry about it too long. They will lay you off in 6 months.

You won't have to worry about it too long. They will lay you off in 6 months.

fine. I’m sure a good severance package was negotiated for Biohaven reps ( been through it many times) and even if not, from what I hear Pfizer gives decent severance. I’ll find a new job a double dip. It’s the industry, layoffs are inevitable for most of us at some point.

fine. I’m sure a good severance package was negotiated for Biohaven reps ( been through it many times) and even if not, from what I hear Pfizer gives decent severance. I’ll find a new job a double dip. It’s the industry, layoffs are inevitable for most of us at some point.
It's not double dipping if you've been fired, stupid.

fine. I’m sure a good severance package was negotiated for Biohaven reps ( been through it many times) and even if not, from what I hear Pfizer gives decent severance. I’ll find a new job a double dip. It’s the industry, layoffs are inevitable for most of us at some point.
Pfizer gives 2 weeks per year of service. However, they have always bumped it up to 3 weeks per year in the package and call it enhanced. 6 months here won’t amount to much.

Biohaven was losing money hand over fist and giving away Nurtec with overly generous rebates. Great growth on sales, but... this will end as they look to recoup their purchase costs. It would not be surprising to see some cuts, especially as the Pfizer salesforce gains experience with selling the drug.

It's not double dipping if you've been fired, stupid.
Who’s the stupid one? The poster said we’d be laid off within 6 months, in which case we would receive a severance package. That is NOT being fired. And at which point we would get another job all while continuing to collect severance. That is, in fact, double dipping. I’ve done it before stupid.

Pfizer gives 2 weeks per year of service. However, they have always bumped it up to 3 weeks per year in the package and call it enhanced. 6 months here won’t amount to much.

You do realize most Biohaven reps cashed out a sizeable amount of money right? And many received even more stock than others due to performance. Trust me when I say we aren’t worried.

Pfizer gives 2 weeks per year of service. However, they have always bumped it up to 3 weeks per year in the package and call it enhanced. 6 months here won’t amount to much.

As someone who has been through buyouts before, typically the company who is purchased negotiates a higher severance package for their people if they are laid off within 12 months post acquisition. That’s very typical. Pfizer might do layoffs but if I were a guessing person since they haven’t happened already, it won’t be until after that 12 months period so they won’t have to pay as much in severance. And if a Biohaven rep isn’t able to find a new job in a timely manner given what we have accomplished here, then they are either a crappy rep or a crappy interviewer. I’ve often wanted to be let go during layoffs so I could collect severance while accepting a new job. I’ve done it before and I have many friends in the industry that have also done it multiple times.

You do realize most Biohaven reps cashed out a sizeable amount of money right? And many received even more stock than others due to performance. Trust me when I say we aren’t worried.
You see this type of smartass comment right here is why getting a factual answer on here is so rare. I did not question anyone’s financial fortitude micro penis. Glad you’re independently wealthy. I was simply letting you know Pfizer’s policy as someone intimately familiar with HR here. It was stated we had a great severance package to which I responded.

I have news for you, no migraine rep (aka primary care) is making that much money. You’re not as well off as you think little boy. The adults work in a different division and have base pay double your total comp in some circumstances.

You see this type of smartass comment right here is why getting a factual answer on here is so rare. I did not question anyone’s financial fortitude micro penis. Glad you’re independently wealthy. I was simply letting you know Pfizer’s policy as someone intimately familiar with HR here. It was stated we had a great severance package to which I responded.

I have news for you, no migraine rep (aka primary care) is making that much money. You’re not as well off as you think little boy. The adults work in a different division and have base pay double your total comp in some circumstances.

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