Bio Marin

A few more were let go, including a legal liason & medical person from home office and a field person. Guess the blood letting is not yet done. They have beefed up the clinical field people with the addition of 2-3 high value RD's, remains to be seen if that will hurt more than help.

Solid company, good but young pipeline. Nothing new without purchase until MPS IVa which is 2-3 away. Data on Autism is now been pushed back to end of 2011, which is 1.5yrs later than they originally thought, never a good sign and the monitor they are working on for Phe levels has also been pushed back...originally thought to be launched Q1 2011, now mid-2012 at best.

What are the reps doing now and until the new ERT hits? That is the real question... How are you reps holding up? Seems like it is another ENCY/Myogen situation. Great pay and no work to do...

I still like them for a buy and hold. The new ERT will get approval and if they have not been bought by then, they will be... Just don't look for any big moves the next 2 years unless the Autism data surprises everyone.

Does BioMarin have a high turn over? What is their hiring process? Are employees happy there and make ok money? What is the culture of the company like and what is the location like? Housing, things to do, raising kids etc...? Thanks for your responses.

never work for that asshole Steve Aslage!!!!!!! U can see people being let go and he usually helps selling company leaving all in the dust.

Likes to rule like HITLER with fear and imitation.

Don't go here if u are looking for a long term deal

Pay and benefits are good. Dont go to work in sales or marketing department. Not a lot to do except to plead to patients to stay on a real expensive therapy with little benefit. Good companies to go work for are: Vertex, Seattle Genetics and Onxy.

Loser of a company. Steve A (guess its for asshole) is running it into the ground. More left due to lack of pipelins and firings.

Look for thsi company to either be sold or disappear, most likly the second!

Couldn't wait to get out!!!!!!

Isn't there anyone else in there besides this Steve A guy to step in and save it? I hope you get a job in a good company and can get out. I know about Onyx and Gennetch but it's so hard to get a job wth them. It is almost impossible to get anything these days without knowing someone.

I have known Steve a long time. He was a dictator when at Genentech years ago. A true golden domer who thinks he is right about 120% of the time. Give him a little while and he will cross the legal line again and screw over another company.

Re: BioMarin is hiring .....

Can anyone tell me more about this company, this sounds more like field support job - I spoke to Chrissy, some manager, she seemed a little dumb but i guess she is new. I spoke to a woman who works as a kcc (?), she said the salary is average and the bonus is group. It sounds like it is a home health position, she didn't have a lot of good things to say about the people she works with or the director. I guess her boss is passive-aggressive. I didn't know pharmaceutical employees could visit patients at their homes. Anyone have anything positive about this company or position? I am trying to get into a pharmaceutical company and not to many people are hiring.

So the great Steve left the company. Did he get the axe or just walk out the door to another company too run into the ground.

Wonder if is band of ass-kissers (martine A and company) will follow?

Re: BioMarin is hiring .....

I thought you sounded a little dumb to me, too.


Be glad you didnt take the job. This job is a joke, we do all the work and the reps get the big bonus. The lazy KCCs dont mind because they dont work and they have never made a salary over 45.000 so 80,000 is fine. CB is the new manager and yes she is dumb Most companies take you to nice hotels to do training, not CB she did pretraining at her house in OK filled with dead animals and forced the new hires to listen to her stories about weight loss, shopping, her mother, how to search the web and her 46 tablet a day patient. Go to a real company and do sales they make all the money. My reps are making lots of money and i am not

I love how the lawyers get rid of SA when they knew exactly what he was doing to establish the company and their products into certain accounts and markets. Now they are surprised and offended. SA and his team made BMRN successful. The lawyers act like they didnt know what was going on compliance wise while the markets for BioMarin were being built.