Much worse. They're horrible (in the manner Trump would say). Power-tripping assholes. They all behave like caged hungry wolves waiting for scraps to be thrown at them and they won't think twice about the welfare of their reps if it means they can briefly bask in the temporary glory of their Director's compliments for a "job well done" or "flawless execution". Also, don't believe it when they give that speech about "inclusion" or being "one team". That is the farthest thing on their minds. Everything on this contract isn't what it seems to be. If the district or region motivation speech is about "moving forward", "team", "partners", "starting fresh", or any similar themes, beware. They actually mean the opposite. Those who seem to be the ones advocating for unity, or moving forward as one team/new team, they actually mean only as far as BI is concerned. Ashfield reps do not factor into those pleasant and sentimental themes. BI managers and reps are pissed their counterparts were cut and Ashfield reps "took their place". They know it's not the Ashfield reps' fault, but they have a need to dish out their frustration, anger, and negative feelings on someone and the Ashfield reps, in their twisted minds, fit that requirement nicely.
Certainly understand the frustration of the BI people. I've been there.
For this supposed BI manager to come on this site and talk about how he/she are going to lord themselves over the Ashfield people is a indicator of their level of maturity. Grow up BI manager. You're not "all that and a bag of chips". I've applied for one of these positions, as I was cut from the biggest of all pharma companies after 20 years. My paycheck went down to zero after severance just like your BI people. You'll probably be cut at some point in the future as well...then you will be willing to take a contract pay cut like the rest of us who need to make a living. Don't think you're above it.