BI managers

Much worse. They're horrible (in the manner Trump would say). Power-tripping assholes. They all behave like caged hungry wolves waiting for scraps to be thrown at them and they won't think twice about the welfare of their reps if it means they can briefly bask in the temporary glory of their Director's compliments for a "job well done" or "flawless execution". Also, don't believe it when they give that speech about "inclusion" or being "one team". That is the farthest thing on their minds. Everything on this contract isn't what it seems to be. If the district or region motivation speech is about "moving forward", "team", "partners", "starting fresh", or any similar themes, beware. They actually mean the opposite. Those who seem to be the ones advocating for unity, or moving forward as one team/new team, they actually mean only as far as BI is concerned. Ashfield reps do not factor into those pleasant and sentimental themes. BI managers and reps are pissed their counterparts were cut and Ashfield reps "took their place". They know it's not the Ashfield reps' fault, but they have a need to dish out their frustration, anger, and negative feelings on someone and the Ashfield reps, in their twisted minds, fit that requirement nicely.

Certainly understand the frustration of the BI people. I've been there.

For this supposed BI manager to come on this site and talk about how he/she are going to lord themselves over the Ashfield people is a indicator of their level of maturity. Grow up BI manager. You're not "all that and a bag of chips". I've applied for one of these positions, as I was cut from the biggest of all pharma companies after 20 years. My paycheck went down to zero after severance just like your BI people. You'll probably be cut at some point in the future as well...then you will be willing to take a contract pay cut like the rest of us who need to make a living. Don't think you're above it.
Certainly understand the frustration of the BI people. I've been there.

I understand them too. But what I don't understand is why they have to take it out on their Ashfield counterparts. If they want to dwell on their anger and frustration, that's their business but they shouldn't be taking it out on innocent 3rd parties. They should know better. (At least that's the expectation).
Certainly understand the frustration of the BI people. I've been there.

For this supposed BI manager to come on this site and talk about how he/she are going to lord themselves over the Ashfield people is a indicator of their level of maturity. Grow up BI manager. You're not "all that and a bag of chips". I've applied for one of these positions, as I was cut from the biggest of all pharma companies after 20 years. My paycheck went down to zero after severance just like your BI people. You'll probably be cut at some point in the future as well...then you will be willing to take a contract pay cut like the rest of us who need to make a living. Don't think you're above it.

I won't be cut. Been with BI for over 2 decades, half of that as a manager. I have connections and solid relationships with the people up top. I will comfortably retire someday with BI while you losers keep running on the hamster wheel of CSOs. Good luck with that. Lol
Look in the mirror f@ckface. You're no better than the next rep. Glorified caterer. I love it when I pressure my reps to do customer meals everyday. I love seeing them just slave away, schlepping food in all day. I require all my reps to have the ff customer meal interactions: 2 breakfasts, 3 lunches, 2 coffee and donuts in the afternoon; and this is not counting the speaker programs I make them do: at least 5 per quarter and attendance has to be at least 95% of planned. Either they comply or I fire them. So get off CP and get those meals delivered Bob. You hear me Bob? Get going. Get going Bob.

You say this because you suck as a rep.

Good reps are clinical, they understand the disease state, their product, the competition, etc. Mostly, they challenge their providers to consider products that will help.

You should go back to renting cars.
I won't be cut. Been with BI for over 2 decades, half of that as a manager. I have connections and solid relationships with the people up top. I will comfortably retire someday with BI while you losers keep running on the hamster wheel of CSOs. Good luck with that. Lol

Hmmm. Pride comes before a fall. Be careful
Hmmm. Pride comes before a fall. Be careful

Don't worry, that guy bragging about how BI upper management has his back,probably has been through a divorce or two, probably has children who are losers,and is probably an alcoholic himself.

Yet, he sees his life as a success because he has maintained employment with a corrupt company in one of the most corrupt industries on the planet.

Who really has the last LOL here?
Don't worry, that guy bragging about how BI upper management has his back,probably has been through a divorce or two, probably has children who are losers,and is probably an alcoholic himself.

