Bio Marin

He ran SangStat for a few years, and guess what? There is no SangStat any more!

They were bought by Genzyme, but all of the great things that were supposed to happen were apparently fantasies of Aselage's. The original reps didn't make squat on their stock options.

Well, let's see. When he was hired in May 05' the stock was at about $4 a share... It closed over $38 a share on Friday. Guess that would mean he is doing very well. I heard some of the reps that survived the layoffs in 05' have 10k options at about $4 a share right now...those are worth what? $340k, pretty worthless to me... ;)

Well, let's see. When he was hired in May 05' the stock was at about $4 a share... It closed over $38 a share on Friday. Guess that would mean he is doing very well. I heard some of the reps that survived the layoffs in 05' have 10k options at about $4 a share right now...those are worth what? $340k, pretty worthless to me... ;)

Are these actually the lucky 10 Ascent Pediatric reps that were taken on from the Medicis selloff?

Get off the bitter bus boys. I know that some of you have a real problem being managed by a female, but the fact is if you didn't suck LB was a great manager. From what I hear all is good at BioMarin as well.

Asslage was a pain when at Genentech. He will never change. His way or the highway. Watch out for legal violations as well from the direction of SA. Anything for a sale.

The stock has been trending low lately but I think the bottom has hit and so I am thinking about investing. Any reason why this stock is starting to go up again or was this gain just some over-optimistic fools hoping for a prayer. Any comments?