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Best rumors out there

35% reduction in Sales reps amongst MSK-Psych-PC Psych; these three sleeves will be grouped together and those surviving the split will promote Stratt-Cial-Axir. Areas with no access will be considered "white space" and rep reduction will be applied accordingly - 10 Areas will have significant "white space" resulting in no rep coverage. Directors & DSM's will have to re-apply for positions - three months to do so until July 1. Kicker incentive to stay until June 30 will be offered to those reallocated and will not have jobs. Magnitude of this lay-off is unprecedented in Lilly history. Good luck to all

Why would they make management reapply but not reps? I don't believe this is true. Original poster - If this is true, provide more details like criteria for rep slots, severance.

I was with my manager yesterday and he told me that the initial cuts are just phase 1. After that the pool of reps without positions will get a chance to apply for open positions- this is where they are able to keep which reps have been consistently adding value to the customer. The first phase the managers have no say, the second phase is manager and director input. This will be a good way to get rid of the dead weight. He acknowledged that some dead weight unfortunately will get through the first phase but that it will be easier to terminate employees moving forward. And that all of the employees that are deemed valuable by our area will eventually get jobs if they want to stay at Lilly. Our pipeline 2-3 years out is one of the strongest- if not the strongest in the industry. Those that make it should have a very lucrative career much like the employees that were around during the Prozac days.

I'm actually not as worried now after talking with him. If they value you they will find you a spot. In my 3 years here I've demonstrated increasing levels of leadership in our area. Plus my sales with Cymbalta have been upward the entire time. And I've absolutely dominated with Axiron.

Wow! Your manager wants to keep you motivated until the bitter end, doesn't he? "Our pipeline 2-3 years out is one of the strongest"???

Sorry to tell you, but in the last cuts where we lost Zyprexa, there were cuts from people who were top 10% in Diabetes and Neuroscience. Which no offense, trumps you dominating Axiron. The bottom line is that performance is NOT subjective and can lead to lawsuits. Lilly's last two cuts were based on 1) Years of Service 2) Location in relation to your territory 3) Compliance violations 4) ePM's... Notice a trend- most objective to subjective.

Go ask your manager, though, if he fed you the previous BS, he will likely say not to listen to rumors like my manager has.

Wow! Your manager wants to keep you motivated until the bitter end, doesn't he? "Our pipeline 2-3 years out is one of the strongest"???

Sorry to tell you, but in the last cuts where we lost Zyprexa, there were cuts from people who were top 10% in Diabetes and Neuroscience. Which no offense, trumps you dominating Axiron. The bottom line is that performance is NOT subjective and can lead to lawsuits. Lilly's last two cuts were based on 1) Years of Service 2) Location in relation to your territory 3) Compliance violations 4) ePM's... Notice a trend- most objective to subjective.

Go ask your manager, though, if he fed you the previous BS, he will likely say not to listen to rumors like my manager has.

I was around for the last round of cuts- and trust me no one that was top ranked and considered the best of the best got cut. If they didn't have a position for you initially they found one for you. I'm in midwest Neurscience- but I doubt it was any different in any other area.

I was around for the last round of cuts- and trust me no one that was top ranked and considered the best of the best got cut. If they didn't have a position for you initially they found one for you. I'm in midwest Neurscience- but I doubt it was any different in any other area.

West coast Neuro here, I can't think of one person that was reallocated the last time and wasn't placed into a new role if ey wanted one. I don't think performance really mattered as to whether you got a new position or not because so few people were displaced in my area and i dont know anyone that had to leave Lilly. This time around appears to be very different. I think EVERYONE (top, low performers and everyone in between) is at risk. It will likely vary greatly throughout the country. There could be areas where people with 10+ years lose their position and someone with less than 5 survives. A lot depends on where you live, the business for our products and access in your locale and how many other reps are near you. Combine that with whatever Lilly thinks right sized and leaner looks like and that's that.

You guys/gals don't get it!! Directors "reallocated" and placed down into manager roles and managers "reallocated" into rep territories means less severance the company has to pay out because technically they are not reallocated! They will have been placed into roles. If they choose not to take the new assignment the company is off the hook paying a hefty severance. Pfizer did the same with Wyeth when they bought them out a couple of years ago. If you're watching the bottom line as close as we are these days because we have to and were making these tough decisions based on fiscal survival, you'd do the same.

