
Exactly like that, just put a few calls in your iPad and the Hospital/OR will use your product, and make sure sure you leave some samples in the sterile room as well. It will be gone, the OR docs don't have any other options and typically pick whatever is left on the shelf for their cases. Get in good with the OR nurses and they'll automatically pick your stuff and throw some in the tray for every case that comes along. Easy$

Complete pharma job on Santyl side, no way to track 70% of your sales. All they care about is how many calls you make per day and how many dinner programs you host detailing an over 40 yr old product. Oh and by the way, the iPad/iPhone is used by the company to track your whereabouts 24-7. Oasis is not strong enough for OR use yet they try to position there. Oasis is 1-300$ per piece, while Endoform is extremely similar, selling for 12$ per sheet. Hollister took that product over and it's killing Oasis sales now. Good luck.

Oasis is a much better product than Endoform not even in the same discussion. There is a reason why Endo is dirt cheap. We have the full line of products to make it happen in wound care.

Complete pharma job on Santyl side, no way to track 70% of your sales. All they care about is how many calls you make per day and how many dinner programs you host detailing an over 40 yr old product. Oh and by the way, the iPad/iPhone is used by the company to track your whereabouts 24-7. Oasis is not strong enough for OR use yet they try to position there. Oasis is 1-300$ per piece, while Endoform is extremely similar, selling for 12$ per sheet. Hollister took that product over and it's killing Oasis sales now. Good luck.

When you say Endoderm is killing Oasis, are you going to do over $40mill in sales this year?

Santyl isn't only in LTC. We have both an Acute and LTC sales force. The Acute reps need Reptrax, Vendormate etc.

But the LTC reps don't, correct? I've just never heard of a nursing home or ltc using reptrax, vendermate, etc.

The only reason I asked, is because a few posters have called the Santyl side a total pharma job.

If you are a LTC Santyl rep, you call on nursing homes and CDPs. If you are an Hospital and Office rep, you call on hospitals, WCC, Podiatrist, and anyone who uses a lot of Santyl outpatient. I can't say you would never call on a PC, but it is not a major call point. You run your business here. You have a number to hit, and if you hit your number, you make a lot of money. If you can't meet and grow your base, you should not work here. This is a sales job. Unlike some pharma jobs where you can hide behind made up quotas, you know what the territory did last year, and you are expected to grow it. It is very black and white. And as far as the pipeline and future, it is very good. Santyl may be considered "old," but it is growing every year, and it is still a very strong, well used, and profitable product.

Oasis is run the exact same way. Douche bag Brad Adams keeps saying Oasis continues to make money. Its funny how they continue to make money year/year but fail to pick up market share. The smoke and mirrors of price increases is a funny thing.

Oasis is run the exact same way. Douche bag Brad Adams keeps saying Oasis continues to make money. Its funny how they continue to make money year/year but fail to pick up market share. The smoke and mirrors of price increases is a funny thing.

Oasis reps are just incompetent. Couldn't sell ice in a desert.

No. Must not be because they are interviewing in my area. Can anyone say how bonuses are paid? I was told
They are annual bonuses but I've never heard of a bonus not being paid at least quarterly?