Yet, he sees his life as a success because he has maintained employment with a corrupt company in one of the most corrupt industries on the planet.

Who really has the last LOL here?

I will have the last LOL. After a year, BI will fire the Ashfield respiratory force because, frankly, by this time next year, BI will have no further need for Ashfield's respiratory reps. And you will be out looking for a new job- if you're lucky. But if you're going to be under my district, I will make sure you are fired by your Ashfield OM.
I will have the last LOL. After a year, BI will fire the Ashfield respiratory force because, frankly, by this time next year, BI will have no further need for Ashfield's respiratory reps. And you will be out looking for a new job- if you're lucky. But if you're going to be under my district, I will make sure you are fired by your Ashfield OM.

You are truly an insecure A hole
You are truly an insecure A hole

Hey Assfield rep, make sure your car's trunk is neat and organized. I'll be looking for those nice clinical reprints alphabetized in your little literature box. Also, make sure you ditch the carton boxes of your samples. I'll be expecting your samples to be neatly packed in those transparent plastic boxes because it looks so unprofessional to see carton boxes littering one's car trunk. Oh, don't forget the daily breakfasts and lunches. In-service drives market share.
Hey Assfield rep, make sure your car's trunk is neat and organized. I'll be looking for those nice clinical reprints alphabetized in your little literature box. Also, make sure you ditch the carton boxes of your samples. I'll be expecting your samples to be neatly packed in those transparent plastic boxes because it looks so unprofessional to see carton boxes littering one's car trunk. Oh, don't forget the daily breakfasts and lunches. In-service drives market share.

Checking to see things are in order in my trunk will give you something to do. It will help you justify your roll in the selling process. Good job. Couldn't make it without you. LOL
Checking to see things are in order in my trunk will give you something to do. It will help you justify your roll in the selling process. Good job. Couldn't make it without you. LOL

Hey Assfield, there's a sale at Walmart right now for toilet paper. Thought you'd be interested because the stink coming from you is just too much.
Hey Assfield, there's a sale at Walmart right now for toilet paper. Thought you'd be interested because the stink coming from you is just too much.

Okay. I'll put the toilet paper on my expense report.
Approving the report will give you something else to do. Thanks for your dynamic contribution to the sales effort. Once again, couldn't make it without you.
Okay. I'll put the toilet paper on my expense report.
Approving the report will give you something else to do. Thanks for your dynamic contribution to the sales effort. Once again, couldn't make it without you.

Hey Assfield Asswipe, have you forgotten? I don't approve your expense report - your Assfield manager does. But yeah, go ahead and put it in because: it will give you something to do (other than slinging deli, and clocking out at 1:30).
Hey Assfield Asswipe, have you forgotten? I don't approve your expense report - your Assfield manager does. But yeah, go ahead and put it in because: it will give you something to do (other than slinging deli, and clocking out at 1:30).

I have deli delivered so I can get quality time with a health care provider.
The best thing I can do is keep your ass out of the office.
Let's approve expense reports, you make sure samples are organized in my car trunk and you conduct token conference calls to check a box and justify your job. Wow...You must be very proud of your contribution to the sales effort. Good job. Your value to the company is amazing.
Once again, couldn't get along without you.
This moronic diatribe is the reason why reps are no longer welcome in offices anymore. Bunch of idiots pretending to be "Professional". Poor BI rep. Ass whipped and insecure.
This moronic diatribe is the reason why reps are no longer welcome in offices anymore. Bunch of idiots pretending to be "Professional". Poor BI rep. Ass whipped and insecure.

Pardon me, but if you had read the entire thread, you would see the BI manager was the one continually insulting the Ashfield rep. Many times referring to them as ASSfield and promising to make their life miserable. The BI manager is the one who needs to check themselves.
Pardon me, but if you had read the entire thread, you would see the BI manager was the one continually insulting the Ashfield rep. Many times referring to them as ASSfield and promising to make their life miserable. The BI manager is the one who needs to check themselves.

The BI manager wouldn't be so insulting if you didn't give him/her a reason to. Typical pharma rep...