BI managers

Interviewing for the diabetes contract. There are Ashfield managers and BI managers. Who do we report to? Who do we have ride alongs with? I have been on other contracts with two managers and it's not fun, just curious how this one works.
Had 2 managers on an inVentiv contract a few years back and it sucked. The client company manager was a hyper-critical old school prick with boundary issues that the whole district complained about. Just a weirdo. Works for Quintiles now. I feel bad for the people who have to report to the dude. The other manager was this inVentiv employee based in Louisiana who would call a couple times a month and give beat-downs concerning metrics and how I needed to get my pharmacy calls up. Annoying! That gig ended when us reps rolled into the client company and everything got better overnight. No more terrible managers! Client company did not roll in some of the managers, including my weirdo DM, and the annoying inVentiv woman became a thing of the past as well.
Had 2 managers on an inVentiv contract a few years back and it sucked. The client company manager was a hyper-critical old school prick with boundary issues that the whole district complained about. Just a weirdo. Works for Quintiles now. I feel bad for the people who have to report to the dude. The other manager was this inVentiv employee based in Louisiana who would call a couple times a month and give beat-downs concerning metrics and how I needed to get my pharmacy calls up. Annoying! That gig ended when us reps rolled into the client company and everything got better overnight. No more terrible managers! Client company did not roll in some of the managers, including my weirdo DM, and the annoying inVentiv woman became a thing of the past as well.

First time having this kind of set up and I'm leaning towards not liking it at all. But bills have to be paid and I need the job.
First time having this kind of set up and I'm leaning towards not liking it at all. But bills have to be paid and I need the job.

Hello Assfield Rep. Got it, you need the job. We all do. But you don't like it? Well I can fix that problem real quick. Frankly, there are lots of openings out there - you just need to get off your Assfield ass. Remind me to take it up with you on our next field ride.
Hello Assfield Rep. Got it, you need the job. We all do. But you don't like it? Well I can fix that problem real quick. Frankly, there are lots of openings out there - you just need to get off your Assfield ass. Remind me to take it up with you on our next field ride.

You're insulting and a bully.
A sure sign of insecurity.
The only one who's insecure here is you. Assfield Reppie terrified of the next field ride with me. If that's not insecure then yoy need to get some education.

Touch a nerve, Did I, BI manager?

Calling you insecure seems to disturb you greatly.

Don't fret. I called your therapist. They said they believe they can help you.

See you on the next field ride. The samples in my trunk are a little messy so I need you to organize them for me. I have better things to do like sell product. You stay outside the office and check your email. You would do nothing but piss off my best customers. They think you're a joke, skippy
Touch a nerve, Did I, BI manager?

Calling you insecure seems to disturb you greatly.

Don't fret. I called your therapist. They said they believe they can help you.

See you on the next field ride. The samples in my trunk are a little messy so I need you to organize them for me. I have better things to do like sell product. You stay outside the office and check your email. You would do nothing but piss off my best customers. They think you're a joke, skippy

Touch a nerve? Nah. Far from it. By the way, since you're so proud of your ability to "sell product", tell you what. I have a new policy for you and you only because you're the hardest working Reppie on the team: you need to Facetime me at your first and last call of the day. And while we're at it, you are required to show me your iPad showing the first signed call of the day and last signed call of the day. These calls should en congruent with our FaceTime sessions. We will kick it off on Monday m'kay? Great. Thanks. Enjoy your weekend Reppie...Oh and don't forget to organize those samples in your trunk and keep on top of those daily breakfasts and lunches - just in case you were losing focus on my many requirements.
Touch a nerve? Nah. Far from it. By the way, since you're so proud of your ability to "sell product", tell you what. I have a new policy for you and you only because you're the hardest working Reppie on the team: you need to Facetime me at your first and last call of the day. And while we're at it, you are required to show me your iPad showing the first signed call of the day and last signed call of the day. These calls should en congruent with our FaceTime sessions. We will kick it off on Monday m'kay? Great. Thanks. Enjoy your weekend Reppie...Oh and don't forget to organize those samples in your trunk and keep on top of those daily breakfasts and lunches - just in case you were losing focus on my many requirements.

You can only rest on your check-the-box policies.. because you lack the talent to be an effective coach.
That's why you get on the Ashfield site and make belittling comments to Ashfield reps. It's the only way you can satisfy your need to feel superior to someone.
You can only rest on your check-the-box policies.. because you lack the talent to be an effective coach.
That's why you get on the Ashfield site and make belittling comments to Ashfield reps. It's the only way you can satisfy your need to feel superior to someone.

I don't "need" to feel superior to you because I am superior to you in every single way. So Assfield Reppie, quit whining. It is what it is and I can run the district anyway I see fit to achieve the goals given to me.
so glad I am not on this contract. BI managers are a bunch of immature, low life, but munchers! Better opportunities out there.

Well with that stellar Assfield attitude, we (and I think I can speak on behalf of all the TBMs) are more than happy that your aren't on this contract. Good luck with your miserable loser's life Skippy.
Well with that stellar Assfield attitude, we (and I think I can speak on behalf of all the TBMs) are more than happy that your aren't on this contract. Good luck with your miserable loser's life Skippy.

Now those words are not very becoming from a person of your grand stature.

I mean...a District Manger in Pharma! Wow.

I'll bet you avoid conversations about your occupation at class reunions.