Less open territories for "reallocated" reps to take unless these directors and managers have solid jobs lined up outside the company. So don't think they won't take the job just to keep the pay and/or get the points needed for retirement till something else lines up for them before or after June 30th. Wake up people! This is gonna be a blood bath. Sincere best wishes to all, myself included...

I was around for the last round of cuts- and trust me no one that was top ranked and considered the best of the best got cut. If they didn't have a position for you initially they found one for you. I'm in midwest Neurscience- but I doubt it was any different in any other area.

Yes, they may have found one for you, but one of my friends who was in the top 10% had to be reallocated to somewhere else in the US. Besides, we WERE in a MUCH, MUCH better situation in late 2009 than we are now and Neuroscience reps back then were the golden children of Lilly.

Be sure to have your company resume updated so you can apply for all the new jobs posted on Monday in China.

btw....anyone want to bet whether our outsourced IT in India can cause technical difficulties with this call? Dare you to call the helpdesk while flushing

Yeah for you! And if you are an idiot and stay with lilly, you will never get paid what you are worth. All other companies pay a base in the 100s. And the majority of the companies pay a 40k uncapped bonus, with potential to make at least 25K a quarter. that's the norm, folks. lucrative career at lilly? You are so clueless. Been doing this for 20 years and Lilly pays half what other companies pay. Unfortunately, I took this job because I had to move where my husbands job took us. It was the only thing available. I plan on leaving wherher I make the cut or not. I want to make more money and I don't like the way they have treated people on the contract side with things ending. I think there are a lot of sharp reps here, but they are working for managers that know nothing and being trained the wrong way and brainwashed to be robots.
Most reps are paid way too much. Most should be paid half of what they are making now.

Yes, they may have found one for you, but one of my friends who was in the top 10% had to be reallocated to somewhere else in the US. Besides, we WERE in a MUCH, MUCH better situation in late 2009 than we are now and Neuroscience reps back then were the golden children of Lilly.

NS still is the golden child and was given preference for positions over MSK and cardio.

Sadly, these layoffs come as a direct consequence of R&D's inability to deliver anything of value in the last decade. The SP era was a bust Too early to tell but I doubt his replacement (JL) will be much different. The senior management clearly knows that the pipeline is a sham. If you had a good pipeline you would want hold on to your sales force. The fact that they are planning to downsize it tells you that they know there will be nothing to sell in the next few years. The idiocy of projects like tabalumab for arthritis and solanezumab for Alzheimers will soon become apparent and will cause hundreds if not thousands of good people to lose their jobs. Meanwhile idiots like TB in BioTDR continue to spout about the great biotech pipeline.

Totally agree. Clowns like TB claiming they can "deliver the autoimmune pipeline"...Tabalumab, what a joke. GSK has been out with it for 3 years and barely sell any. Same thing for these other idiotic antibodies like solanezumab. I once heard one of TB's idiot managers (JO) claim at a town hall that "our biotech pipeline is the envy of the industry"!! I could barely keep a straight face...Companies like Amgen don't even know about our so-called pipeline or more likely are laughing themselves silly.

I was with my manager yesterday and he told me that the initial cuts are just phase 1. After that the pool of reps without positions will get a chance to apply for open positions- this is where they are able to keep which reps have been consistently adding value to the customer. The first phase the managers have no say, the second phase is manager and director input. This will be a good way to get rid of the dead weight. He acknowledged that some dead weight unfortunately will get through the first phase but that it will be easier to terminate employees moving forward. And that all of the employees that are deemed valuable by our area will eventually get jobs if they want to stay at Lilly. Our pipeline 2-3 years out is one of the strongest- if not the strongest in the industry. Those that make it should have a very lucrative career much like the employees that were around during the Prozac days.

I'm actually not as worried now after talking with him. If they value you they will find you a spot. In my 3 years here I've demonstrated increasing levels of leadership in our area. Plus my sales with Cymbalta have been upward the entire time. And I've absolutely dominated with Axiron.

What do you expect your manager to say ? He is hoping you'll tell everyone this crock . The truth is he doesn't know any better than you. He is a pea on just like you difference is he acts like he knows. It's all BS se he made you believe it , time to mature.

What do you expect your manager to say ? He is hoping you'll tell everyone this crock . The truth is he doesn't know any better than you. He is a pea on just like you difference is he acts like he knows. It's all BS se he made you believe it , time to mature.

He is a "pea on"? One has to wonder how you got hired, with the spelling and punctuation skills you have demonstrated!